Chapter 1

End of the Secret Life

Her father's hands gripping the wheel with a hint of shakiness. "Appa, what happened? WH-WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?", Jiyeon stuttered. Her heart pounding, knees shaky and it was the first time she had no clue what was going on.

"Quiet down, Jiyeon-ah. I'm trying to focus on the road.", he calmly replied.

"We both know, you can focus whether or not I'm talking.", she retorted.

"Jiyeon, don't worry about it. Get some rest. Haven't you been busy with missions lately?"

"Ne..." She was in fact extremely worn out. Trying to get comfortable, she tried to get some shut eye. 

Her boss, a childhood friend of her father, told Jiyeon to report to his office and her father waiting to take her home... for good. Jiyeon was unaware of the whole situation and forgot about the deal she had made as a kid. 

"Get her suitcases in the trunk!", he ordered walking inside. "M-my suitcases? W-why?", she stuttered. She stood there almost speechless. It was all of her stuff from her dorm. "JIYEON!", her father called. She obeyed and quickly scurried inside.

They settled in the living room along with Mrs. Park. She placed the tea set down and sat across from Jiyeon, next to Mr. Park. "Jiyeon, you are now seventeen. Your life as a secret agent has come to an end. You must now go through with the arranged marriage.", her father began. "Eleven years ago, you promised to go along with an arranged marriage if you got to live and train as a secret agent. After the adventurous life, you must resume to a normal life.", he continued.

Jiyeon was in utter shock. How could I have made such an unbelievable deal at such a young age?! 

"A promise is a promise, sweetie. Don't you trust us? It wouldn't matter if you could pick or not. You don't know anyone here. Myungsoo is a great guy. You two will make an awfully cute couple.", her mother assured.

Jiyeon sighed. What her mother said was true. The best for her would be an arranged marriage, considering the fact she doesn't know a single guy in Seoul who she could possibly marry. But, giving up her job as a secret agent? "Umma, I know I can trust you and it would be best if I got in an arranged marriage. It's the fact that, I'm just not ready to give up my secret agent life, yet. I'm not an adult, I still have a year or two. Please let me have more fun.", Jiyeon clasped her hands together and begged.

"It's too late. It's already been discussed with the Kims and you promised us already.", her father answered. I can't give up my life as a secret agent. I will go back soon. I will. 

"Get ready for tonight. We're going to have dinner with the Kims and you can meet them.", her mother informed. "Do wear the clothes I picked out for you and placed on your bed, okay?" Jiyeon nodded and went to her room to unpack. 


First chapter is always explaining and getting into things. ^^; 
Sorry if it was a bit uninteresting. It can't really be helped.

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why wont u update?
Chapter 1: please update!!
updateee pls pls ^^
update soon...
Junghyunjoo #5
update soon :)
Jiyeon1234 #6
Update soon
kimhyura #7
update soon pleaseee~ :D
yay!!! update please :)
myungsoojiyeon #9
myungyeon! yay! the best paring ever! please update soon!
xuxu_kut3_99 #10
OMG . I love MyungYeon so so much . I'm waiting for your new chapter