Kiss Me Goodnight!

Those Puppy Dog Eyes |Vkook|
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“The difference between genius and stupidity is; genius has its limits.”– Albert Einstein





Taehyung flops onto the wooden floor of the dance studio and sighs. It's been so long since Taehyung has gotten a break, now he can't just go hang out with Yoongi whenever he wants or just do some random things. He also hasn't seen Jungkook for a full five minutes. That last time Taehyung saw him was when he rushed into their room to grab something and Jungkook and A-Yeong were making out roughly on Jungkook's bed.  


“Hey, get up! That floor is really dirty, you know!” A loud voice echoes through the almost empty studio and Taehyung lazily lifts up his head.


His tired eyes search the room then lands on Jungkook crawling over to him on all fours. Taehyung’s heart skips a beat when he sees Jungkook grin adorably, like a cute little bunny.  His light brownish hair all skewed to the side and his puppy dog eyes scrunching up into crescents. And his white shirt showing off his milky white collarbones. Jungkook looks very handsome today, Taehyung decides.

“You’re on the floor too,” Taehyung reminds Jungkook. Jungkook just shakes his head and sits up next to him. But not too close which makes Taehyung think he is purposely putting space between them.

“So what’re you doing here? You should be at our dorm taking a nap, you look like you had a long day,” Jungkook asks Taehyung with a concerned and kind voice.

Hoseok used to talk to Taehyung with that voice all the time. Taehyung sighs, lying back down against the hard ground.

“My dance teacher said that I can’t do our choreography right. He said to get some more practice then maybe he’ll actually pay me some attention.” Taehyung tells Jungkook. Jungkook can detect some sadness and bitterness coming from his deep voice.

“I could help you! I mean...only if you want me to,” Jungkook tries to lower his voice that almost squealed that out.

He has a problem with his voice when he gets excited. It goes up very high and become very shaky. Very embarrassing. Not that he is excited about helping Taehyung with his dancing. Or that Jungkook sees this as an opportunity to get to know Taehyung. No, of course not. Jungkook is just nervous about being turned down.

But Taehyung quickly sits up, so fast that he hits his forehead with Jungkook’s. Jungkook lets outs a groan of pain, clutching his head while Taehyung’s brown eyes twinkle with happiness and relief.

“Really? I’d love that! You would be helping me out so much! God, you really made my day, ugh. But I can’t dance anymore today, I’m too tired. After my classes, I came here to dance. What time is it? I think I’ve been dancing forever! Well, I’ve been trying to’re a good dancer aren’t you? ” Taehyung asks Jungkook while stretching across the ground like a lazy cat sunbathing in the sun.

“Umm, I guess so? I definitely could use some more practice but I can help you,”

Taehyung grins widely at this and yawns, flashing his pink tongue and gleaming white teeth. And is that a tongue piercing? Jungkook shivers at that.  His flat tan stomach also shows when Taehyung raises his arms making Jungkook gulp and look away. “What time is it, Kookie? I’m really really tired,”

“Well you have been overworking, it’s expected. I think it’s around ten or eleven.” Jungkook stands up and offers his hand to Taehyung. He tries to beat down that feeling that he always gets when Taehyung calls him Kookie.

Taehyung rubs his eyes, yawning again and whines. “Jungkookie, will you carry me? I’m too tired~”


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Luciferka #1
Chapter 14: Amazing...totally loved it. Great story full of emotions.
189 streak #2
Chapter 5: Stopped after chapter 4. Forcing myself to wait for further chapter's....keep up the good work !
Zcinsta #3
Probs can’t binge read but will def continue to read your works
Chapter 14: amaazzingg. this fic was an emotional rollercoaster. thank you for writing this author-nim. <3
Danamaloney #5
Chapter 14: yessssss endingssss. THANK YOU <3
123 streak #6
Chapter 14: So sweet and cute!! I like this!!! <3
msririsenpaiii #7
daniaza #8
Chapter 14: stop being a

yes thank you for summarizing the last two chapters
daniaza #9
Chapter 1: that death motif better not be foreshadowing oR I WILL FIGHT
Danamaloney #10
Chapter 13: 오랜만이야 ... I missed so much ㅠㅠ I took a 4 month hiatus from everything kpop, including this. An amazing chapter, in sorry I've been gone and unable to give you feedback. I hope you continue writing. Fighting!!