
Dumb Dumber and then?
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Hello everyone. I'm back and I want to apoligize for the long wait. The reason I've been away for so long, is because of my exams. The other reason is that someone, not me , broke my laptop. I still don't have my pc, but I hope I can be more active.

Love from MEEE <333




Present day: Tzuyu's pov

We're now all at the mall. All 9 of us. We decided to go in groups of three.

Sana, Jihyo, Tzuyu

Chaeyoung, Dahyun, Jeongyeon

Mina, Momo, Nayeon

I don't know, if I should be happy or dissapointed. I kinda want to be with Sana, but on the other hand, I would rather spend some time with Chaeyoung, so I could forget Sana... What do I do? The good thing is, that Jihyo is with us. She's making it less awkward. Jihyo is talking about food, cloths, makeup etc. I'm trying to listen, but I have a weird sensation. If feels like two eyes stabbing me down. I try to ignore it, because I know if I look up, I will regret it.

"So who do you wanne be roommates with?" Jihyo asked me.

"Wha-what? Roommate? Are we going to switch roommates?" I was so confused. I probaly lost the track of Jihyo talking, when I was in my own thoughts.

"Did you even listen? We're going to Australia. You know Pocari Sweat."

"Oh yeah sure. I don't know, who i wants to be roommates with. I'll think about it" I said.

"Sure. What about you Sana?"

Please, don't say my name 'Please say Tzuyu'

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DragonKid729 #1
Chapter 12: Chaeyu pleaseee
Chapter 12: Omg let it be chaeyu please. Sana don't break my yoda heart.
Stop messing with her please
Someonnee #3
Chapter 12: You're not going to update this one?
Chapter 12: Honestly I read this fix for Satzu but pleeeeeeaseeeee let Chaeyu be together in the end :(
ixoren #5
Chapter 10: Dude, it's unfair...after everything that Chaeyoung did, you still want them together? Srsly?
Chapter 10: Omg Tzuyu :/
Poor Chaeyoung :(
Chewylover #7
Chapter 10: God damn it Tzuyu Whyyyyy As much as I am a satzu stan Sana needs to suffer in thisss
Chapter 10: poor chaengie >.<
Chapter 10: Tzuyu is such a fickle -*- im going to hate her if she hurt chaeng. Chaeng doesnt deserve this :((