Love freed and unchained

The Ember that still Burned


Curio slowly opened his eyes to see the sun slowly sinking in the sky. He must have dozed more than he was meaning to because he wasn’t expecting the sun to almost be out of the sky when he waked up. As he got up he heard the flapping of wings as someone was landing. He turned to look who it was his hand slightly on the sheath of his sword. It was Francisco on his dragon stead, Jules. Francisco seemed to look relieved and worried at the same time.

Francisco: “There you are, I have been searching the entire day looking for you. What brought you here of all places?”

Curio wiped of his pants of loose dirt that had gotten on them, “Humph, you wouldn’t have had to look for me if you didn’t leave this morning, I needed time to think, and Neo Verona wasn’t going to help me there.”

Francisco sighed, “Alright I deserved that, I apologize for leaving without a word.” Francisco got down from Jules and stepped a bit closer to Curio.

First, Curio thought, was to lay it down on him his anger.

Curio, “Do you mind explaining what that was last night! You caught me completely off guard, how much longer do you intend to stir me up like this? I am not a play thing like those damsels you trot around with!”

Francisco: “Let me explain- “

Curio interrupted him, “Before you say anything Mr. Casanova, I will speak first. You might not have had a hard time dealing with being so muddled up like this, but I have! Ever since the night we shared together, I think about whenever my mind is free to wander, when I wake up, when I go to sleep. I simply can’t remove you from there! I have all this pent-up emotion for you, I don’t know how to handle it. I have held it in for your benefit and the benefit of our current relationship and you go and do that!”

Curio took a breath before uttering the most important words, “I…I really like you, no I most likely should call this love. This emotion is taking over my mind, and I needed to get this out. Whether you reject me or not it is something he had to be told.”

Francisco looked shocked as Curio finished his love confession and Curio had to take another breath to calm himself down. Francisco felt so happy, he smiled slightly trying not to show too much happiness for he thought it would break him.

Francisco: “You just had to be first didn’t you. I came to tell you the exact same thing. Curio, I know what you went through, and to be true before a week ago, I tried to suppress the same emotions for the same reason. I gallivanted with ladies to try and remove you from my mind, but to no avail. You would sneak in there and never leave. Curio not only do I accept your feelings, but I convey them to you as well, I love you.”

Curio blushed and turned his head away from Francisco’s eyes, “You jest, how am I to believe you so easily, I never know when you are being serious.”

Francisco walked up until he was standing directly in front of curio and wrapped his arms around curio, making his fingers go through his hair and kissed him, deeply.

Curio resisted at first but slowly wrapped his arms around Francisco as they kissed. Francisco finally released Curio from the kiss.

Francisco: “How can one man kiss another so deeply and not have any attached emotions in it? I love you, truly I do.” Francisco gave Curio a quick kiss again on his lips.

Curio Blushed until his face was bright red, he hid his face in Francisco’s chest, embarrassed to show it any longer, “Idiot, should have said something sooner.”

Francisco held him close, “I know.”

They Got on Jules and flew back to Neo Verona, to Curio’s house.


Francisco traced along Curio’s finely toned muscles from him trained once a week. It had been so long since their souls had last joined, and Francisco and Curio had enjoyed each moment of it. Francisco laid his head down on Curio’s chest as he enjoyed his tracing. His touch was sending small shivers down Curio’s body. Curio was running his fingers through Francisco’s hair, smiling all the while he was doing so. They both looked so happy as they laid in silence.

Eventually Curio stopped messing with Francisco’s hair to ask a question that he had yet let out.

Curio: “What about the future? Children? And your reputation as a member of parliament? I don’t want any harm coming to you because of me.”

Francisco shook his head then placed his chin back on Curio’s chest as he looked at him, “I will not let anyone harm either of us, I finally got you, I refuse to release you once more. And about the other stuff all that can come later, the people of Verona are free-minded people, I know they will hear us out and listen to us. I think you’ll find we will be much more accepted in this kingdom than you think.” Francisco smiled, assuring him what he said was true.

Curio pulled Francisco closer to his face, wrapping his arms around him and kissing him.

Curio: “I trust your judgment. I suppose we are still quite young and don’t have to think about a family quite yet.”

Francisco nuzzled him, “Indeed, plus we have William and Cordelia on our side, they are equivalent to 5 people all on their own.” He chuckled.

They laughed and smiled. They embraced on another for a few more hours then fell asleep in each others arms.



William’s narration ending:

Thus, ends the tale of the two lovers. With their future looking quite bright and fortuitous, they lived on in happiness, enjoy their days with one another. Just as young Francisco had said, the people listened and understood them, accepting them for who they are. For they no longer judged harshly as the life of the fair Juliet and Romeo had left its mark on the people. To accept love in all forms is the most beautiful thing a person can do, and that was something every person of Neo Verona understood well. Eventually of course in their late 30’s Francisco and Curio adopted 3 children named, Mina, Cindy, and Ramos. All whom grew up to fine ladies and gentlemen. The couple themselves grew old together, their love never dying, not even after their last breaths had been drawn.


So, I close the curtains on this love story, and bid you all adieu.

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