
If You
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The streets were silent, only the sound of my heels hitting the cold and empty pavement could be heard. The burning houses had reduced to ashes and the once clean roads were soaked in red. 
"Look sister. She's doing it again." The oldest out of us three sisters whispered to the second oldest. 

The imbeciles. 

They try so hard yet they only manage to embarrass themselves. If it weren't for me, the two idiots would still be trying to get rid of these annoying peasants. 
After my sisters believed they've killed every person in the village, I began to roam the roads with my eyes closed and allowing my other senses to be used. A habit I've developed after all these years of slaughtering villages. 
Shutting out my annoying older sisters, I found what I was looking for. 
"Silence." I commanded my sisters. 
I began to walk towards the Far East side of what used to be the village, and underneath a pile of rubble were two survivors. The closer I got, I could hear their heart beats quicken and their breathing become shallow. Using my telekinesis to lift the rubble, I watched as the peasants tried to scramble away from me. 
"Your attempts are futile." I told them. 
"Please. Please have mercy." One begs. 
The rubble that was once floating above my head, were thrown into a pile in front of the both of them. Their body's jolt at the sudden action and the one who begged cowers in fear. 
"I've already shown you enough mercy by letting you live this long."
I crouched down in from of the shaking boy who begged and examined his fear ridden face. I struck my hand through his chest and clutched his heart in my hand. With little struggle I pull it out and watch as his body slumps and the life in his eyes fade. 
I turn to the other boy and lifted my hand to push his fringe to the side. He doesn't cower or try to pull away. 


What a handsome face too. What a pity he had lived in this pathetic excuse of village. 
"What's your name?" I asked
"Moonbin." The village leaders son??
"Where's the struggle? Why aren't you begging for mercy? You've got to be at least a little scared." What can I say? Curiosity got the best of me. 
"I've accepted that I'm going to die." He replies. For a while I was quiet, contemplating my options. 
"I might keep you actually." I tell him. 
"What?!" I roll my eyes at the sound of my oldest sisters cry. 
"Your going to keep the good for nothing peasant?" She asks. 
"What's it to you Jessica?" I ask her. 
"Uh well if you think you're

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