Chapter 9

Be Mine Or Die

[Jiyong's house]

"You should have apologize to her." Taeyang.

"Why should I? Why should the Boss of Seoul High go and apologize?" Jiyong, he flops down on the couch.

"You're the Boss, but she is your girlfriend." Taeyang.

"Girlfriend?. . . It's not even real." Jiyong, he mumbles to himself.

"Do you wish for it to be real?" Taeyang.

"What?!! W-why, why would I??" Jiyong, he acted up.

"You should really take some acting classes in the future. Anyway, I'm leaving." Taeyang, he walks out of the door.

"Acting class?? I consider myself an A list actor!!" Jiyong, he shouted throwing the pillow to the door.


"It's almost time, are you going?" Sunmi.

"No, I don't know. . . What should I do?" Sohee, places her head on Sunmi's shoulder she cries.

"Why?" Sunmi.

"I'm bored to dead at home, I want to go out. But if I do go, I will feel guilty. I feel like I'm cheating on Jiyong." Sohee, she whines.

"No you're not. You said your relationship is fake right? Then it should be fine." Sunmi.

"That's right!! We're not real!!" Sohee, pops up from Sunmi's shoulder, she snapped her fingers.

"Wait, wait, wait!! You're going like this??" Sunmi.

"What's wrong with this? Why even you are doing this to me??" Sohee, she was reminded of Jiyong giving her a makeover.

"This won't do. Here wear this dress, I bought it and haven't even worn it yet. With legs like yours, you need to show it off!" Sunmi, she hands Sohee the dress and pushes her into the bathroom to change.

[A few minutes later]

"Are you done changing?" Sunmi, she knocks on the door.

Slowly opening the door, she walks out shyly looking at Sunmi.

"Does it look okay on me?" Sohee, she timidly asked.

"Okay?! It looks AMAZING!! Waaah! Our Sohee is such a hidden beauty!" Sunmi, clapping her hands, she walks around Sohee.

"Are you sure this is okay?" Sohee.

"Yes! You look great! Now go meet Heechul and have fun!" Sunmi, she pushes Sohee out the door.

[Heechul's house]

"You look excited, what's good?" Donghae.

"Just, life is getting more interesting." Heechul, he laughed a little.

"Are you going on a date?!!" Donghae.

Heechul just look over and smiled at Donghae.

"Oh My Lord!! Is this really happening??!! Kim Heechul is going on a date?!! This has never happened in history of history. You have never once look at a girl, yet now you're going on a date?!! Did the sun came up from the west or something??" Donghae, he laughed so hard that he seems like he had gone mad.

"She is not just another girl. She is very different and unique." Heechul, hands in pocket he turns around and look at Donghae.

"Who is she??" Donghae, he got curious.

"Ahn Sohee. She is that Crazy Dog, Kwon Jiyong's girlfriend." Heechul, he answered fixing his sleeve.

"Kwon Jiyong?! The Crazy Dog that beat up 30 of our members??" Donghae, his face expression changed dramatically.

"He is our number rival. Seoul High and Ma Seong High has never get along. We're enemy." Donghae, he speaks in a serious tone.

"That Crazy Dog, he dare to reject my little sister." Heechul.

"Is Hye Sun still not over him? She has been following him since middle school." Donghae.

"Heechul, are you going on a date with that bastard's girlfriend to revenge for Hye Sun or are you being serious about her?" Donghae.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Heechul.

"Does she know that you and her boyfriend are rivals?? Does she know that if you and him get into the same room then someone will end up being killed?? How can she agree to go on a date with you?" Donghae.

"She doesn't. Not yet. I don't want to her know yet." Heechul.

"She doesn't know? Why don't you want her to know?" Donghae.

"When she first met me she thought I was being bullied, she brought me to her house and treated my injure. Haha, that silly girl. She thinks I'm the one being bullied?? She even pitied me. She is one interesting chick." Heechul, he laughs to himself thinking about her.

"He looks like he is serious about this girl." Donghae, he thinks to himself.

"But she is dating Kwon Jiyong. Are you going to separate them?" Donghae.

"Soon, she won't be. The fight that were held off is now Officially On." Heechul, he smirks and walk out of the house.

[Seoul Amusement Park]

"Where is he at?" Sohee, entering the gate she wonder a little searching for him.

Suddenly a guy came up behind her and cover up her eyes.

"Guess who?" 

"Heechul-shi. . .??" Sohee.

"Eeh?! How did you recognize my voice?" Heechul.

"It's not that hard." Sohee, she smiled.

"How are you feeling now? Better? Is your wound still hurting?" Sohee, she touches the bandage on his head.

"I'm fine. This is nothing." Heechul.

"Nothing? This is Something!! Your head was bleeding!!" Sohee.

"Don't worry about it." Heechul, he laughs it off.

"By the way, did you go to school today?" Sohee, she speaks as they start to walk.

"Yeah, why?" Heechul.

"You Did?!! Did those boys bully you again??!! Are you okay?!!" Sohee, she places her hands on his shoulders and check for injures.

"I'm fine. Hey they're having an animal show. Let's go watch!" Heechul, he suggested.

"The show is about to start. It looks interesting." Sohee.

"Do you want cotton candy while watching the show?" Heechul.

"Sure." Sohee, she smiled.

He heads off to get the candy, but soon returned.

"Before I go, wear this jacket. It will keep you safe." Heechul, taking off his jacket, he put it around her and then leave.

"Keep me safe??" Sohee, she was confused.

She stays there and wait for his return then all of a sudden 2 boys approaches her.

"Hey baby, you look beeeeaautiful! Are you here alone? Why don't you come play with us oppa?" a boy, they approaches her.

Not even bother to deal with them she just keeps on looking straight, ignoring them.

"Huh? You're ignoring us? Do you know who we are?? You should agree to it while we're being nice." the other boy, he walks in front of her.

"Let us play with you a little." a boy, he tried to touch her face.

"Don't touch me with your dirty hands!" Sohee, she slaps his hand away.

"YOU!! You dare to slap my hand?!" a boy, mad, he raises his hand up trying to hit her.

"STOP!!! Don't hit her!!!" the other boy, he grabbed onto his friend's hand stopped him from hitting Sohee.

"What are you doing? Let go of my hand!" a boy, he demanded his friend.

"You can't hit her!! Look at the jacket she's wearing! It has Kim Heechul's name on it. She is Kim Heechul's girl. We better not mess with her or else we will die." the other boy, he got scared looking at Sohee wearing the jacket.

"K-K-Kim Heechul??" a boy, scared he looks at Sohee.

"What?" Sohee, she was completely confused.

"Sorry, we are very sorry. Please forgive us and just pretend like we were never here." the 2 boys, the bows their heads to Sohee then run off to the other direction.

"Kim Heechul's jacket??" Sohee, she looks around his jacket.

"I don't see anything special about this jacket. . .?? How did it scare those erts away like that? Maybe I should ask Heechul to let me borrow it." Sohee, she talks to herself looking at the jacket.

Just then Heechul walks back with 2 cotton candies in his hands.

"Here, for you." Heechul, he hands her the pink cotton candy.

"Thanks." Sohee.

"But hey, I'm curious. This jacket. . . how much it is?" Sohee, she looks at him with her eyes opened wide.

"Why? You want to buy it?" Heechul.

"Nooo, it looks and feels expensive. Just now there were 2 guys who tried to harass me but then they both immediately ran off once they see this jacket." Sohee.

"Hm, they're smart enough to know how to back off." Heechul, he smirks thinking to himself.

"What are you thinking about?" Sohee.

"Nothing much, just trying to figure out how to steal a diamond away from a Crazy Dog." Heechul, he smiled at her.

"What is he talking about? It is just me or am I becoming more stupid today?? I can't understand a thing that is going on." Sohee, she thinks to herself while eating the cotton candy.

"Yah!" Heechul, he waves in front of her face trying to get her back to senses.

"Don't over think yourself. Let's us enjoy the show." Heechul, he smiled pointing at the animal show.

Like that they continue on their date.

[Jiyong's house]

"Report Boss!!" Followers, they bows their head to Jiyong.

"Report." Jiyong, he ordered laying on the couch, flipping through the channels.

"Lately, a lot of our members were beaten up by the Ma Seong gang around the corner of the Up Bar." Follower, he reported.

"Kim Heechul, this dog is getting hungry again." Jiyong, he stopped flipping through the channel and get up.

"How many of members got jumped?" Jiyong.

"14 members in total." Follower.

"They hurt 14 of our members, then we must pay them back twice as much." Jiyong.

"You can leave." Jiyong.

"Yes Boss!!" Follower, he bowed before leaving.

Jiyong were on his way to this room, but something stopped his foot step. 

He Glares at the TV.

"As autumn is approaching many couple are busying themselves dating arms in arms. We are here at Seoul Amusement Park to witness this amazing events." Reporter.

What got his attentions wasn't the reporter reporting news. His eyes were glaring fixed at Sohee and Heechul talking and laughing together in the background.

"Ahn Sohee, you dare to cheat on me?" Jiyong, he clenches his fist watching them in the background.

"Ahn Sohee, I have been too nice lately that you have forgotten that I, Kwon Jiyong is the Boss of Seoul High. You dare to make a joke out of me publicly go on a date with another man?? You're probably bored of living aren't you?" Jiyong, he speaks watching the TV with fires burning up in his eyes.

"Kim Heechul, let's see who will shed the most blood. You're asking for it." Jiyong.

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Chaseojun #1
Chapter 43: Clap clap clapppppp
I love this story.
shiniheiji #2
Chapter 43: I dont know how to explain this, but, this is perfectttttt. Every single word you wrote, just perfect. I really enjoy read it. Thank you so much for this beautiful fanfic. I'm cryinggg T.T
Love it very heedragon story..
Thanks for writing it
desyprameswari #4
Good job authornim!!! I love it
shranoh #5
Good Job!!! I really had fun reading this. It makes me teared up as well laugh hard. You're awesome! Never stop writing Heedragon fanfic :D
bbyxbear #6
miez2610 #8
Love ur story..really miss wonderbang..keep up the good work....
I love this story!! my favourite heedragon fic~
WonderfulSayA #10
This is truly a good story. It my first and im so happy i read this. I was a HeeDragon shipper since Tell Me Eras. I really love Wonderbang!