Chapter 6 : Pt 1 - Half Lies

Save me before I fall | BTS

  ☾ ★  ☾

Jimin's POV

The screen was strong and blended my eyes when I turned the computer on. I was sitting in one of the studios during a late night, like usual I was still in the company working late. The others already went home and Taehyung wrote to me a while ago to get him some more strawberry milk once again when I'm on my way home. This guy never get sick of using my money for his flavored milk, really.. 

I the song I had been working on with some help from Yoongi, I thought my solo song turned out to become really great and I laid back on the chair I was sitting on. Closing my eyes and listening to it carefully, yawning. 

" You could have died last time you were here alone, do you ever learn. " I heard Jin's voice behind me and I jumped up by surprise.

He was standing at the door, wearing a hoodie and a mask that he had pulled down to his chin. The lights were still on at the hall and he were holding his car keys on his hand, dangling on his fingertips and I understood that he came here to drive me home.

" It's fine I mean you said her shift ends at 10 right? She can come whenever. " I told him and he sighed.

" Ya, you sound like a total creep. Don't go after the information I have told you. I think Soon Ae left earlier, she wasn't at the office room. " Jin said and waved his hand for me to come with him. I looked at him surprised. 

" What!? Are you serious?? Oh my- what a waste of sleep time.. " I sighed out loud and he shook his head. " But wait, what are you doing here? " I asked him confused, he never comes here this late. 

Jin starred at me and just told me to hurry up so I could get home and sleep instead. I looked at him suspiciously and walked towards him after I went up from my seat. 

" She ordered you to come here? " I asked him and looked behind to see if she was maybe around the corner. Since she would have to pass this hall to get to the elevator.

" That means, that she is in her office. " I said for myself but loud enough for Jin to hear and he looked at me before he laughed.

" Why do you like her that much? Just recently you didn't even knew she existed. " He said and laughed. 

" I don't really know.... She takes good care of me? " I said questioned while trying to figure out the reason, I just nodded to my answer because of my unreasonable attraction.

" Alright, I'll tell her I couldn't come and pick her up then. " Jin surprisingly said and I shook my head drastically. " I know that she called you, tell her you couldn't pick me up- also, stop pretending. " Pointing out that it was me he came for.

Jin chuckled when he realized that he had been caught. I turned off the computer and grabbed my jacket. 

" I was actually gonna pick her up after I took you home. " He added when I passed him. " Hey. " Jin called for me and I turned around impatiently when I was on my way to Sonas office. 

" What now... " I sighed out. 

He threw me my bag that I had forgotten in the studio which I caught. " Night walk. " Jin winked before he left and closed the door to the studio. 

I smiled by the helping information I got from him and turned around to slowly open the door the the office room. I peeked in and the light was still on. I slowly stepped in and looked myself in the mirror that hung on the side, fixed my hair a little and looked at my shirt if it was stuffed in my pants. I was looking good, not that I was never good looking.

I kept checking around to see if anyone else was in here but apparently not, where she had her table was just around the corner and I could hear the music playing there. I came closer and realized it was 2! 3! she was playing, my part came right after but I didn't only heard my voice singing. It was also her voice. It was a soft tone, a very gentle one and beautiful. It was stable and really angelic. I was astounded by her voice, little did I know that agression-full and small girl had a pure singing voice. Namjoon must have had given her the audio since a USB was plugged in on her laptop and she sat to sing after the song, she sang loud and clear enough for me to hear.

Then she stopped singing all of a sudden when she saw me standing right at the corner, watching her with a small grin. " You didn't mentioned that you could sing when I asked you what your hobbies was. " 

Sona turned her face away and seemed to get flustered that I was listening to her singing. I smiled by the cuteness and grabbed a chair to sit beside her. She looked at me crotchety and I looked at her screen where I saw a document with pictures and clothes recommended for Namjoon but on the side, the results of my concept photos. 

" It's not my hobby either. " She replied to me, wearing a loose bun and glasses. Sona looked pretty good up this close.

" It should be. I like your voice. " I told her and smiled happily. 

" Why are you still here? You should be at home and rest. " She asked me, shook off the compliment. Probably wanting me to leave it and started to save and turn off the documents, leaving my pictures on her screen.

" Shouldn't you be at home as well? " I tilted my head to get a glimpse of her face that I observed.

" ... I can't. I'm waiting for Jin. " She replied to me and checked on her phone that laid on the table between us to see if she had received any messages, just then she got a message from him where he apologizes for not being able to drive me home. She fast snapped the phone from the table, out of my vision and I pretended to not have read the message in time. Although I already knew about it, this was only confirming that she wanted Jin to drive me home.

" Why can't you take the car? " I asked her and she opened her phone to show me a post on the fan club where someone had posted her car numbers, even the picture of the car. " Ah... As said, I will take care of it. " 

She didn't said anything in reply. Sonas focus was on her phone where she searched up the number to a taxi. I had to say something to make her walk with me, I just didn't know what. " Umm.. " 

" What? " She turned her head and looked at me, she was tired and already annoyed by my presence. I was kind of hurt by the look in her eyes but what could I do about it.

" Walk home instead- I mean, I can walk you home. It's pretty dark outside so.. I'm on my way home anyways. " I asked her a little shyly and scratched the back of my head while looking down a few times while I spoke.

" Don't you mean you want me to walk you home? " She raised an eyebrow and frowned at me, shook her head out of pity and I felt offended.

" What! I'm not scared if that is what you think! " I said and she chuckled in disbelief.

" Then walk home alone. I'm taking the taxi. " She said coldly and hit call. 

I didn't have time to say anything to her before she awaited them to pick up. I thought this plan to have a night walk with her was ruined until I heard from the other side of the phone that she didn't have enough money to make a call. This was my lucky day. 

" Let's go then. " I smiled at her and she sighed out. " ...Fine. "

" Thank you. " 

" For what? " She asked me confused and grabbed her bag, tried to put on her jacket but couldn't grab the other side of the jacket to pull her hand in. 

I stood up and helped her from behind. " For calling Jin. " I said to her and smiled. 

Sona looked back at me with her thick eyelashes and surprised look that gentled, changed to a tough frown. " I called him to pick me up. That's all. " She said.

" I never said anything about picking anyone up~ " I smiled even wider and Sona realized her mistake. She shook off my hand that was still resting on her shoulder after I helped her and started to walk out of the office room. 

I followed right behind her with a quiet giggle, trying to not laugh at her stubbornness and dishonesty. Why do she always have to pretend to act cool. Sona was like Suga, pretending to not care but actually does.

" How did you get the hands on the songs? " I asked her curiously as I walked by her side on the hall. 

" Namjoon gave it to me, he thought I would get more ideas if I heard one of the test albums. Aren't you finished with yours? The trailer is almost finished and I haven't heard yours yet. " Sona turned off the light on our way down the hall towards the exit. When she reached for the off button, her long sleeve revealed even more scars from her wrists. I looked at them which she wasn't aware of. 

" Do you want to hear it? I composed it myself but I got some help from Yoongi. " I asked her and pulled out my headphone from my bag and a pair of earphones. 

She nodded. I gave her the left one which she plugged in her ear and pulled down her cap, lifted her mask to cover her face. When I realized that we were about to exit the building I did the same, there could be army everywhere. The length difference wasn't that wide of an gap but sharing the earphones with her made her walk a lot more closer to me. That was something I didn't think about, I proceeded to put on my solo song as I felt my whole body shiver when her shoulder nudged my arm and my lips formed a smile. Thank you Jin hyung.

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I'm working on the first chapter for Your red colors, stay tuned y


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