{Double Trouble} Part 1

Pas de Deux - A step for two

Chapter 7 - Memory From The Rain




It was a long day for Jimin, he sighed, as he pushed his dorm’s door open. “Hey, Yoongi-hyung” Jimin greeted the older boy, who was lounging along the coach. Yoongi raised one of his hand and waved at Jimin, still stuffed his face against the pillow. The silver haired boy ruffled his head, he threw his jacket on the nearby table and settled nicely next to Yoongi’s legs. Jimin was restless, the thought of what happened in one morning was too much for his brain to process, but regarding about whom he saw today, he wasn’t sure what to tell Yoongi. He fidgeted with the ring on his left thumb, sometimes he would turned to his side and look at the back of his hyung.

“What?” Yoongi moved his body around, “Why are you so jumpy today?” he said, somewhat with an annoyed tone.

Yoongi sudden question startled the younger lad next to his feet, Jimin quickly avoided making eye contact. He kept on messing with his ring, focused his eyes between his knees.

“Hyung, have you ever thought about meeting Jihyo again?” Jimin asked, almost inaudible.

Yoongi jolted, he shifted his gaze toward the ceiling, “I don’t know…” He said then got out of the coach. “Maybe she is still hate me” He said, with a sad smile. Then took off to the hallway, leaving Jimin alone.

The expression on Yoongi’s face pained Jimin, he hated it when his hyung upset. His mind flashed back of Jihyo’s face in the morning, it was the same as Yoongi. ‘I think it the opposite hyung..’ he thought to himself. The silence got interrupted by the notification from his phone, an unknown number flashing across the screen. He was a bit hesitated at first, but answer the call anyway.


“Hi, it’s Mina”

Jimin recognized the familiar voice immediately, “H-hello” he stuttered.

“I got your numbers from Mrs. Han, and ermmm I just wanted to call you so you can save my number.” Mina said, Jimin can totally see how red she gets just from hearing her shaky voice.

“Great, I will save it!” He said excitedly, “and also… how are you doing?” his voice dropped quickly, remembered what happened earlier.

Mina stayed silent for a few seconds, “I’m doing fine, you want to meet up at the studio? I want to pick out a song for my pas seul” she said, Jimin can hear the nervousness from the other line.

“I will be there in 15 minutes” He said

“Thank you” Mina shyly said back

There was a silent between them, they both wanted to say more, but they weren’t sure what to say.

“I don’t want to hang up” Mina from the other line spoke up

“Same” And Jimin quickly agreed, “I’m walking,” he continued

“Me too”

They both rushed out the door, with their cellphone still between their shoulder and ear, they tried to grab whatever near them: jacket, keys, bag. Nothing was said, just the sound of their rapid footsteps echoed throughout the call. Their breathe gotten sharper and they both clearly hearing the other from the other line gasping for air.

As Jimin got closer to the studio, he spotted a familiar petite figure running toward him. His face lit, shoved his phone in his jacket, a tint of red dusted over his face, he was panting pretty hard. The smaller figure quickly approached him and reached her hand to the side of his face, Mina lift Jimin’s face up and smiled at him. “Your face is super red.” She snickered. Jimin can feel the cold from Mina’s touch, he squeezed her hands and cuffed them together, “Because I didn’t want you to wait,” He answered while still trying to calm his harsh breathing.

They looked at each other in the eyes for a while, still holding on each other hands and just stood outside like the fools in love. Mina broke their eye contact and gave Jimin a gentle smile, “Let’s go inside, it looks like it will rain tonight.”

The studio is the same as alway, nobody is there, beside them. They can see the clouds from the outside overcasted the entire area through the windows. It made the room is a bit dark, but they both didn’t mind. It somewhat relaxing for the two.

“So, have you thought of what song to use yet?” Jimin asked, softly pulled Mina down to sit next to him. She shook his head, then leaned her head against his shoulder, “I couldn’t think of one,” she said.

Jimin pulled out his phone and started to scroll through his song list, the sound of Jimin swiped his finger through the list is calming to Mina, she closed her eyes and just listened to the sound. Slowly, she started to hum a tune. Jimin noticed it, so he stopped looking through his phone and just quietly enjoying her sweet sound. The droplets of rain started to falling down, the sound of the water hitting the roof created a calm atmosphere around the studio. Suddenly, Mina got up. She pulls Jimin’s hand and gave him the look of, ‘Let’s dance together’. She grabbed her phone swiped through the bottom and a song started to play. As soon as the melody began its first key, Mina spun to the center of the dance floor. Her long dress flow around and gently wrapped around her lower half, emphasised her body curves. Jimin stood at the corner and observed her in awe, he saw her hand raised up and her eyes were directly staring at him. She moved her left leg behind her right, then slowly lower her body, her gaze didn’t break at Jimin, it seems like an invitation from Mina. Jimin quickly made a big light steps toward Mina, he touched her hand, then allowed himself to grab on her waist and pulled her to him. She slightly made her way around him, on her tippy toes, then made a high kick in the air and softly lean her back down. Jimin quickly support her back, they made eye contact once again, she smiled at him. “This feel like the first time we dance together” She said, a bit of mischievous tone, “I agree,” he smiled back. Then lifted her body up in the air with both of his arms, this startled Mina a bit, but she still follow his lead and they both dancing for hours without caring about the world outside the studio.


And the sound of the rain kept on falling down…


Back at the dorm, Yoongi stared outside the window in the living room. With coffee in his hand, and earbuds in his ears, the song ‘Destined that lead me to you’ by The Kingz Throne was played. Yoongi turned his head to the coffee in his hand, he fidgeted around the mug, the steam from the hot drink fogged up his glasses a bit. He placed the mug down on the table and then leaned his back to the sofa, ‘... When I first met you, I thought you were a bit crazy, but then I fell in love with the crazy you.’ the lyrics resonance in his ears, the image of Jihyo constantly popped up in his mind. The crying Jihyo, he clicked his tongue and took the earbuds off. Yoongie grabbed his glasses and threw it on the table, his brows knitted together. “Jihyo-ah… where are you now…?” he mumbled between his breathe. The noise from the earbuds slowly died out.


“I missed you.”


--------------Author’s Note--------------------


Wewww finally another chapter after 2 months???

LOL I am so sorry guys, I was extremely busy with works atm, but I am not giving up on PDD or COTH yet!

I will try to schedule my writing time better ^^”

COTH next chapter should be out hopefully by next week or the end of this week~

Thank you for supporting PDD <3

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Chapter 7: Now when you are going to update..i really cant wait to know yoonghyo story
Chapter 7: When you will going to update..new chap..i m dying
Chapter 7: Plz update it soon :-)
Chapter 2: Keep up the good work author-nim~~~ Hope you update soon~~~
Chapter 2: Love the story already!!
suzyfan #6