Earth and Puri

Colorful Moon (Indefinite Hiatus)


Narrator's pov:


"Look, something is coming down. Is it an UFO?!"

Minho, who had stepped out of the building like many of his c-workers, looked up, eyes slightly narrowing to find a flying object nearing the earth's surface.

His eyes widened when he noticed it was a king of flying ship, a kind of airplane that was getting down.

People were making way when the airship landed, taking a great space of broken roads.

An eerie silence ruled over the entire street, no one dared to take a take closer and take a good look at the strange airship that didn't look like the airplanes they knew, neither did it look like an air balloon, a flying disk or a flyinf saucer like in movies.

The airship was made of a kind of wood and looked like a watership yet it had handmade wings, allowing it to fly in the sky.

"I'm not dreaming am I?" the female co-worker of Minho asked him, the young office wotker shaking his head.

There was no way that he was dreaming, his entire body was trembling.

"I'm pretty sure that this is reality." someone else said, Minho humming softly in agreement.

'I've pinched myself earlier, it hurt.'

Doors of the airship opened, revealing stairs that were brought down so you could easily get off of it.

Everyone was holding in their breath, waiting to find aliens, wrinkled and weird colores, speaking an unknown language and maybe even holding weapons to adbuct them.

Yet they didn't expect a human like figure to walk down the stairs, followed by two more.

Minho, who was standing pretty close to the airship, yet with a safe distance, raise dhis eyebrows as he got a better look.

"Two women and a man?" he wondered out loud, his head slightly tilting to the side.

He could see that the woman who walked in the front had a higher status than the other two, especially because she wore more luxurious clothes as well.


The young woman stopped when she set her feet on the ground of earth and she looked around, finding people looking at her with fear and anger.

She took in a deep breath and opened her mouthn, ready to speak.

"Nice to meet you all. I am the princess of Puri, the moon of Ao of a far away galaxy." she spoke, her voice clear like fresh water. "Something caused great uproar in the universe which forced the different galaxies to mix up together."

Minho frowned, looking around to find other people either looking at her in disbelief, anger or great fear.

'What if this is all a hidden camera... For a new destruction drama?'

"How do we know what you're saying is the truth?! Just who are you?" someone asked the question Minho was hoping to get an answer for.

Jian sighed softly, taking in another deep breath so that she was loud and clear for everyone.

"I have no way to prove to you all if what I said is teh truth, but it is. There is no other explanation for so many planets to get pulled together. If you look up at the sky, you can see that things are not right. If the universe decided to keep everything like it is now, then we can only learn more about each other as we live close by."

"Living together with aliens?!" a teenager gasped loudly, shaking his head furiously. "Aliens are dangerous! They make you believe they're all nice and all but end up killing us all!"

The royal bodyguard of Puri hissed, wanting to tell the boy to keep his mouth shut, but Jian quickly stopped him, shaking her head.

"Don't." she said under her breath so that only he could hear her.

"There never had been life found around us and now you want us to believe you're not from this planet? You all look like humans. It's not that hard to put in some lenses, different clothings, a wig and some good make-up!" a woman said skeptical, not wanting to believe that there is life outside earth.

Jian could say nothing. she had no way to let people believe her.

"Princess, how about we invite them to the palace?" Jian's personal maid suggested, noticing the weird looks they got.

"Then we must take a few people, so they can't lie." the guard nodded his head.

Puri's princess nodded her head lightly, finding no other solution than to invite some people of Earth to see the situation from Puri.

"We are willing to invite a small group of people to go together to Puri, the place we come from." Jian said, but no one was willing.

People were murmering with each other, not believing they would be safe once they go with these pshycopathS.

Minho noticed that not one person was willing to go but there was this weird feeling inside of him that he wanted to get rid of, that curiosity of what if that woman said was the truth and indeed the universy went crazy and decided to mix everything up like a smoothie.

"I volunteer to go with you but can you guarantee my safety?" Minho said, his eyes showing determiantion to find out something.

He was not feeling to clean up the office and finish working after such a huge disturbing rampage.

Jian's lips curled up in a soft smile, showing gratefulness in her eyes.

And with Minho being the first volunteer, a few other people finally raised their hands as well, a total of five people including Minho could board the airship.

"Minho, are you crazy? What if you end up dead?" the female co-worker asked Minho, not understanding why in the world he would do something so reckless. She knew that he had always been a very calm and logical worker. He didn't complain about anything and always did his work properly.

"I won't." was all he answered before walking towards the huge airship along with the other four that consisted out of two men, a woman and an old grandpa.

Minho could feel his heart skipping a beat when the doors closed behind him, his legs turning soft and unstable when the airship took off and flew through the sky, getting higher and higer.

It was only then did Minho start to panick.

'... I didn't think of oxygen...! This isn't a raket, can we even get out of this planet without getting burned or dying from lack of oxygen?!'

"Look, isn't that Australia?" one of the two other men aske,d pointing to a piece of land that was getting smaller and smaller.

Through the strong windows, minho could watch them getting further and further away from the ground, getting higher and higher in the sky, only to finally see Earth as a whole planet.

'I've never seen something like this aside on the internet... It surely is pretty!'

He let his eyes travel around, finding the airship surrounded by darkness yet he could see things because of the light of the sun shining brightly.

Next to earth he could discover numerous celestial objects, not sure if they were planets, moons, suns, stars or just some rocks floating around.

"That is Puri, the moon of Ao." princes Jian spoke, pointing outside, towards a mint colored ball.




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Chapter 2: Oh, wow.. Can't wait to read more.. it's getting quite interesting.. Um, Minho .. I like your hair color too, Definitely NOT like a toilet paper.. P.S. Author-nim, can I just say that I love your poster??!! Minho looks so ethereal there ... :) :) :)