+ [final, final]

What It All Comes Down To
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In the first week, the members had called out for Tzuyu unconsciously.

By the second week, they’d walk into the maknae line room to find it empty, heart breaking at the sight.

The third week consisted of a lot of tears.

And the fourth week was filled with denial.

Tzuyu’s departure from the group had a massive negative impact on the group members themselves. While Dahyun and Chaeyoung were deeply regretting their actions, Sana was the one who felt guilty most. She felt so guilty, it ate at her every day she’d see Tzuyu’s empty bed. She couldn’t bear to visit the maknae line room often either.

Actually, all members couldn’t stay in there for long. Chaeyoung and Dahyun who stayed in the room struggled the most – Tzuyu’s empty bed was like a daily reminder of their own stupidity. It was a punishment of its own form and the other members knew that it was enough for them.

Going a month without Tzuyu showed them how important she was in their lives and what they’ve come to regret most in their life. Leaving the youngest alone when she needed everyone was a silly decision. She was still a child, yet they’d all abandoned her and left her to fend for herself when it wasn’t the best for her. They had all assumed that she’d want to be by herself and not considered the repercussions of their own actions.

Maybe, if they knew where she was or they could somehow see that she’s okay, their tension and worry would settle down. But a small part of them considers the fact that things would have changed after the incident. That if Tzuyu hadn’t left, the group would be a complete mess. Some of them are grateful that they were given this chance to go through their thoughts and not make rash decisions but they also wished that Tzuyu’s departure wasn’t permanent in their lives.

They were all currently huddled up in their living room with the television on yet not attentively watching it. Even if their dorm didn’t have Tzuyu’s presence, the slightest things would serve as a reminder of their maknae. Seeing cereal or bread in the morning, a Yoda plushy that had somehow been left behind or even the one toothbrush in their bathroom that belonged to her. Anything reminded them of their stupidity and how they’d treated her.

“We have to do something to get her back.” Nayeon mumbled.

“But what can we do in the first place? We treated her poorly.” Jihyo scoffed.

“I can’t stay in this dorm that’s filled with memories of her without her being here. It’s too much.” Momo cried.

“It’s her decision. We can’t change her mind.” Mina muttered, patting Momo’s back.

“A-actually, maybe we can.” Dahyun stuttered.

“What do you mean?” Sana asked, frowning.

“Maybe, just maybe, Sana Unnie could talk to her.” Dahyun suggested.

“Why would she even want to see my face?” Sana jeered.

“Because despite everything, she still liked you most. She trusted you most.” Dahyun added, trying not to give too much away about Tzuyu’s love for Sana.

Sana shook her head, not liking the idea at all. Firstly, Tzuyu had already left the group. Talking to her is the least successful solution. Also, they had no idea where Tzuyu was. How were they even meant to talk to her? The biggest question is why. Why would Tzuyu want to see the face of someone who hurt her so much? She wouldn’t want to.

“It won’t work. Even if I wanted to, there’s no chance of it working.” Sana seethed, walking away from the group and banging her room door close.

The other members sighed heavily, not sure of what else they could possibly suggest. They’d fight hard to get her back but where would they even start? In their eyes, Tzuyu had already left the group. How were they meant to get her back if she was gone?

Sad Unnie frowned at the conversation between all the members. Out of all the managers, she was the only who knew where Tzuyu was. Lisa and Rose were visiting her there already, coming as often as they were allowed to so that they could provide some sort of company to Tzuyu.

As much as she disliked what the youngest had to go through, she didn’t want her to leave the group. It was nice seeing the rest of the members realise how much Tzuyu meant to them and there might just be a possibility that Tzuyu could come back.

The time period away from everyone else had given Tzuyu a chance to think things through. She felt how different her life was without the other members and she didn’t like it as much as she thought she would after whatever happened between them all. Despite being left out and teased, she still felt at home with them and being separated from them was what made her think about her decision. They were the closest family she had other than her real ones who were overseas.

Maybe Dahyun was right about Sana. She was most likely the person who could bring her back. Dahyun wasn’t the only one who knew about Tzuyu’s feelings. For sure, Tzuyu wouldn’t say yes easily and Sad Unnie would get scolded herself about letting Tzuyu’s location be known but she was doing this for the better of the group. Tzuyu didn’t want to leave the group – she just needed a simply nudge.

Letting the members continue their discussion, Sad Unnie knocked on Sana’s door. She was silently chanting in her head that she was doing everything for the better of the group. Sana was pacing in her room, wiping away the never ending tears that were falling. The knock surprised her and she cleared her face with the edge of her sweatshirt. A few moments later, she opened the door, teary and red eyed.

“Yes Unnie?” Sana mumbled, shocked to see their manager.

“Do you mind if I talk to you?” Sad Unnie asked.

Sana nodded, letting her in the room and locking it.

“Sana, I want you to listen to my next words very carefully. You can’t tell anyone else about this.” Sad Unnie informed as Sana nodded. “I’m thinking that Dahyun was right. You should talk to Tzuyu.”

Sana’s eyes widened as she spoke her thoughts and before she could say anything else, Sad Unnie continued. “Look, I know where Tzuyu is. I’m the only one who knows other than the CEO. I know for a fact that the only person who can convince her to come back is you. Tzuyu hasn’t completely left the group yet.”

“How – what?” Sana asked, confused.

“There’s a period of time before a member leaves a group in which they think about whether or not they want to leave. Like a second chance so that they know they haven’t made the wrong decision.” Sad Unnie explained.

“While she was treated poorly in the group, she’s not the same without you all. I know she’s considering coming back but she needs that last push. She needs something to get her over the line and I know that’s you.” She added

“But how am I even supposed to talk to her? She’ll slam the door on my face.” Sana pouted.

Sad Unnie smiled, “She has a soft spot for you. That’s all I’m going to say. I’ll take you there tomorrow.” She said as she walked out of the room.

Sana was left pondering about everything she was just told. The whole group was depending on her to get Tzuyu back and she had to it. If not for them, for herself. To make up for her own mistake. She was going to bring Tzuyu home no matter what it took.

The members were all asleep when Sana woke up to get dressed. So that she’d avoid being questioned on her whereabouts, she was waking up earlier than everyone else. Sad Unnie was already awake and had breakfast ready for Sana.

“You ready Sana?” She asked as Sana rubbed her eyes.

Sana nodded, yawning and shaking the sleep out of her body. From what she was told, it was at least a two hour drive away. She could get some more sleep in the car as they headed towards Tzuyu anyway. As soon as she sat inside the car, she fell asleep, head lolling over to the side of her door.

Sana was in her own world, dreaming about how different things had been if she’d noticed things first. Why had she ignored what her heart was telling her all these years? She pushed it away thinking that it wasn’t normal. She regrets it all now. How would Tzuyu treat her now after everything that had gone down with the entire group?

Preferring to disregard those thoughts, Sana pondered on what it would be like if the two of them were together. She could be delusional but she was sure Dahyun and Sad Unnie were hinting at something about Tzuyu’s feelings. Could she perhaps harbor feelings for her too? Imagining an alternative world where she was open to cherish the girl as much as she wanted to, Sana dared to dream it all. Feeding Tzuyu when she’s sick, going out on late night dates, cooking together in the kitchen, walking their pet dog – she saw it all.

Sad Unnie woke Sana up as they came up to their destination and the Japanese girl jolted up, sitting straight.

“How about you eat before you go out?” Sad Unnie chuckled, handing Sana a bag of food she’d packed.

Sana smiled gleefully, appreciating the gesture since she decided to sleep before she ate earlier. She quickly ate the food, Sad Unnie chuckling at the sight. She was feeling less guilty about setting this up as every moment passed. She looked outside, observing the grey clouds that covered the previously clear sky.

“I’ll come back in a few hours to check on things. If you want me to pick you up earlier, just call me.” Sad Unnie informed as Sana got out of the car. She nodded, waving goodbye to her manager as butterflies attacked her stomach. She was extremely nervous as she took each step towards the door. She gulped, taking a deep breath before she rang the doorbell.

After a few moments, Tzuyu opened the door, eyes widening as she saw Sana on the other side. Her surprise turned into sadness and on reflex, she banged the door shut before Sana could utter a single word. Tzuyu slid down the other side of the door, unaware of what to do. She wasn’t expecting Sana to be over the house right now and she didn’t know what to say.

“Tzuyu?” Sana called out weakly, trying to pretend that the door being closed on her face didn’t affect her.

It broke her heart to ignore her but she couldn’t talk to her. She knows it’s not Sana’s fault at all but she’s just scared to be hurt. She sobbed quietly as she heard Sana plead for her to open the door on the other side. She bit down hard on her knuckles, hoping it would help her stop crying.

“I – I’m sorry Tzuyu. I know you don’t want to see me so I’ll just tell you from here. I’m sorry for being such a bad best friend. I’m sorry for leaving you. I’m sorry for everything. I understand it’ll be hard for you to forgive me but please, come back.” Sana begged, crying as soon as she started talking.

“But I don’t blame you anymore. I don’t think I ever did. I was just hurt.” Tzuyu whispered.

“I’m not going to leave here until you agree to come back Tzuyu. If you don’t want to come back for us, think of the fans. I’m not going to make the mistake of letting you go this time.” Sana whimpered.

Tzuyu held back her own tears on the other side, Sana’s words affecting her like no tomorrow. She had to get away from the door or else she was going to break too soon. She distracted herself, moving to the living room to watch television instead. Sana realised that Tzuyu had left and she shook her head. Sad Unnie would most likely be coming back soon and Sana had no progress.

An hour later, Sad Unnie parked the car outside the house, frowning as she saw Sana sitting outside of the door.

“Sana?” She called out. “You’re still outside?”

“Ah, yes Unnie.” Sana answered, looking down.

“You want to go home?” She dared to ask.

“Do you think I could stay her

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Chapter 2: I really cried while reading the first part and I even bad mouthed Twice bc I was so upset and frustrated at them. But anyway, that only reflects how deep you actually pulled me or us, more likely, into the story. Also, I really love the sequel, it's nice that they all learned from their mistakes and yaaaay it's a happy ending
Jnagamos #2
Chapter 2: I re read this story 1225 times! Chos! Hahaha. I really love it. I think im crazy? Every night i need to cry to make me sleep. And i always read it hahaha. ?
this, till this day still gets me in my feelings
Chapter 2: I lost counts of how many time I re-read this story. I really love this story. It always make me shed a tears every time I read this story even though I already know the plot. Thank you for writing this amazing story author-nim..
Chapter 2: YASSSS!!! Satzu will sail forever!
Chapter 2: This story totally deserved more attention than it did. I like the first chapter especially, it's well written, describing the tiny details. I especially love the last paragraph in the first chapter, and that last line Tzuyu said to her members before leaving the dorm, "No one likes being treated differently from the others." that definitely struck a chord in me.
Chapter 2: I cried while reading the first part! But everything paid off on this part! They're so sweet!
14 streak #8
Chapter 2: dammit it hit my feelings ! was thebest end and especially pushing everyone except her love sana!