Jaelously grows strong in this one

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Taeyong hold grudges on Jaehyun...

Jaehyun doesn't know why...

Until Taeyong is cornered with his own jealousy.


Taeyong likes Jaehyun...

Jaehyun is just naive... Taeyong always drops tiny hints.

Like those times he's always Jaehyuns hair. Its been a habit ever since they met. 

Or those times he buys jaehyun things or he does stuff for him but Jaehyun just doesn't get it. He acts like he does when he holds onto Taeyong and does things for him like when Jaehyun did the laundry for him when he was to tired.

Maybe Taeyong just keeps noticing the small meaningless things...



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nourawad #1
I can't wait to read this , I bet it will be beautiful as much as the other stories.