The Encounter

I'm the new manager ?!

A/N: I hope you all enjoy my first story. I don’t know how or when I’ll update but I’ll try to make it on going. The picture is how picture them gretting her.

Here I am. As I walk out Incheon Airport I can’t help but feel nervous and excited. This is going to be a new experience for me. Living in Korea for I don’t know how long and finally working at my dream building. Hi I’m Kasey Chung and I’m moving to Korea. I’ve been wanting to move to Korea since I was 13. I graduated highschool at the age of 16 and lived in the States. I was so into k-pop especially with the band Seventeen and the Korean culture (being the koreaboo I was) that I tried so hard to be trainee. I slowly learned that wasn’t the right path for me. I learned management and business with a minor in music. At the age of 19 I finally convinced my parents to let me work and live in Korea and show them that I can survive on my own. I’m now working at Pledis Entertainment and will be the new manager for this group but they haven’t informed me who yet.

What to do I thought. I need to go the Pledis building for them to inform me where I’ll be staying and who I’ll be managing. I call a taxi and ask him nicely to take me to Pledis. “Ajusshi can you please take me to the Pledis building?” “Aigoo of course. Awe you’re so pretty are you going to audition?” “Me ha-ha no I’m not talented.” He looked disappointed and stopped talking after that. I arrived at the building and went in (awkwardly with my luggage) to the front desk. “Excuse me I have an appointment with the CEO.” The lady seemed to not hear me and was still on her computer. “Hello?” I then noticed she was wearing earphones. Heh I thought. Being short and all I quietly jump up to look over her desk. As I pop my head in I saw she was watching a drama!! She got startled by my head and yelped. “GAHHHH!” my eyes widen out of shock and I fall on the floor. “YAHH! What are you doing?!? Are you crazy!?! Are you auditioning today?!” she yelled. Assuming she didn’t hear me earlier from the words she said just now I get up casually and walk over. “I actually have an appointment with the CEO that I may be late to now because of someone.” I look at her face and give her this look of that’s because of you. She gets startled and took the phone. “I’m sorry… You must be Ms. Chung the CEO is waiting for you upstairs.” She tells me. I give her a totally different expression and say thank you sweetly. She got frightened from my sudden change and just stares at me.

I walk up to his office and greet him. “Hello Mr. Han Seong-su I’m Kasey Chung the new manager you hired.” “Ah, yes hello, hello welcome.” He talks to me about all the information I need and tells me where I’ll be staying and that I’ll be living near the boy group I’ll be managing. “Oh, and this boy groups dating ban will be ending next month so keep an eye on them these days. I’ll be introducing you to the boys tomorrow.” “Thank you, sir and see you tomorrow.” I walk out and stare at the building. I feel this presence near me and I look to my side and it was some guy wearing a mask and a cap. My face starts to show concern. “Awe sorry don’t worry! I’m not going to do anything to you!!” My face calms down and he starts talking again. “So, are you auditioning here?” “Ah, no I actually just started to work here and I was just taking talking a look.” “Oh, really I work here too hopefully we’ll see each other often” he says while smiling. It was so cute! His eyes turned into two small crescents. “Ah, question do you know where this location is?” I ask. “Wow, actually you live in the same building as me and I can actually lead you there if you want.” I agree and we go to the building. As we walk over there I just look at the sight of Seoul and just take in the new environment. We walk in the building and he helps me but my luggage in. “What are you working in Pledis?” He asked. “Oh, I’m actually a new manager for this boy group. Their old one got transferred to another group.” I reply. His eyes widen in realization. “Oh, you must be the Ms. Chung, the new manager for my bandmates and I.” My eyes show awe that I already met one of my boys. “Here I’ll take you to our room which is coincidently across from your room.” He drags me to his room and right before we go in he says “Oh, btw I’m Jihoon.” Huh that name sounded familiar but as soon as we entered the room I realized what just happened. Jihoon starts talking again, “And you’ll be the new manager for seventeen.” My eyes open in shock as I see 12 boys goofing around the room then turn over ask soon as they see me. “Well this is a surprise…” I say as all the boys start arranging themselves. “Say the name Seventeen Hello we’re seventeen!” 

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pinkypn #1
in your description you said she graduated at 17 but in your foreward you said she graduated at 19, which one is the correct age