Evolution +kth

Blue paint carves into my hot skin, the thin lines resembling my veins. I stared as dusk falls and  the warm peaches of sunset blends into the baby blue pigmentation poured over the sky.  The lovely shades of colour had coalesced to form a beautiful painting, a very beautiful one indeed, but it was soulless and cold to my heart. 

See, I have made a masterpiece with my shades. You? 

Even the sunset seemed to mock me. 

The breeze gently caressed my face, lovingly, like a mother caring for her child. My breath hitched a little, embracing it's efforts to comfort me, although it was futile and emptiness still filled me to the brim. 

The air is fresh and laced with a scent of petrichor. I breathed in deeply, and exhaled, and then breathed in again. At that moment, I only concentrated on breathing and the recalling of the fact that I exist. 

I forget to breathe sometimes. It's as though I have forgotten my own existence, where my limbs and organs decide to follow the rest of the world and lose its memory of me, Kim Taehyung. There are times where my lungs seem to close up as if it is tired of serving someone like me. Perhaps I should be gone. Or should I stay? Such thoughts run through my mind several times a day, maybe I'm just overthinking. 

But for now, just to cling on the most comforting thing I know of-- that I exist, just to know that I exist, and be sure of it.

A familiar voice woke me up from my thoughts. I felt my breath hitch once again at the interruption of my peace. 


I hummed in response, smiling a little. I wasn't sure if that was a genuine smile, but the fact that my lips curled involuntarily suggests that it was real. 

"Jieun. What are you doing here?" She seems to always appear during times when I was plagued by angst and it was hard to fight back the emotion. It has always been hard to pretend, extremely hard, and eventually I gave up and stopped doing so in front of her.  

She didn't reply, but gazed at me intensely, as if she was looking right through me. I shifted uncomfortably. 

The last glow of dusk shone on her face, and she looked beautiful, beautiful like art. But art wasn't only meant to just be alluring, you need to appreciate it. And I wasn't sure if I appreciated her presence enough, or if i even did at all. 

Her gaze softened a little, her large eyes filled with meaning and understanding. She looked over me and said,

"Come with me." 

Night was approaching and when we reached the top of the roof, we were suddenly enveloped in darkness. The faint light of the stars could be seen.

Oh look, we are a masterpiece, too. What are you?  

I hate to admit it, but it was a view that could only be defined as supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. In just a day, the sky was a canvas that was painted on countless times, the end result stealing the attention and breaths of those below. We sat beside each other on the dusty rooftop, a little bitterness crawling onto me.

"It's beautiful." she breathed.

"It is. And I don't know, I-" I felt the sudden urge to pour, to pour out my soul, but held myself back forcefully. 

"I'm listening."

Silence hung for awhile, until I finally started speaking, "I was just wondering who the painter was. Wondering why was the sky painted so beautifully yet I am just splashed in empty colours of sadness and nothingness."

She listened as I spoke, my lips were quivering. She listened silently, holding a warm aura around her that comforted me more than what i found most comforting at first. Suddenly, I felt thankful for her presence. 

I spoke till I couldn't speak anymore, till all I was left with only a hoarse whisper, till my lungs were dry and I was gasping for air. I buried my face in my arms and let out a small cry. 

She was quiet for some time, but then she eventually said,

"But, I see you in colourful shades of beauty. I see you painted with a lovely tint of golden and speckles of shining sliver. I see you as a beautiful painting. I want  you to know that. "

Her words tugged at my heartstrings, and I felt thankful once again. I held my blue heart tightly in my hands, it is of a pale shade, slowly fading away. And the broken constellations that spilled out of my eyes and flowed down my cheeks was blending in, with my skin that is slowly turning translucent and see through. But then a few drops lands on my lips,

and I am awoken with the taste of the salt of my soul. 

 To the sunset, the stars, and the rest of the world: 

I am a masterpiece. 



YES, kim taehyung is slowly starting to trust in jieun! :') 

side note i would appreciate it greatly if y'all give me feedbacks on my writings bcos i really don't know how it looks like in your pov hehehe:DD

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