Chapter 5

The lion in me

Chapter 5


He was the number 1 gossip the rest of the week. The story of his impressive rugby match had spread like wild fire, and resulted in unwanted attention towards him.

Minho didn’t like it at all, and tried as best as he could to avoid the big crowds, such as the cafeteria. It was nearly impossible. All eyes were on him as he passed through the hallways. In one corner a group of girls stood giggling, swooning over him as he passed by.

“How about you try to smile back at them when they look at you?” Kibum said coming from behind him, slinging one arm over Minho’s shoulder.

Minho only spared him an annoyed look, continuing to walk towards the school yard.

“Awwww… c’mon, you should use all this attention to your advantage” Kibum pressured on.

Minho turned towards him abruptly.

“I don’t want the attention!”. He just wanted to be left alone. Ever since the incident earlier this week he had felt restless. He felt like a volcano, just waiting to erupt.

It annoyed him not to know why he felt this way.

“I’m sorry” Minho sighed. “I didn’t mean to sound rude”.

“Don’t worry, fame isn’t everyone’s taste” Kibum assured him.

They continued their walk through the school yard.

“Mr. Woon, the rugby coach, asked me to join the team” Minho suddenly blurted out.

Kibum stopped and starred at him with wide eyes.

“That’s great, Minho!” Kibum squalled excitingly, hugging him.

“I’m not sure what answer I should give him” Minho told him honestly, searching his face for any answers.

“Well, obviously I can’t tell you what to do or not to do, but why not try it? -” Kibum said. “- We all saw what you are able to do. The school team could really need someone as strong and fast as you.”

“Hmm…” Miho looked around him. He was scared of the feeling he had the last time he played rugby. The anger scared him. But there was also something that drew him towards it.

“I shall consider it” He told Kibum, giving him a thankful smile.

“Good” Kibum answered with a sly smirk. He crooked his head over to the entrance.

“I’m going to grab some lunch in the cafeteria, want some?” Kibum asked.

“Sure. A sandwich would be nice. I’ll wait on the bench under the tree over there” Minho gestured over to the large oak tree.

“Fine, I’ll be back soon, if there isn’t a huge queue again” and with that said he walked away.


Minho went over to the bench and made himself comfortable.

He liked this spot. Here he could sit in silence and watch over everything.

Relaxed, Minho crossed his arms across his chest, stretching his legs out, he slowly feelt his eyes dozing of for a nap.


“Look who we got here…”

Minho’s eyes shot open.

His sight met a large group of guys standing before him, in front some of Taemin’s ‘supposed’ friends. One of them the guy he had knocked down at the game, which seemingly had left him with a blue eye.

“Choi Minho, the new school star.” The guy in the front said, whilst moving closer.

What was his name again? Kibum had told him. He wasn’t sure, but his guess was Jin.

Jin studied him closely, waiting for a reaction. But none came.

Minho only gave him a disinterested look back. This guy annoyed him, and he felt a familiar feeling creeping up.

His plain façade seemed to provoke Jin, who gave him an angry look, before sitting down beside him.

Suddenly a hand grabbed Minho’s neck, making him stiffen and wiggle against the grip.

“You think you’re good? Trust me you aren’t!” Jin whispered, whilst the other guy held Minho in place.

“Remember this?!” Jin pointed at his blue eye.

He looked at his group members. “You’re going to regret it!.. how about a blue eye for you too?” he smirked.

“How about you off?” Minho answered, struggling against the grip on his neck, almost knocking the guy behind him off.

His answer was met with a fist in the face.

Minho groaned, but regained posture quickly, sitting straight. He looked Jin directly in the eye, before spitting his blood filled mouth at him.

Minho was angry. Pissed. 

His whole body was tight, as preparing for the fight, which seemed to happen. He looked at Jin as his next pray.

His response to the hit had surprised Jin, who angrily whipped the blood of his face.

“New suggestion, we smash your face so hard, trust me, no one will recognize the famous Choi Minho anymore!” Jin grinned, preparing to strike once more.

The anger filled Minho to the hilt. He felt like killing each one of them. The thought actually scared him.

But before Jin’s fist could make contact, a tight grip on his wrist stopped him.

“You better stop this now, or you won’t have a hand for much longer” a sharp voice uttered.

Minho’s eyed shot up, Taemin’s starring right back at him.


Taemin’s attention went straight back to Jin, who looked concerned.

“You know better than to argue with me, Jin” Taemin told him with a fierce look.

Jin looked like he wanted to protest, but kept it to himself. The grip on Minho’s neck left, as Taemin waved his ‘friends’ away. Seemingly that was enough to make them leave.

Taemin stayed, waiting for the group to leave for sure.

“Thanks, but it wasn’t necessary” Minho managed to form words.

Taemin turned to look at him. He chuckled a bit, before sitting down beside him.

“I’m sure it wasn’t. You looked, like you were ready to kill-” Taemin said amused, looking over the yard. “- but I like to remind Jin of his rightful place from time to time” he continued explaining, now turning towards Minho.

Minho couldn’t suppress a small smile at that comment.

He didn’t answer. Taemin’s closeness had somehow silenced him, only managing to stare at him. Taemin stared back, a familiar atmosphere surrounding them.

Without knowing what, something seemed to pull them closer to each other.

So close now, Minho could see his reflection in Taemin’s brown orbs.

“Who are you?” Taemin whispered at him, his eyes drifting towards the others lips, before returning to gaze at Minho.

“Choi Minho” He managed to choke out, also letting his eyes wander to Taemin’s lips.

The answer seemed to pull Taemin back.

“No”. He gave him a stern look. “- I mean who are you?”

Minho pulled back in confusion.

“What?” he didn’t get it. What did he mean by it?

Taemin didn’t answer. Instead his hand went to Minho’s face, touching the place where Jin’s fist had left a red mark.

Taemin didn’t know why he did it. This guy confused him. He made him think and do things else never did.

His hand stayed. Slowly he with his thumb.

As he looked at Minho directly again, he began to be a bit concerned if the guy did even breathe.

Minho had shut down. Unable to speak or move.

The moment Taemin had touched him, he felt something he never had before… fulfilment.

His breath got stuck. He could only look back at Taemin’s broad smile. Beautiful.


He felt his heartbeat quickening. His fists balled, as he tried to suppress a painful muscle ache happening in his whole body.

The world seemed to get blurry around him. He stiffened. Red seemed to eat his sight.

“Are you alright?”

Taemin pulled his hand back.

Minho had lowered his head, making it hard for Taemin to read any expression on him.

“Hey!?” he tried again.

 “Your eyes!” Taemin gasped, shifting away from him.

But before he could shift further, Minho grabbed his hands, stopping him.

He didn’t know why he did it, but he didn’t want him to leave.

A little whimper left Taemin’s lips, as Minho tightened his grip.

That seemed to pull Minho out of his trance. He let go, closing his eyes, scared of what they might have shown.


Minho didn’t dare look.

“Minho” – this made him do.

Taemin looked at him with a mixture of uncertainness and curiosity.

 “What is it with your eyes?”

Minho looked down again.

“Don’t look away!” Taemin commanded.

He did what he was told.

“I don’t know…” answered his question mumbling.


“I don’t know!” Minho repeated louder. “- everyone tells me something is wrong with me… I just don’t know it myself” he was clearly frustrated.

Taemin seemed like he wanted to say something, but was interrupted as Kibum came crossing over the yard towards them.

“Jesus, there was this dead- long queue, thought I would never come out again” Kibum told dramatically.

“But at least I got us a sandwich” He held it up triumphantly, smiling.

His smile disappeared abruptly as he noticed who sat beside Minho.

“What are you doing here?” Kibum asked sharply.

If Kibum’s look could have killed, Taemin would have been dead by now.

Taemin didn’t seem to care and didn’t answer. He stood up looking Kibum right in the eyes, before turning to Minho.

“There is nothing wrong with you” – and with that said, he left.

Minho was paralysed, his eyes following him till he was gone.

Kibum had a hard time forming any words, too confused about the situation.

“Want to sit?” It was Minho, who dared to break the silence.

It worked, and Kibum sat down.

“How is it that every time I leave you alone, you end up talking with Taemin?” Kibum said, whilst trying to pull the sandwich into two halves.

“Maybe because your about to kill each other everytime your nearby?” Minho answered chuckling.

Kibum took a hard bite of the sandwich. “Maybe because he is an ?” he replied, mouth full.

Minho gave him an inquiring look, which made Kibum turn towards him.

“Listen Minho…” Kibum sighed. “Taemin isn’t a good guy”.

“How about you tell me why? You don’t explain much” Minho interrupted angrily.

Kibum looked uncomfortable, but continued.

“- his environment he is part of isn’t good. Ever since day one in middle school he has been bullying, torturing people with his so called ‘friends’, who we all know aren’t truly his ‘friends’. Girls, well, and some boys, are swooning over his ‘coolness’, but that’s only because they know who he is, and somehow they find that appealing. But trust me, you shouldn’t befriend him. He is dangerous.” Kibum finished his rant.

“Why” Minho asked curious, but also nervous about the answer he could get.

Kibum looked at him with uncertainty. Old memories of his own days as a bully victim flashed by.

“He is Lee Sung’s son” He barely whispered it.

Minho’s heart took a leap, his eyes expanded like a deer caught in the headlights.  



Lee Sung’s son. Who would have guessed?

He wasn’t unknown. No rather the opposite. It would be weird if there was someone, who didn’t know him.

As one of Korea’s most dangerous gang-leaders, if not the most dangerous, Lee Sung graced the covers of most newspapers and TV-news.

Minho hadn’t really known, what to do with the information, but he knew that Lee Sung’s family shouldn’t be someone to mess with.

Kibum had quickly changed topic after his unpleasant revelation, but the unpleasantness had still lingered in the air.

Luckily, as the months passed none of them talked further about it.

However, Taemin’s words seemed to have lingered since he first spoke them.


Minho let out a frustrated groan, as he turned in his bed. The curtains blew lightly in the summer breeze, the window in his room slowly tilted. It seemed calm and harmonious, Minho’s eyes following the clouds as they passed by his window. Nevertheless, unrest had clouded him.

He hadn’t been himself for a long time. Deep down he knew, ever since he started at school, a certain feeling kept emerging. He still couldn’t put a finger on what it was, but it surely didn’t disappear since his last encounter with Taemin.

It wasn’t only Minho who had become a ghost after the encounter, ignoring everyone and everything around him, except for Kibum who didn’t part from his side, but also Taemin.

No one had seen him ever since his and Minho’s encounter. It had been a hot topic at school for many weeks. It had seemingly been seen before that Taemin disappeared for some days, but never weeks.

Minho had noticed so as well, though he tried not to roam the halls with his eyes for him. For some perplexing reason he was worried.

A knock on his door seemed to tear him from his thoughts, and he pushed himself up to sit.

Before getting a chance to answer the knock, the door burst open.

“Yah! Do you think just because the summer holiday has begun, you’ll be free of me?!”

Kibum rushed in, a cocky grin plastered all over his face.

Minho lifted his eyebrows in amusement, letting out a small chuckle.

“Well, I knew, I didn’t have to call you over.” He did lay down once more “as you perfectly demonstrated, your capable of coming without an invitation”.

Kibum let out a puff before sitting down on his bed, joining the cloud counting through the window.

“My cousins are at my mum’s house during the summer, and I feel like being suffocated.” Kibum explained irritated. “I waited for you to call to give me an excuse to leave, but no, I have to take the matter into my own hands”.

Minho looked at Kibum amused before answering “You don’t need me to make good excuses”.

His comment was met with a light smack and a returned grin.

“Actually, I came to drag you with me to a party tonight” Kibum said, looking hopefully at Minho.

“A party?” Minho asked uncertain.

“Yes, a party? I know you’re a bit out of space sometimes Minho, but you should know what that is…” Kibum puffed annoyed, standing up from the bed.

Minho bit down on his lip, thinking. “I know. But I have never been to one or went into town”

Kibum let out a surprised laugh. “You’re kidding me” his question more meant as a mocking remark. But by reading Minho’s expression it seemed clear that he was serious. “Damn, your 18 and have never been to a party!? Nonetheless, into town?!” He asked shocked, the thought of not going to a party incomprehensible.

Minho didn’t say anything as Kibum’s comment made him feel embarrassed. The feline noticed that, quickly trying to heal the wound again. “Sorry, didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable about it… Well! One more reason for you to join me tonight!” he clapped excitedly.

“Hmmm” Minho stood up, wandering around the room uncertain about his own thoughts. “I’m not sure.” He stopped.

Kibum groaned frustrated. “C’mon, it won’t hurt! I assure you it will be fun!” He slung his arm loosely around Minho’s shoulders. They gave each other questioning looks, before the intense stare of Kibum made Minho nod. “Yeah, okay”.

“Yeeeees!” Kibum screamed happily, running to Minho’s wardrobe. But before opening it Kibum turned to look at him excited, “You’ve got to look like a god for your first party!” and with that said he opened it. However, his face dropped instantly at the sight of the content.

“Jesus Minho! Do you own anything else than plain black t-shirts?!” He asked whilst throwing the content on the bed. It took hours before Kibum was happy with his outfit pick, but at last he couldn’t suppress a happy squeak. “It’s simple, but you’ll look good… even though you would anyway” he said pressing the chosen clothes into Minho’s hands.

Minho tried it on, just happy that the feline finally decided. “And is it good enough? Will you let me go?” he asked. He couldn’t judge the others look as his face went blank.

“Minho… you are sent from the gods. People will throw themselves at you!”

“What?! I don’t want that! Kibum, I’ll only join you for the party if you promise not to drag me into the spotlight…” Minho groaned frustrated.

“Yeah yeah, but it's not my fault you have given yourself a name at school and can look smoking hot it whatever you wear” Kibum commented sarcastically, dropping his hands in defeat. His comment was met by an annoyed look.

“Ah! We have to get going! How time flies!” and with that Kibum made his way out of the room.


As Kibum passed the kitchen on his way out, Minho’s dad noticed him. “Oh, are you leaving Kibum?” he asked kindly.

“Hello Mr. Choi. Yes, Minho and I are going into town tonight and have some fun” Kibum explained polite.

“Do you mean a party?” Daehwan looked worried.

His reaction confused Kibum. “Yes, we will meet up with some of my friends”.

“Minho! Are you really going to a party?!” he asked as Minho entered the kitchen as well, now almost seeming angry. “I have never been to one Dad…” Minho answered unsure how to react.

“NO!” his dad yelled, slamming his fist into the kitchen counter. Kibum let out a small yelp, shocked by the event unfolding.

Minho was rather surprised, but quickly regained his composure. “Dad” he said softly before continuing. “Please, I have never been into town before, but I’m 18 now. I can manage” he assured.

“You can’t! If something happens… if..” Daehwan seemed desperate to find an excuse for him to stay.

“What should happen?” Minho asked curious. He had never questioned his dad’s instructions, but for the first time ever he felt like contradicting him. “What Dad?! What should happen?” he raised his voice.

Kibum silently slipped out of the kitchen, waiting for Minho at the door to give them privacy.

Daehwan was unsure of what to answer fiddling for the right words, but at last giving in sighing. “Something, anything could happen… you could get into a fight and get hurt” he tried to explain.

“Why would I get into a fight Dad? You know me, I’m not such a person!” he threw his ands up in frustration. “I’ve always done what you told me to do. But I can handle it. I can handle whatever you won’t tell me, just please let me make my own decision for once…”

They looked at each other in silence for a few seconds.

Daehwan sighed. “Okay.” He looked up at Minho. “But one condition, you’ll be with Kibum all night and if anything, and I mean it, if anything happens you call me!”

“Those were two conditions” Minho remarked teasingly.

His dad sent him a warning look.

“Yes, I’ll call you if anything should happen” he said sending a small reassuring smile towards his dad, before leaving the kitchen.

“Minho!” He turned around hardly having enough time to react to the two arms going around him.

“Watch out, and don’t get angry” his dad hugged him and went into the kitchen again. Minho stood still, confused by the words.

Kibum was certainly as much confused by the situation as he was. He had never experienced such a reaction from any of his parents about going to a party. But he didn’t want to waste more time.

“Come, we have to catch the next bus” he said, grabbing Minho by the arm.


The queue for the club was never ending. Minho, Kibum and his friends who had joined them had waited for at least 30 minutes. However, it didn’t seem to bother Kibum as he already emptied half a bottle of wine he had brought from home.

“Minho, c’mon just one tiny sip?” he practically shouted in his face, trying to fight the loud music that even seemed to occupy everything outside the club.

“Kibum I already took one sip, and I don’t want more.” Minho answered annoyed by Kibum pressuring on. He never drank before and didn’t feel like trying tonight either.

“I think you had enough, give it to me instead” Woohyun said, padding Kibum mockingly, grabbing the bottle. He emptied it in one swift go, as it finally was their turn to come inside.

Finally. It made sense why they had to wait for so long. The club was packed! They pushed their way through the corridor, before entering main room.

“Yaaaaas! Make way for the dance master!” and with that Kibum was gone in the crowd of people.

So much for going to the party together.

“I see you don’t feel like dancing” Woohyun commented. “Follow me, I know what to do instead”.

Minho had a hard time following him as random people kept grinding themselves up against him, as he tried to squeeze through the crowd. They entered a side room, where one pool table was placed in the middle.

“Woohyun! Come join us!” a voice shouted. Woohyun went over to the guy with a large grin.

“Dohyun! I did bring a friend along, hope you don’t mind” he shouted at the guy, the bass making it almost impossible to hold a conversation.

“Hi, I’m Minho” he gave a small hand wave to the guys around the table. Dohyun inspected him carefully, almost searching for something. He looked at the other guys at the table before turning around, taking Minho’s hand to pull him closer. “You must be on Woohyun’s rugby team, right?” he said loudly into his ear. “You sure look like you could be on his team” he continued on, not giving Minho a chance to answer.

“Yah! Chul, give the new guy a beer!” Dohyun instructed the guy closest to the mini bar.

Minho didn’t seem to have much of a choice and ended up taking the beer. Surprisingly he liked the taste, and before he knew, more and more went down.

He had fun playing pool, but felt that someone was watching him ever since he entered the room.

“I’ll pass this round” Minho told Woohyun. “No worries just carry on” he assured him before going to search for the restroom.

He felt quite dizzy and stumbled around, but made his way slowly.


“Need a hand?” before Minho could see or realize what was happening someone dragged him across the dancefloor, before shuffling him through a door.

Minho managed to wring himself out of the grip, meeting the eyes of the security guard as he turned around. The security guard looked rather grim, not many emotions shown. He pushed Minho further into the room.

It was first now that Minho realized that this wasn’t the restroom.

“I…I’m sorry… I was actually looking for the restroom” he tried to explain.

The guard looked at him, still no emotions. “I couldn’t care less”.


Finally, a new chapter. 

I am so sorry for the very long wait.

There might be a long gap between the updates, but I will finish this. 

Thanks to all readers and subscribers.

Please let me know what you think. 


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Beau1996 1382 streak #1
Chapter 7: Story has good vibe - I'm curious to know Taemin's back story and Minho 's - looking forward to next update and subscribing ✌️
This is really good, I love it
Chapter 3: I love the atmosphere this story creates aaahhh
Thank you for the update author-nim!! Can't wait for next update!!^^
Chapter 5: Wow this is that kind if fiction I've been looking for!!!!
I'm sure this amazing plot has more things to come and I can't wait for it!!
I hope you'd update soon~
Thank you so much and good job
Thank you all for your encouraging comments, I really appreciate them! Also thanks to the once 'just' reading.
I'm so happy to know that you like my work. It keeps me going.
Thank you once more! :) :)
Chapter 5: I am so happy to find this story!~ I have been looking for great supernatural stories for a while, and finally I've found one :3
I love Taemin's character, and Minho is so mysterious just as his family's story.
Kibum is amazing as always, and such a great friend of Minho ^^
Thank you for this story, I can't wait to read the next chapter! :)
Chapter 3: I wonder what minho is actually...
Chapter 3: Eyes?? What's wrong with his eyes???? Why can't he talk to Taemin?? And who are those punks in the carrr. Pleaaase, I can't wait the next (>ω<〃)~♡