o n e : s a k u r a

Lost and Found

Buying things had never particularly interested the man, but doing so was just another essential, expected act during the winter season. He leaned forward now, biting his thumbnail, to peruse the array of items arranged (rather flamboyantly, he thought) on the counter. One caught his eye, and he voiced his interest. His tone was monotonous and seemingly uninterested; his manner cold and calculating.

(But, then again, that was what attracted people to him.)

He stared at the object in his hand, letting his fringe shadow his eyes. It was rather insignificant, really, but he couldn’t help but wonder...

He sighed. Maybe he would just buy the gift for the sake of buying it. Maybe he would give it to the elderly lady in the flower shop two blocks down. Maybe he would just get it so he could have something pretty lying around the house.

Maybe. He leaned on the counter, still thinking, as the blushing saleslady wrapped the gift.

(You're still doing well, right?)




A soft ding drew your attention from the mysterious man. Jolted from your thoughts, you turned from the window to check your phone. 

Good morning, princess! Wanna hang out today? ^^

You grinned as you read the message and typed out a reply.

Sure thing! I’ll meet you at 6 for dinner? Usual spot. ;)

The response was almost immediate:

Okay, I'll pick you up then~ Can't wait! :D

Satisfied, you placed your phone on your nightstand. You hummed softly to yourself as you got ready. Sungjong Oppa has been really good to me. As far as you knew, you were alone in the world when it came to family. Sungjong had been your closest companion for as long as you could remember. 




The man breathed softly into his scarf, thinking to himself, as he re-entered the criss-crossed veins of the now-busy streets. So much had happened since last year.

(So much...

But he hoped he could fix it all.)

(You and I are already over,

But can't it come back like the falling snow?)




You shivered as you walked through the park. The snow was powdery under your boots; it made a soft crunching sound as you stepped on it. Something pink fluttered in front of you, and you swiped your hand to catch it. You opened your hand to find a rather ragged cherry blossom.

Sakura. You were familiar with the term, but you still wondered how something as fragile as a cherry blossom could survive in the harshness of winter.

Where were they coming from?

You looked up to find the outstretched branches of a frost-covered tree. It was a rather futile effort for the tree to send out blossoms in the middle of winter, you thought. They wouldn’t survive. Of that, you were almost completely sure.

(And somehow, that thought reminded you of something that you couldn’t quite name.)




He stared blankly at a delicate, fluttering cherry blossom, his gaze impassive but his mind racing.

(Do you miss me? he wondered, but his logic was too quick. 

No, I almost forgot…

You can’t.)




Someone said your name, and you turned to face whoever it was. You stiffened: it was the same dark figure from this morning. You stared evenly at him, wondering who he was and why he’d called you. Surely he’d asked the wrong person?

“Who are you?” you asked, cautious. You almost hoped Sungjong would appear; you felt a bit uneasy under the man’s probing stare. He didn’t move or say anything for a minute. His face remained expressionless, but it seemed like something inside him cracked.

(Almost as if your question hurt him.)

When he spoke, his voice was barely a whisper. “My name... is Myungsoo.”

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JungChaeWon #1
Chapter 3: Ohhh come on!!! Your fic is exciting and suits my taste :)) please update soon
OMG, so did she lose her memory or something?! Sungjong, what are you doing?! You're hiding something!! Sungjong is probably being selfish and wants to have her all to himself D: omg myungsoo.
you have to update soon *O*
OMG a myungsoo fic :D
from the foreword, i can bet to myself this fic wont disappoint me, like all your other fics :3
tsk. I'm subscribing, THEN start reading <3
I'm so intrigued by this, I've been scouring the lyrics to try and predict where you're going with this, but I've got nothing. You know what that means, right? It means you have to update ASAP! :P
o(>.<)o ALL the chappies have been amazing so far!!! Pelase update soon~<br />
<br />
lyien96 #6
update soonn pleazz...<br />
i really lov this storyy......<br />
wave my handzz....^^
OMG I LOVE IT!!!<br />
Pelase Update Soon~<br />
Happy New Year~