
My starlight

It was dark all over the place , nothing could be seen or heard but her unsteady breath ,

She was sitting in the corner of the room , a habit that she had since her childhood when she needed time to think ,

The buzzing coming from the phone disturbed her peaceful moment , which made her sighed .

" why would he call at this moment ? " she mumbled looking at the name of her colleague on the screen and threw the phone away thinking about taking a hot shower in order to wash away the stress ,

The vibrating sound didn't stop , apparently the caller was insisting on his opinion which made her chuckle with frustration

She tried to calm her breath while picking up her phone " Hello ! "

" where have you been ? I called you over 5 times "

" well , I was enjoying my week-end like every human being " she answered with a sarcastic tone patting her back ' well done Hana , good job '

" how could you relax knowing how much work you left us with to finish " her colleague yelled on the other side

" are you serious right now ? " she yelled back " it's your duty to finish my work " grabbing her hair brush she sighed knowing that the conversation would lead to the same point

" you know what ? I'll come early tomorrow to see what can I do "

" Thank you , I knew I can always count on you ! " he hang up without hearing her respond

" as expected " she mumbled throwing her phone and opening her laptop to watch some entertaining videos to fix her drained mood .


The sun still didn't shine up , it was 5am as she checked her phone's clock , she dressed up and drank her bitter coffee before going to work as always ,

She fixed her sit , busying her self with tones of work her colleague left her she didn't notice that people started to come , she checked her phone to notice an unread text by her superior which as always was about inviting her for a lunch , but this time , she didn't reject ,

" That's weird " he looked at her with eyes full of amusement " why would you accept my offer this time ? " he questioned looking at his untouched pasta plate

" you didn't expect to pay for two today , didn't you ? " she playfully nudged him and gasped " oh my god , you didn't bring your wallet ! "

" as usual ! you will never change with your silly acting " he chuckled shaking his head

" which makes me more special ! " she clapped like 5 year old kid

He shacked his head again and frowned turning the attention from his food to her eyes " but seriously why did you accept my invite ? "

She pouted looking at him with a puppy watered eyes ,

" come on , spill it ! " he nervously put the plat away waiting for her answer ,

" okay , you understand that yesterday was Sunday ? " she began and he nodded agreeing

" they called me from the office and I had to come early today to finish some papers , I only slept for about 3 hours Jin ! " she was frusturated , maybe jin would understand her , maybe he'll take pity on her , she have only 1 day free in the whole week , one day to meet her friends and her family and go out shopping , or stay at home and watch stupid movies alone while eating ice cream but they had to bother her with work ,

" I know that's not the point of you agreeing to eat lunch with me , I know there is more reasons behind this , and I understand your statement but you didn't have to come early and finish the work of other people Hana ! you could have told me and I could have deal with the person who lacks interest .. "

He was cut off by her sitting on his right " since you already know me , I'll get to the point Jinie ! I need a vacation " she said clinging in his arms like a koala

He chuckled and pretended to try shake her off from him " because ? " he asked thinking about how much fun it would to ,

" to think , to breath , I can't work anymore Jiiiin " she pleaded whining with a baby's voice which made him close his ears with his hands with a face full of annoyed expression ,

" Okay , you'll have few days off , come to my office after work " he sighed knowing how much embarrassment she will make after hearing his respond ,

Hana jumped hugging her boss by his neck and almost chocking him , she couldn't stop but grinning to the news " you are the best boss eveeeeer ! "

" oh god stop , I can't breath " he blushed while seeing how people are looking at them oddly .

5pm , everyone already left but her , she was organizing her desk and humming happily to her favorite song ,

" Hana , did you finish ? " her bestfriend and colleague hugged her from behind while nuzzling her neck

" yep . and I have to see the boss so you should wait more 15 minutes " she answered calmly , she was never a fan of physical contact but she can always tolerate her Chanmi to do whatever she wants because of her cuteness !

" Oh no ! plus hours ? "

" no , I asked him about days off and he said to come after work " she said putting the last file on his place with chanmi still clinging on her

" oh god ! " she screamed while stepping away " how could you do that ? you know that I can not survive without you her "

" stop the drama " Hana rolled her eyes and smiled , her best friend can always makes her heart flutter with her unlimited caring " wait for me , I'll pay for the drinks ! " waving on the way to the office of Jin and making little heart returns to Chanmi's ones !

" knock knock ! "

" Come in " a tired voice came from the other side , she frowned at the tone he used but shrug it off deciding to smile instead with joy

" I'm the best lawyer in this city or should I say country ? how can you talk to me with this tone Mister Kim Seokjin " she said sitting on his desk

He looked up at her with face drained from energy " you have the gut to play at this moments ! "

His face was pale with exhausted eyes and his messy fluffy hair , she knows how much he needed to rest too , but no matter how she couldn't convince him to do it , so she decided to smile

" will you miss me Jinie ? "

" You have 10 days off , you can enjoy it and take benefits from those times " he said standing up and facing her " I'll miss you Hana " he mumbled weakly

She cooed and hugged him , she could always take advantages from his board shoulders and warm chest which was open for her , his arms never left her tiny body whenever she needed consolation , love and care , without much asking for reasons ,

" I'll come back before you could " she said and could sense his smile on her neck .

" finally , i'll sleep with no alarm on " she exclaimed joyfully drinking the second glass

"I think you should stop ! remember when you drank last time , it didn't end well .. oh god ! it never ended well " Her best friend took the bottle away from her sight

" Why ? " whining and squealing , she tried to reach and sneak the bottle away " i'm paying for this ! and I have the right to enjoy every bit of it "

She stopped breathing looking at the screen of the phone and seeing the caller " Mom ! "

" Answer it " Chanmi said like it was the most obvious thing to do

" How do I look ? " she asked fixing her hair then slapping her forehead " Oh god ! how do I sound ? tipsy ? drunk ? No ! No .. she can't know I'm drinking "

Chanmi rolled her eyes at the dramatic girl in front of her " you're freaking adult woman , you own a house , a car and you pay your debts and taxes ! why would she mind if you get drunk or sleep with random strangers ? "

Screaming with horror she slapped her friend's arm " oh my god , chanmi how can you talk about in public ? are you going nuts ? "

" you are driving me crazy , just answer the freaking phone " chanmi yelled throwing the phone on her face

" Hello ! " she answered trying to sound as calm as possible while biting her lips

" My baby , I miss you " her mom said in the other side , she was blabbering about normal and random stuff , she never lacked energy which was something common between her and her daughter

" I miss you too mommy " Hana said while crying , her friend rolled her eyes and took her face to wipe her tears while smiling at her emotional bestie knowing it was just alcohol's effect !

" I can not wait to see you this week-end , don't cry sweet heart , I'll talk to your dad about .. "

" oh no you don't have to ! I have few days off , so I'll come tomorrow to home " she answered while getting butterflies at the word ' home ' it's been forever since she last visit it , her parents always were the one to come to her tiny house and stay for two days which was not enough for her or for them , but her work never helped the situation and she was grateful that they understood it

" Oh ! I can not wait to see you sweet heart , but you should come to your grandpa's , we are staying there for this period while he gets better ! I should hang up right now , Love you ! "

She mumbled love you too while pouring another soju in her glass and drinking it on one shot

" what the hell Hana " chanmi yelled with worried eyes

" you can drive home ! "

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