Chapter 22 - Eighth Day of School

little monstars; apply closed!

eighth day of school


  Sarang shot up at the sound of someone breaking something as she scrambled out of bed just grabbing the baseball bat under bed probably the only thing that she had to protect her and Hanuel as she ran out into the living room to finding everything okay as she walked down the hall to Haneul's room just walking as Haneul had kicked off one of the barriers on his bed as he climbed down. 

"Out the way! I got to pee!" Haneul ran past Sarang to the bathroom. 

Sarang had been working with Haneul when school started to start using the toliet as diapers and pull ups were one expensive and at school Kihyun had told her that Haneul wanted to be like his hyungs and go to the big kid potty. "Do you need help?" Sarang asked as she moved the baseball bat behind her. 

"No, the hyungs showed me how to oh.. i am too short." Haneul heard Sarang laugh 

Sarang tossed the bat on the ground as she picked up the step stool that Haneul used to help her cook as she walked into the bathroom just setting it down infront of him. "I bet you still need to be changed from last night though." Sarang said as she went to the bathroom cabinet just getting the items out to change Haneul. She changed him just picking him and carrying him out to the living room just setting him down on the couch as her phone was ringing. "Think about what you want for breakfast." Sarang said as she walked into her room just grabbing her phone as she had about fifteen texts from Jooyui and the other girls. Sarang sighed as she opened up her messages as she walked back into the kitchen as she widen her eyes. "Haneul we can't have breakfast today. Go pick something out to wear." Sarang hurried back into her room as the little boy climbled down from the couch. 

"What happened?!" Haneul asked 

"I said to get dressed!" Sarang snapped She pulled on a sweater some leggings. She quickly put her hair into a high ponytail just smacking her glasses on her face as she grabbed her bag from the chair in her room as she slid across the hallway just hurrying into Haneul's room as he pulling a pair of pants. "At least you dressed warmly. Alrightm jacket, hat, okay. Shoes by the front door. Come on." Sarang said as she hurried him out just handing him a juice box and little container of cut up strawberries from yesterday as Sarang slipped on her boots just putting a pair of shoes on Haneul as he put his jacket and backpack on. Sarang flipped off the lights as she exited the apartment as Sooyoung was coming out the elevator of her building. "We are ready." Sarang said 

"Hurry up then." Sooyoung said "I can't believe what her sister did. Aish. Hyungwon is in the car with Seungjun. Chaeyeon said she would pick up Yerinie then drop her off then take Seungjun and Haneul to school." Sooyoung said as she ruffled Haneul's hair. 

"I know. Then Jooyui has to deal with her parents. Her mom is scary! She came into the cafe once and totally chewed out Jooyui about some personal stuff infront of customers." Sarang nodded 

"Jooyui said her parents are touring Minhyuk's school so she is going to open up the shop. I told her you would be by soon. I can only drop you and Hyungwonnie off. I still have to work. We have a big vendor coming today." Sooyoung nodded as they walked to her car. 

"Did Hyungwon spend the night at your house?" Sarang asked as Hyungwon was bent over the middle console just giving Seungjun something. 

"Yes, why? I spent the night at his house with Seungjun. He comes over all the time. My house is closer than his to the hospital. He sometimes needs nap." Sooyoung shrugged as motioned for Sarang to get in a she walked to driver's side of her car. 

Sarang only nodded as she got in as she sat Haneul in the extra car seat that Sooyoung had in her car as she buckled him in then herself as Sooyoung had already driven off just heading to the hospital. When they reached it Sooyoung pulled in next to Chaeyeon who was waiting for them. Sarang got out as she helped the girls get Haneul and Seungjun into Chaeyeon's car as she leaned over the seat just looking at Haneul. "Be good. Okay, and say thank to Chaeyeon-noona for the ride!" Sarang said 

"Okay." Haneul said as he was still confused. He looked at the older two. "What happened?" He asked

"Don't know. Momma said Kyunnie got hurt." Yeojin said

"Kihyunnie?!" Haneul glared at her 

"No, Changkyun." Seungjun looked at him. "Haru's auntie did something. Jinnie's mom was talking to Eunkyung on the phone." He nodded 

"Oh." Haneul sighed. "Oh no, who is going to make lunch! All the other hyungs !" Haneul crossed his arms. 

"Are you kiddies ready for school?" Chaeyeon asked "Seungjunnie open Haneul's strawberries for him." Chaeyeon backed out as Sarang and Hyungwon were walking inside the hospital and Sooyoung had already left. 

"Okay." Seungjun said as he opened the little container 

"We can share." Haneul said as he handed one to Seungjun and Yeojin. 

Chaeyeon pulled into the parking lot of the daycare as she got out just seeing Jooheon coming out to help her as she looked at the front of the daycare decorated in different widow stickers of christmas characters. "It looks really cute. Where is Hoseok?" She asked 

"He is inside rangling Minho and Lil'Minhyuk. Hyunwoo has Minjae, Haru, and Hana. They will be here in a couple hours. Kihyun is making breakfast." Jooheon said as he helped her get three out of her backseat. "Hi guys!" He smiled to them. 

"Is Changkyun gonna die?" Yeojin asked "He is in the hospital." She said 

"Yah! Lim Yeojin!" Chaeyeon snapped as she glared at her daughter. "I told you he wasn't." Chaeyeon said as she watched Yeojin climb out of the car just jumpping down to her feet. Chaeyeon sighed as she looked at Jooheon. "I told Hyungwon and Sarang to keep you guys updated. I have to hurry to work." Chaeyeon said as the other nodded. Chaeyeon got into her car as she shut her doors just waving to Yeojin as she drove just heading to work. 


Sarang walked to the room where Changkyun was in with Hyungwon. She pushed Hyungwon forward as she didn't want to walk in and he be not decent or not want a girl in the room with him. Sarang went after she heard Hyungwon call her that it was okay to come inside. Sarang waved to Changkyun as she sighed. "What happened? Did this happen while you were watching the girls?" Sarang asked as she looked around. "Eunkyung-unnie isn't here?" She asked 

"No, I made her go to work." Changkyun answered "I am fine. But since my sitches are on a important of my head and they didn't shave my hair away the doctor wants to make sure that they don't become infected or any other syptoms come." He said 

"How did this happen?" Hyungwon asked as he crossed his arms. 

"Kyungmi hit me with a soju bottle when I wouldn't let her drunk friends come inside the apartment. Haru and Hana were having a really good time watching movies and I didn't want her friends to ruin their night. I would have had to put the girls to bed then make sure Kyungmi didn't cause any trouble for Eunkyung all night." Changkyun said "I know what you are going to say. It isn't my problem - but I really like Eunkyung-noona. It wasn't even that serious. Eunkyung-noona overreacted." Changkyun looked at them

"Yah, that is serious! What will happen to Kyungmi?" Sarang smacked Changkyun's shoulder. "I thought something really bad happened." She added as she crossed her arms. 

"Nothing. I didn't press charges. Though I think Eunkyung is starting to think about kicking Kyungmi out." Changkyun said 

Yerin busted into the room as she glared at Changkyun. "Yah, you!" She shut the door as she walked over to Sarang's other side. "You had us really worried you know that. Eunkyung almost cried when I talked to her a little bit ago. She was so upset." She nodded 

"I am sorry." Changkyun answered. 

"Thankfully I talked her out of pressing the charges herself. I gave her some good progarms that I know from my school friends to put Kyungmi in. Eunkyung said she'll come visit you on her lunch break. Did the girls see you get hurt?" Yerin asked 

"No, they didn't. We fought after they went to sleep and Kyungmi came back alone." Changkyun said as he looked at them. "It is not a big deal. It didn't even hurt, cutting myself at school hurts more. You know knife accidents happen all the time." Changkyun nodded 

"Yeah by his chart it doesn't seem that serious. They are doing the normal for concusion protcal. They just don't want to send him home too early. The hospital doesn't want to get sued if something worse happens when he was brought in and could have been easiy monitored." Hyungwon bluntly stated, looking at the two girls. 

"Are you suppose to read that?" Yerin asked 

"You didn't see me read it?" Hyungwon asked as the three shook their heads. "All I did was simply hang it back up." Hyungwon headed to the door. "Anyway, I should head to work myself.  I'll come and check on you later when I have a break." Hyungwon left the three alone. 

Sarang crossed her arms as she sat down in a chair. "Yerin if you need to go to school then I sit with Changkyun. Jooyui told me not to come to work today that she is going to do everything." Sarang said 

"Is she avoiding her mom?" Changkyun asked as Sarang nodded. "Ah, I see. Yeah, go to school." Changkyun kicked at Yerin. 

"Okay but I am not far from here so call me if you two need anything." Yerin said as she grabbed her bag just walking out. 

Changkyun turned to Sarang. "Have you talked to Kihyun-hyung about your date?" He asked 

Sarang blinked at him. "H-how do you know about that?" Sarang asked 

"You texted everyone. The group chat?" Changkyun nodded as he grabbed his phone just showing her. 

"Oh my god. I am doomed." Sarang covered her face with her hands. "He hasn't even texted me or the group chat." Sarang shook her head 

"It is okay. He's probably busy with the daycare. I mean I am here so he is the only one that can cook somewhat good food for children. Hyunwoo would just throw snacks at them and say to not to complain, Hoseok would make workout good, Hyungwon well he'd probably make something boring, Minhyuk is okay but it would just be baby food, Jooheon only knows how to make ramyun, so yeah." Changkyun laughed 

Sarang nodded as she looked at him. "Yeah but everyone knows. I am so embarrassed." She sighed 

"Everyone was bound to find out sooner or later.  Nothing stays secret around my hyungs." Changkyun said as he leaned back on his pillows. "It will be okay Sarang." Changkyun said as he nodded.


Minhyuk blinked at the older woman and man infront of him as he sipped on his water. He had just finished showing his mother and father in law around his school and now they were eatting at a resturant for lunch as he had just told them both Jooyui couldn't come since she was working at the shop all day today. He passed out their chopsticks and other items as the food was placed infront of them. "Please go ahead." Minhyuk said as he waited for both of them to eat as he started then himself. 

"Is her business close to here?" Jooyui's father, Joohyuk looked at Minhyuk. 

"Yes, it is. About a five minute walk but right now if rush hour for the shop. Many highschools around here let their students come to the shop for lunch and places around there and the college kids really like her place." Minhyuk answered 

Jooyui's mother, Sooae only clicked her tounge as she shook her head. "At least she is doing well." She responded as she looked at Minhyuk. "When does Minjae start his lessons?" She asked 

"Next week is his evaluation at the insittution. Then they will make a plan for him and he'll start formal lessons the week after. It is very involved. He is still goes physical therapy every Sunday." Minhyuk nodded "Plus he can feed himself small things and his holding his bottle by himself pretty well now. Don't worry, he is doing well." Minhyuk said 

"That is good. I still wish he would go to a better school." Joohyuk said "No offense." He quickly added. 

Minhyuk only nodded. "It is okay. He is just fine where he is." Minhyuk said as he ate his food. 

"Have you ever thought of moving to the states? Jooyui can open a new store and Minjae will have better resources for himself. We can get you a position at the universtiy we work for." Sooae said as she looked at Minhyuk. "We would also get to see Minjae more often and help out. Learnigng English isn't hard. Jooyui can help you. She can speak it." Sooae said 

"Ah, leave Korea?" Minhyuk looked at them. "Jooyui never speaks English around us so I didn't know that. We have never really talked about that, but I am sure we both want Minjae to be raised here." Minhyuk said with a nod. 

"Just think about it." Sooae said as she patted Minhyuk's arm. 

"Yes." Minhyuk responded as he sighed. He knew that they would be saying this if he had a different job or they had more money. He finished his food as they had already paid when they had come in. "We can walk to Jooyui's shop to have some cake or drinks." Minhyuk said as they walked out of the building. Minhyuk walked down the street as he could see highschool kids coming of Sweet Haven just sipping pastel colored drinks and stuffing peices of sweets in their mouths with a few sitting at the tables they had out front. 

"Hey hyung/oppa!" Many of the kids waved to Minhyuk. 

"Hi guys! Is everything good?" Minhyuk asked 

"Of course! Unni/Noona is the best." Many of them nodded as Minhyuk opened up the door for his inlaws. He smiled as he could see Jooyui laughing and joking around with a group of highschoolers just taking their orders from her as they paid. 

"What would you like?" Minhyuk asked 

"Coffee and tea would be nice." Sooae said as they found a table to sit at. 

"Jagi, tea and coffee for your parents. I want the strawberry vanilla swirl milkshake." Minhyuk said as he handed a few dollar bills. 

"Okay. How did things go?" Jooyui asked 

"I think they want us to move to the states." Minhyuk said 

"Oh. Well that isn't happening. It is okay just do not worry about anything. We'll talk to them later." Jooyui said as she started on their order She watched Minhyuk nod as he walked over to the table where Jooyui's parents had sat down at. She made drinks fairly quickly as she knew how her parents took things snice she had been making them drinks and food all her life. She walked to their table just putting down her parents drinks then Minhyuk's. 


Eunkyung walked into the hospital as she was carrying some take out boxes that had come chinese food in it that she had just picked up from the resturant as she did say that she would come by during her lunch break today. She walked down the hall just entering Changkyun's room as she waved to Sarang. "You can go if you want?" She asked as the girl was watching some tv show on her phone. 

"Ah, okay. I'll be back later." Sarang said as she got up just grabbing her bag as she walked out. 

Changkyun opened one eye as he was trying to get some sleep from having to stay so much the other night and much into the morning. "Hi. You weren't late for work, were you?" He asked Eunkyung as she shook her head no. 

"I brought some dumplings and sweet and sour chicken." Eunkyung said as she placed each take out container on the tray that she pushed closer to Changkyun as she pulled up a chair next to him. "I thought we could share?" She asked as he watched him nod. 

"Of course, noona. You can eat first." He said as he was handed a pair of chopsticks. He broke his chopsticks apart as he watched Eunkyung eat a peice of chicken just motioning for him to start eatting. "Has your day been okay so far?" He asked as he looked at her. 

"Yeah, it has been fine. Just busy like always." Eunkyung said as she bit down in a dumpling. "Sarang has been keeping you company?" She asked 

"Yeah. She's helped me get stuff and what not. I might have to stay longer. My head hurt a little ago and the nurses checked my wound and found some little peices of glass they missed. They want to re open my stitches and check my wound." Changkyun said

Eunkyung nodded as he spoke. "Well they are just making sure they didn't miss anything. The peices could have been matted in your hair and it looks like you cleaned your hair." She said 

"Yeah, Sarang helpped me wipe down my hair again. The nurses said to do it every morning and night to keep everything clean so the risk of infection goes down." Changkyun stuffed a dumpling in his mouth. "Enough about this. Have you decided what you are going to do?" He asked 

"Not yet. I do not even want to think about it. Kyungmi, she's just I am the only person who will take care of her." Eunkyung said 

"But she only causes you trouble, granted I didn't handle the situation that well." Changkyun said 

"I know. I will decide something soon." Eunkyung sighed as she ate the other half of her dumpling. "Oh is it okay for you to miss school?" She asked 

"Yeah, I called my school and they said just to have a doctor or nurse send over proof that I was hospitalized. I already did that. Everything is okay." Changkyun said as he looked at her. "I am sorry that I can't watch the girls tonight." Changkyun said "I had a really good interactive dinner for them. They like helping cook." Changkyun sighed 

"Changkyun, you're really sweet you know that?" Eunkyung smiled at him. as he shook his head. "Really, Changkyun. I am really happy that I picked the daycare and meet you. Thank you." Eunkyung pecked his cheek as she chuckled at his wide eyes as he blinked as she shook her head as she ate another peice of chicken. 



author's : notes

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Chapter 37: Ehh... I don't like Kyungho.
I hope everything stay good for Jooyui and Minhyuk.
Also, I hope Changkyung can get better soon.
And I died with the kids rioting and raiding the fridge xD hahahahahahahaha
Chapter 36: Why am I having to play catch up. Lol anyways, Changkyun and Eunkyung making progress cute even though not on good circumstances xD also glad for Mi and Hyunwoo to settle out their misunderstanding. Sarang and Kihyun are kinda cute, but loving Hyungwon and Sooyoung the most tho xD but imaging Minhyuk, Jooyui, and Minjae going to America would be beneficial but curious how things will turn out for them in the end. Just loving everyone's dynamics and such.
Chapter 35: i love how you developed the relationship between hyungwon, sooyoung, and seungjun! it really warms my heart to see seungjun care about his mother so much, but hyungwon is also supporting her too!

"i'll make sure his doesn't work anymore"
like omg!! that was so sassy!
also i'm excited to read about the date ~~~~~ hehehe
Chapter 35: Hyungwon and Sooyoung are so freaking cute! Ugh
And Jooyui is always Sarang's number one supporter on the KiRang mission hahahahahaha
I hope things go well with Joo's parents.
Chapter 34: A Christmas air is slowly enveloping everyone x3
It's good to see that Mi and Hyunwoo worked things out.
That Jooyui and Minhyuk can get her parents safely, and that Sooyoung and Hyungwoon (and Seungjun) can enjoy their time together xD
i have to apologize because i was gone for a long time and i didn't really expect it because my mental health was not okay,,, and so i took a very long break,,,
but i'm back and i am so sorry i didn't let you know beforehand! i will catch up and comment again, sorry again!!
Chapter 32: So know it's Mi and Hyunwoo to have trouble in paradise xD
But it's nice to see Kihyun and Sarang doing well. And Sooyoung and Hyungwon too. :)
And Eunji teasing Chaeyeon is always welcomed xD hahahahahaha I would do the same xD
And I think this was also the first "clash" between the moms. But from what I understand, Jooyui is right.
Chapter 31: I swear I'll catch up with the other story! Am on mobile so this one was updated first and I couldn't resist! Hyungwon is a better father than that Jaehyuk and Seungjun is adorable with Hyunwoo's advice. Lol Also indirect sleepover with Wonho, Chaeyeon, and Yeojin. Cute! Everyone's story pace is really nice and seeing them form differently is also lovely. Can't wait for the next one!
Chapter 30: Omg sorry for late reply!!
But the boys are so much dad like.
Hyunwoo that's chill dad just come other when needed. XD
Minhyuk is so loving while still being himself. Haha
And Changkyun always seem like he has one thing going on after th other and there's no rest. XD
And omg Jooheon and Yerin are so adorable!! Minho is cute I like him. XD
Can't wait for this last weekend and back to school!!!
Chapter 30: Hyunwoo is so dad-like already :')
And Minhyuk can be lazy with dinner if he needs too xD hahaha He's really nico for revising Changkyun's work tho. (And I feel sorry for Changkyun because he needs to deal with Kyungmi :') but he's getting good at it, even better than Eunkyung i think xD hahahaha )
But YeHeon thooooo!! hajkshkjahdkajhd SO CUTE OMG I totally agree with Minho in this matter xD