Α Ἰ Ώ Ν • layout shop , infinite based  [ slots full ]
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— Eight editable sections Contempt is a light, full of pink, minimalist RP layout. Clean and simple, isn't that a trend now? Do not modify or remove credit and default links in any way. Do not use layouts as base code. Leave comments if you'd like to use any. Have fun. = ) Download code: link line one
line two
max = four lines
keep it short about Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit... Sed sed felis lacinia, pretium leo ac, sodales orci. STATUS: open BOYS: open GIRLS: open rules 1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
2. Quisque sit amet odio fringilla, feugiat lectus laoreet, lobortis metus.
3. Aliquam hendrerit augue sit amet sapien malesuada, et porta odio egestas.
4. Morbi pharetra felis id sapien ullamcorper sollicitudin.
5. Nulla sollicitudin justo iaculis placerat mattis.
6. Curabitur placerat mi ut turpis convallis, sit amet efficitur ex molestie.
7. Nam aliquet erat sed porta commodo.
8. Proin at elit eget lacus blandit luctus.
9. Suspendisse placerat enim et ipsum condimentum commodo.
10. Nunc maximus metus vitae tempor vulputate.
11. Duis in est mattis, imperdiet sapien ut, ultrices sapien.
12. Proin fermentum felis sed arcu gravida, sed fringilla eros commodo.

!! box height goes on with the content. shift+enter to add new line !! how to join 1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
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Chapter 7: using lastromeo, thank you!
it's a nice layout. <3
Chapter 7: using this one its kewl thanks bro
Chapter 7: Been a fan of your stuff since the beginning and I'm using this one, thank you very much.
Chapter 4: using this one thank you
Chapter 4: using contempt
Hello! :)
1. Slot you'd like to book — 2ND HALF OF DECEMBER
2. Type — Advertisement shop
3. Colour scheme -Golden Yellow, Gray, Black, White
4. *Preferable width and/or height - idk how to say this but i'd like the whole space in the foreword be used :) idk if it's about 600 in width
5. Number of columns and/or rows - i'd prefer atleast two columns and about 4-5 rows
6. Layout theme — minimalist, classy, aesthetic
7. *Any graphic you'd like me to include (you may choose amongst the list)
- https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C-AVQ-2VoAAE1IC.jpg
8. **Rough sketch of layout you have in mind — https://designshack.net/wp-content/uploads/1colad.jpg
9. ***Name of your page/rp/shop/etc - UNFATHOMABLE ADVERTISEMENT SHOPPE
9. *Other details you think I should know - I want it to look like a magazine column or something like that :) keep it classy and minimal

if I did some mistakes, please PM me huhu i don't wanna waste this opportunity
Hello! I wanna get the 2nd half of December spot. I want to request a layout.
hello :) I was just strolling through layouts on aff when i happen to see someone, i believe, using your layouts without credits - http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1301159/rphhh-layout
Chapter 9: im using tipp. thank you xoxo
stfbase #10
Chapter 5: using wrapper! thank you