Song: Cry- MBLAQ

iPod Shuffle Challenge: B1A4
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"Uljima..." Jinyoung whispered.

"But why?" Jennifer said. "Why're you leaving me?" The two were standing in the rain, the rain hiding both of their tears.

"Stay with me. Don't go to Dubai," she cried hugging Jinyoung close.

"Baby, you know theres nothing left for me in Korea. No work, no family, just you. I need work, if I'm to keep you. How am I supposed to support us when we get married?"

Another tear slipped from his eye. "When I leave, I hope I don't loose you too. I don't want to loose 2 things-"



See? Its so short! 

Random names just pop in my names so each girl has a different name. No idea where I got Dubai from O__O

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great job! :D
Lol, Baro has a point. -w-
I love Chapter 6 and Chapter 8. > < My biases are so sweet. <3
Lmao, Deullie is so cute. xD
Poor Baro. D; Who in their right mind would dare cheat on him? o;
Chapter 6 and Chapter 8 ASDFGHJKLMNOP *o*<br />
I'd try it but I can't think that fast XD
Bakpoplover #4
you now 1D there not that popular but their video diaries r so funny haha im a 1d fan GO ZYAN!!!!^-^
lol u did a great job ^^
huhu~like this~!<3
do another one!!!
poor Baro.
Spazzing at CNU in chapter 8~