
My Life Is A Drama

Jihyun's Pov

I sat in the car, earplugs in my ear listening to some music, while my parents went on and on about how I should be careful while in Korea. Yep, I was on my way to the airport right now, and we were gonna be late thanks to my dad's careful but painfully slow driving.

"Dad, Jihyun is gonna be late for her flight if you don't drive faster" my sister, Ara said from next to me, both my parents shuted up and sat quietly. I sent my sister a grateful look for saving me from hearing "You have to be careful", "Don't wonder the streets after 9", "Don't talk to strangers" over and over again.

We finally arrived at the airport with minutes to spare.

"Don't forget anything" my dad said.

"Check your stuff while we're still in the car to make sure" my mom added.

I sighed "No I didn't forget anything and I'm gonna be late if I don't leave right now", I kissed both my parents on the cheek and hugged my sister good bye.

Seconds after I pasted through the door I heard my dad yell

"Sweetie!! You're not forgetting anything are you??"

"No daddy!!!" I yelled back causing everyone around me to stare. I bowed and repeatedly said sorry to the people surrounding me.

From where I was standing I could see my mom waving something out the window. It took me a few seconds before I realized what it was. I ran as fast as I could, which was really fast, to the car almost bumping into several people.

As I reached the car, both my parents sighed.

"What are we gonna do with you" my mom said poking my head like a child, as I snatched my passport from her hands.

"It was only one thing" I mumbled while clutching my passport.

I said good bye once again and entered the airport.

~~~One hour later~~~

I slumped down into my first class seat

'"That was the longest line I have every stood in" I mumbled.

A family walked pasted me, I similed as I saw their son tug at his dad's pants wanting to be held. Minutes later I felt a huge kick from behind my seat, I turned around and saw a little boy in the seat behind me, I similed as I remember the little boy as the one who was tugging at his father's pants.

"Sweetie can you please stop kicking my seat??" I asked nicely with a simile on my face.

The boy stuck his tongue out at me and continued to kick my seat.

I sighed and turned back, buckled my seatbelt and closed my eyes

'This is gonna be a long trip' I thought, as one of the attendants announced that the plane was about to take off.


Chapter 1 is up!! Yay!!! So what do you guys think?? Please comment what you think. Sorry if it's bad or boring this is my first time writing a chapter without any help. Anyways please tell your friends to check out this story, the more subscribers there are the more motived I am to write.

If you are wondering what Ara looks like then here you go:

This is Kyuhyun's actual sister in real life, Cho Ara (Idk if it's Ara or Ahra, but I'm gonna go with Ara)


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