A not-really fine day

May I Love You ?

It is a relaxing Friday for Min Ri to be able enjoying the satisfaction of stretching her arms muscle to the sky while leisurely resting her back on the black cushioned leather chair after 3 hours of working.

Batting an eye to her watch,she realised it is already noon and no wonder soon enough her stomach growl asking to be fulfilled.Sighing in her own embarassment indeed she is lucky as there are none other person in the room,she reach for her handphone and dial a familiar number before heading out for the lunch break.


"Min Ri,I have something important to tell you...But first please promise me you will keep it as a secret,would you?",the girl with small and sparkly eyes looking up towards Min Ri hopefully.

Raising an eyebrow and doubting to her ownself whether is it worth of keeping the soon matter as a secret,Min Ri decide to take it easy and gladly agree to her friend's wish.

"So what is it?An important yet secret thing you want to tell me this time?",Min Ri shoot a look to her friend's eye.

"I'm finally engaged!We're now planning for the marriage!",Na Kyon exclaimed in delightment.

On top of hearing that,Min Ri's eyes widened and her jaw dropped upon the arrival of sudden news.Not long enough,her eyes turns watery and she laugh it off as she is happy for her close friend.

"So...when will you introduce your fiance to me?You are already about to get married soon though.How long are you going to keep it as a secret from me?You know you can trust me",Min Ri tried hard to persuade her as she was mentally sick of curiosity on the person who succeed to win the stone-heart of Choi Na Kyon.

Who doesn't know Na Kyon in their school?She was well-known for her honesty and yes,very outspoken about everything that comes to her mind.Even the boys enjoying to ,they couldn't argue with her as she has this strong aura on her opinion,but that doesn't mean she can't accept others' as she always ended up give in when it comes to Park Min Ri.No wonder they become close friend after all since both of their families also know each other.

While Na Kyon was famous,it's vice versa when it comes to Min Ri.A low-profile nerd in the elite class.Although her academic performance is top-notch,not all their batchmates seem to know her especially the boys as Min Ri obviously kept a distance with them.However,both Na Kyon and Min Ri in terms of intelligence are fair enough as Na Kyon incredibly masters in Maths subjects whilst Min Ri is an expert when it comes to Science.

 "I am about to.We have talked about it yesterday and he agreed to let you meet him.It's just the matter of time",Na Kyon sighing heavily.

"Wow,your fiance must've been very busy...It's ok with me though.No need to rush",Min Ri replied calmly.

"Anyway you must promise me you wouldnt let the cat out of the bag if you meet him and dont create chaos!",Na Kyon warned Min Ri before they separated to their respective workplace.


Min Ri's POV

Why she hides his boyfriend all this time?Why would I create chaos when I meet him..This is mysterious enough for me to discover about though.Who is Na Kyon's fiance actually?

This kind of questions keep venturing in my head until at one point I think my brain will explode.Until then my eyes landed on my wrist watch.Shoot.I have to focus on my next appointment in less than 10 minutes.

Quickly I reach for my next clients file and skimmed it thoroughly for the upcoming session.


8 hours past and I am done for the day.

Heading home,I the radio when my favourite song is on the play.Oh NaNa by KARD.

It's boring,always

Why do always guys,I don't interested,talk to me?

Go away AY It's so obvious

Sounds as pathetic as me though.

I tighten my hand grip on the steering wheel and inhales deeply before averting my focus back on the road.It's not my priority now...that LOVE things.


Jungkook's POV

Ahhh...I envy Jimin-hyung.He have found her dreamgirl~I wonder when will I find mine.Hah...I'm the last one in Bangtan without that special person.Is that because I am the maknae?Haish,dearest my other half...let's meet soon...

I blinked numerous times while staring at the blank white ceiling of the practice room.With my palm rest on my forehead,I close my eyes and breathing deeply when suddenly a dainty size palm slap my other arms laying helplessly on the wooden plank.

"Jimin-hyung,I know it's your doing!",I yell whilst remain on my initial posture.I am too lazy and tired to avenge Hyungs like always these days.


Meanwhile for Jimin,he keep chuckling and giggling while enjoying himself teasing the worn-out Kookie on the floor.Jimin have been extra-cheerful these days since the day his girlfriend accepted his proposal.He didn't expect that as he thought before he may be too rushing in their relationship but it is just because he is serious on making her as his life-companion,supporter and soulmate.

But Jimin noticed a change in their maknae lately,he has being down-motivated somehow.Not only Jimin but all of them was alerted by Kookie's sudden change.V has lost his partner in moodmaking and noisy too.

Secretly,the Bangtan;except for Jungkook come out with a plan to cheer Kookie.The mission is to find a perfect girl for their beloved maknae.It's not they have known Jeon Jungkook for a short time though to figure out the real problem of his.They have been a brother to each other since past few years.

With that plan,Jimin call someone for help on their mission.



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