Boyfriend or Girlfriend?

Those Puppy Dog Eyes |Vkook|
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Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.

– Henry Ford




Jungkook closed the door and looked back at the boy who is digging around in his suitcase. What's going on? I was gone for two seconds and the boy is already ! Why the hell is he ?! “U-um I’m-”


“Jeon Jungkook! I know! I saw that we were roommates on the paper thingy. Are you a freshman too? I can't tell but I can tell that you work out. Lots of muscle. Do you have a boyfriend? Or a girlfriend? Also, me and my brother, Yoongi, are going to be having a party. Do you want to come? You can invite someone if you want,” Taehyung babbles on to Jungkook kindly who is just opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water. Taehyung finally finds his favorite white t-shirt that was too big for him and always slipped off one of his shoulders but he always insisted on sleeping in it. “Oh yeah! My name is Kim Taehyung!I think we are going to be great friends!”





“U-umm...would you please put on some pants and a proper shirt?” Jungkook asks uneasily, trying to keep a serious face. Taehyung had placed him down on the floor and wanted to know everything about him. So far, he found out that Taehyung enjoys to rambling, likes to have fun, parties, animals, his brother, and little kids(but not in a creepy way, more in a way that you know Taehyung will be a great parent).


“Huh? But why? I thought you said you’re not into boys? And you have a girlfriend too.” Taehyung asks innocently, turning his head to the side.  


“I’m not ing gay! You don’t have to be gay to be uncomfortable when someone has their shirt off! And I do have a girlfriend! A hot one!” Jungkook sputters out, shaking his head and his hands in front of his face.


Taehyung moves closer to him and watches his face closely.  “First of all, you don't have to be gay to like boys. Second, it shouldn’t bother you then, right? Since we’re both guys. My friends don’t care when I’m dressed like this.”


Jungkook gives Taehyung a pained look and stands up. His runs his hands through his hair, making it stand up. Taehyung watches him from the floor and sees his phone start to vibrate on his bed. “Oooh! I bet Suga-hyung wants to facetime!’ Taehyung squeals and jumps on the bed.


Taehyung accepts the call and holds the phone up to his face. “Hiii, Yoongi! I missed you so much! When will you come visit me? Did you miss me? When can I come visit you?”


Jungkook watches cautiously from his side of the room and listens to Taehyung ramble on to some guy named Yoongi. Who is this guy? A boyfriend of his? Jungkook scrunches up his nose at the sound of that and almost gags. Jungkook shakes his head and goes over to sit on the bed with Taehyung.


Yoongi glances up at the boy who showed up on Taehyung’s phone and Yoongi takes a wild guess that it was probably Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook glares into the phone, staring straight at Yoongi, his eyebrows knit up and his lips turned up in a scowl. “Ah, Taehyung, is that Jungkook? He doesn’t happy to see me.”


Taehyung looks to his side to see Jungkook look at him and grins at him and nods at Yoongi. Unlike Jungkook, he didn’t notice how close they were just then, their lips a few inches away from each other. “Aye! This is the Jeon Jungkook! Isn’t he cute! Hahaha, Jungkook this is my brother, Min Yoongi! Also Yoongi, he says he isn’t gay but he’s still coming to the party.”


Jungkook turns his glare at Taehyung and looks back at Yoongi. “Yeah, I’m not gay. I’m only into girls. And I never said I said I was going to the party.” Brothers? They look nothing alike! They don’t even have the same last name!


Yoongi sighs and puts his hands into his pockets,  unconsciously checking to see if his confetti was still there. Looks like Taehyung found himself another admirer. “Anyways, tomorrow is when the freshmen will have their first day of Bangtan University, so don’t be late. And no messing around. Taehyung, please pay attention to your teachers and no more making scenes.” Yoongi says, warning them both.


Taehyung just nods his head seriously while Jungkook rolls his eyes. Jungkook does take this to heart, though. Before deciding on this university he practiced dancing and singing, going to the gym, and learning English. Jungkook had his heart set on becoming an idol ever since he was little and wasn’t planning on letting that dream go. Taehyung too, tries his hardest at all these things, practicing with Yoongi. Yoongi only liked rapping, to be honest, but he could sing if he tried and didn’t like to move a lot.


“Ye, Yoongi! I can’t wait, I’m so excited! Oh, did I tell you that Hoseok is coming here too? Isn’t he so sweet, he’s coming by later to pick me up!” Taehyung breathes, looking extremely happy and pleased.


“Oh, so your boyfriend is going here. Well, I guess that this place is good for him, the teachers are going to admire his dance moves. I’m tired since I didn’t get to take that nap so I’ll talk to you later. Don’t stay up too late with Hoseok.” Yoongi sweet face disappears from Taehyung’s phone and Taehyung jumps up from his bed down to his suitcase.


“Ah, I thought you were going to bed? And you have a boyfriend? You didn’t tell me.” Jungkook grunts at Taehyung and goes back to his own bed. Taehyung looks up at him.


“We did just meet, I was probably going to tell you sooner or later. And I was going to bed but I forgot that Hoseok was picking me up later. Which shirt do you think looks better?” Taehyung holds up two shirts up to his now bare chest but Jungkook is still shocked about hearing about his real boyfriend.


“I-I don’t care. You’ll probably look good in both, either way.”


Taehyung sharply looks at Jungkook, clearly surprised. But Jungkook is already laying in his bed, all curled up and snoring. Taehyung watches this for a second, taking this time to study Jungkook’s features quietly. Then he remembers his date with Hoseok and chooses a black hoodie with ripped shorts, and a pair of Timberlands. Taehyung then shoves his phone in his pocket, pausing to take a photo of Jungkook, and grabs his wallet. He checks his pocket for his eyeliner that he always keeps and sprints to the bathroom to put it on.

The bathroom is enormous. Like Taehyung is pretty sure it's bigger than he's old bedroom. Blue and white tiled floor, marble walls, and little wooden cubbies that he guessed was for towels and supplies. As Taehyung carefully applies his kohl eyeliner he realizes with a shudder that he will see all his classmates here. He would see them all in towels, actually, some of them probably won’t wear one and Taehyung frowns. After he stares at the mirror for two minutes, deciding that he looked fine enough, and takes a move to run but then controls himself and calmly swaggers out.


“Now where did Hoseok want to meet? I have no idea how to get out of this place.”







“Hoseok, and then do you want to know what he said after that?” Taehyung yells as loud as he could, trying to be heard over the loud music. The alcohol too could be affecting it too.


“Hmm, let me guess...he said that he was too busy with Jimin. Taehyung, you know that Yoongi alw

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Luciferka #1
Chapter 14: Amazing...totally loved it. Great story full of emotions.
194 streak #2
Chapter 5: Stopped after chapter 4. Forcing myself to wait for further chapter's....keep up the good work !
Zcinsta #3
Probs can’t binge read but will def continue to read your works
Chapter 14: amaazzingg. this fic was an emotional rollercoaster. thank you for writing this author-nim. <3
Danamaloney #5
Chapter 14: yessssss endingssss. THANK YOU <3
123 streak #6
Chapter 14: So sweet and cute!! I like this!!! <3
msririsenpaiii #7
daniaza #8
Chapter 14: stop being a

yes thank you for summarizing the last two chapters
daniaza #9
Chapter 1: that death motif better not be foreshadowing oR I WILL FIGHT
Danamaloney #10
Chapter 13: 오랜만이야 ... I missed so much ㅠㅠ I took a 4 month hiatus from everything kpop, including this. An amazing chapter, in sorry I've been gone and unable to give you feedback. I hope you continue writing. Fighting!!