Chapter 1: Her


Monday, 14th August 2017, 11:13 pm.

Choi Minhee, having severe anxiety disorder is in a crowd at a concert. Perfect situation for someone with her condition. She knew it was a stupid idea the moment her best freind, Park Yeonhee, invited her to a concert. But yet she went. so here she is, standing in the middle of countless bodies bumping into her while she tries to keep herslef stable so that her drink doesn't go to waste. Her friend ofcourse being the extrovert she is, goes to make new friends and leaves her.

The music is booming, she can't feel her ears and she can feel her eyes welling up. Her breathes getting shorter by the second, she uses all her energy to push herself through the crowd and out the exit.

Frantically pressing the numbers on her phone to unlock it she starts hyperventilating. Her fingers searching through her contacts but her mind elsewhere. "Hello?" she says holding her breath, the guy on the other line replies and she starts breathing again. "Thank the heavens you answered, I would've died," "Why would you?" the other voice questions, intrigued woth the frantic girl. "You know my condition is severe, why would you even ask that?" He laughs slightly, "Did you just laugh?" Minhee was frustrated at the fact that the person whom she though was her brother was laughing at her, "I'm sorry for my insensitivity. Please tell me more about your condition," She takes a moment and realises that the person she called was not her brother. She checks her screen and apparently she called a suicide hotline. 

Why the hell did I call a suicide a hot line?

Then she remembered, she called a suicide hotline nights ago but cancelled the call before it could go through. "I'm sorry this was a mistake, I didn't mean to call a hotline-" "Was it though? I mean think about it, you were in need for someone to talk to and you called a number that provides just that" He explains before she could end the call. She had nothing to say but had no intentions in continuing the call. "Thanks anyways".

Her phones chimes seconds after and it was Yeonhee asking where she is. Shutting off her phone she takes a deep breath and goes back into the ocean of bodies. She tells Yeonhee that she wants to leave, and Yeonhee agrees to take her home. The ride home was quiet, Yeonhee smelled like a million fragrances and alcohol. She thinks about what they guy said, was it really mean to be?.

How bad can talking to a stranger about your fear be?

Sooooo this is the first chapter. im planning on making this fanfic short but with lots of content, but this is only a bit of what is happening. Please subscribe and comment your thoughts :))).


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