

Huff huff huff…


A young man in about twenty ran in the rain. His cyan checkered shirt was drenched in water, indicating that he was in the rain for such a long time. He ran as fast as he could to find a place that he desperately searched in past hour.


He had an image of a foreigner with his pointed nose and sharp jaw. His style of hair however was not as attractive as his face; he had a black curly hair. And a pair of glasses had put on him to complete his appearance.


Just then, he saw a café, much to his relief. He rushed towards it and pushed the door harshly, ignored the disapproved looks from both customers and staffs. He rubbed his hands and blew his hot breathes on them, hoping that he could warm his body.


“Excuse me sir. May I help you?”


He turned to his right to see a tanned waiter smiling at him warmly. He looked at the surrounding, feeling the calmness emitting from the customers who enjoyed with their cups of drinks, either alone or with friends. He turned back at the waiter and sighed.


“Cappucino one.”


“Sure sir. Please have a sit.” The waiter smiled again before he left to the backdoor, maybe to the kitchen.


He walked to his left, his eyes wandered around searching for a sit. Much to his delight, he saw a nice spot near the heater. He dashed to the table and plopped down.


Just after he adjusted himself for a more comfortable sit, the tanned waiter came back with his cappucino and a white towel. He took the cup while lifting his right eyebrow, his eyes were on the towel. The waiter chuckled.


“This is for you. I’m sure you feel uncomfortable under those wet clothes.”


He looked down onto himself and realized that he might catch a cold by the drenched clothes. He grabbed the towel and muttered a “Thank you”.


He dried himself with it when he saw the waiter still stood beside him. He stopped his hands and asked the waiter. “Is there something wrong with me?”


The waiter shook his head. “No. Just want to accompany you. May I?”


The young man thought for a while and why not? He nodded. The waiter beamed and took a place in front of him.


Just as he finished drying himself, the waiter asked him. “What is your planning today?”


He startled for the sudden break of silence. “Why do you ask that?”


The tanned man shrugged. “Just curious since you wear quite neat for a casual morning walk.”


He kept still, his mind was wandering off. The waiter sighed. “If you are not comfortable with my question, just put…"


"An audition.”




“It is an audition. There is an audition that I plan to attend today.” He explained.


Oh. “Where the audition is held?” The waiter asked again.


“At COEX Mall.”


“Oh I see…” The waiter mumbled.


“Why?” The young man asked.


“It’s nothing. By the way, you need to hurry up or you will miss your chance.” The waiter glanced at the enormous wall clock.


The man followed the gaze and his eyes widened. It was 11 o’clock and he was late. Very late. “.” He hissed.


He turned to the waiter and bowed. “Thanks for the reminder and the… towel. How much is it?” He pointed the coffee with his mouth while his hands were on his wallet, putting out money. The waiter put his hand on him and shook.


“It’s free. My treat.” He smiled.


“Really? Thank you for the treat. I’m sorry but I need to go,” he bowed and turned back before being stopped by the waiter... again.


“I wish you luck for your audition...”




“Oh. I wish you luck for your audition, Jaehwan-ssi.” He put his infamous warm smile. Jaehwan bowed again and left without forgetting his “Thank you”.


Jaehwan barely managed to arrive at the audition on time. He was accepted to be a trainee of Jellyfish Entertainment, thanked to his husky voice and the wide-range high note. A Jellyfish staff, maybe his soon-to-be manager - if he could debut - showed him the way to the apartment that apparently for the other trainees too. He went to a particular door and stood beside it.


“Here is the dorm. You just need to follow the schedules assigned for you. For the rest, you may discuss with the other trainees. Any question?” Jaehwan shook his head.




“Good. If you need anything, you can call me.” He bowed slightly before he left.


Jaehwan froze in front of the dorm. He did not know what he should do right now. Should he knock the door? Or should he just stand there, withstand the coldness from his damp clothes until someone opens it for him? He thought deeply before deciding that he prefer the second…




The doorknob was twisted before the door opened, revealed a handsome man. A very handsome one that managed to make his jaw dropped because ‘WOW! He’s so gorgeous!’ The said man laughed looking at him.


“Yeah I know that I’m handsome but please stop looking at me like that. You’re scaring me.”


Jaehwan closed his mouth while red colour painted his face slowly. He bowed immediately.


“I’m sorry for staring at you.” He stood straight and scratched his head sheepishly. The man smiled, his deep dimples appeared along it.


“It’s okay since I always get that reaction,” he brushed it off. “By the way, who are you?”


“I’m Lee Jaehwan. I’m a new trainee,” he introduced himself.


“Oh I see. Come in and continue our chat inside.” The man helped him by picking up his bag and stepped inside. He followed him.


“This is the living room.” The man pointed to the empty space. “Basically there is nothing here because sometimes we sleep here together.”


“At the right side, there is kitchen and laundry room, and these are the only two rooms we have.”


Jaehwan only nodded while looking everywhere, searching for something or… someone to be exact.


“What is your name and where are the other trainees?” He asked the man. The man laughed.


“How rude I am not telling you my name. I’m Hongbin. Lee Hongbin,” he extended his hand. Jaehwan shook his hand. “And there are five more trainees, one is sleeping, one is working and others are practicing.”


Jaehwan felt strange because of the word ‘working’. Somehow it rang the bells in his mind. He wanted to voice out that when suddenly the door opened.


“I’m back!” A familiar voice echoed.


“Ah, Hakyeon hyung! There is a new trainee here,” Hongbin exclaimed while rushing to the door and greeting the man. Jaehwan froze upon looking the familiar face with a warm smile. The tanned waiter whom was from the café before.


“Hi Jaehwan-ssi. It’s great to know that you managed to pass your audition.”




Finally I manage to finish this story...

Actually I don't know how exactly Hakyeon and Jaehwan met before. This is just my imagination though o_o”

Fun facts:

  • Hongbin and Jaehwan had met before. Jaehwan had performed with his school mates at Hongbin's school. (But I don't remember when it was... > _<)
  • Although Hakyeon calls Taekwoon 'a life-long friend', but he and Hongbin had known each other longer than he and Taekwoon since they lived (past tense you all) in the same neighborhood.
  • Wonshik and Hongbin had auditioned together coincidentally and passed together.

That's all from me. Thank you, my beloved readers. N-nyeong~~~


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