Things you said that I wish you hadn't

Things you said...

Author notes: In this fic, Nayeon is a doctor. You may now go on with your lives.


Nayeon didn’t want to believe her ears. Too often has that voice haunted her dreams. Regrets of being able to save everyone but the one dearest to her. Regrets of something that cannot be undone still evident on the empty hospital bed beside her.

“Nayeon, look at me.”

That sounded far too real to be a voice in her head anymore and when she looked up she felt hot streams down her face. What a cruel joke for her ears and eyes to be playing tricks on her like this, for before her stood a blonde haired girl gazing intently at her.

“You’re still here waiting, all this time.” the girl said with a soft smile.

“Momo..” was all Nayeon could mutter before she leapt at the girl and lost control of the tears she had been holding back.

“I am so sorry. I’m sorry. Forgive me.” she muttered over and over while holding the girl near. Her tears soaking through the other’s chest where she had buried her face.

“No. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I left you Nayeon. I’m sorry for leaving without saying goodbye.”

Nayeon's eyes widened at the last word. She didn’t want to hear it.

“At least this time, let me do it right.”

She felt soft and warm lips touch hers. Tinged with every moment, every memory they had together. Bittersweet. That was the only word for it.

And then little by little the kiss grew colder until all that was in front of her was the frigid wind.

“Nayeon, I love you. Goodbye.” she heard it say.

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Wivern #1
Chapter 3: Needs a continuation.
barron_8 #2
Chapter 4: Whyyy...
barron_8 #3
Chapter 3: haha I thought it will make my heart sank too but I guess it'll not. cute!
barron_8 #4
Chapter 2: I really wish she hadn't said it too... :'(
barron_8 #5
Chapter 1: Yep cute :3
Wish it were longer :(
chy486 #7
Chapter 4: I really need these stories longer Dx Although these drabbles are really good I feel like im being left to hang. I need a whole back story to whats going on. My heart hurts for Namo :(