You Again

Safe Travels

Today, I'm packing my things to head back home for a visit.

It's Thanksgiving week and my mother wants me to spend it with her and my family.

I sighed, looking at all my bags and headed for Busan.

It's not like I didn't like my family, it's just that I left for a reason you know?

I never liked living in a small neighborhood. The village life just wasn't for me.

I left the country and moved to the States.

Los Angeles, California to be exact and I love it.

I love how there's so much life here and everyone has a chance to be somebody.

I heard my uber driver honk outside my house and I grabbed my things and headed out.

At the airport, I had my ticket in my hand already as I rushed for my flight.

Stupid LA traffic making me late.

I made it through security without any issues and I ran to where my plane will be boarding.

I sighed, seeing that I made it on time.

I looked over at the board, seeing that my flight was delayed.

"What!?" I yelled, gaining the attention of a few people walking by.

I went up to someone at the front desk to ask them about my flight.

"Excuse me Sir, it says that my flight to Busan was delayed. Do you know when the next flight will be taking off?" I asked him.

"Yes, let me check" He starts typing something on the computer.

"The next flight Busan will take off in two hours" He smiled at me.

My mouth dropped.

"Thank you so much" I fake smiled and walked away.

Two hours? What the hell can I do for two hours.

I rolled my eyes.

I spotted a bookstore and decided to kill time in there.

I found a random book to read and sat down.

I decided to text my mother and let her know I would be a little late.

I read a good 25 chapters of the book before I checked the time seeing that I had 15 minutes until my flight left.


I quickly put the book back and ran out the bookstore to the boarding area.


My plane finally landed and I went to go claim my bags.

"Y/N?" I heard.

I turned around and saw my brother, Yoongi.

"Yoongi!" I ran over to him and we hugged each other.

"How have you been?" He asked me.

It's been 3 years since I've seen Yoongi.

5 years since I've seen the rest of my family.

Yoongi came to visit me in LA once.

"I've been doing well. How are you? How's mom?" I asked.

"I've been doing good and mom? Ehh she's been okay, she'll be a lot happier now that you're visiting. She told the whole family that you were coming so everybody came to the house to see you" He said.

"Seriously? I look a mess, Yoongi why didn't you tell me that before I could've put make up on at least" I complained.

"Don't worry, we can stop by my house and you can get ready" He laughed.

"Oh thank you Yoongi, you're the best" I hugged him again.

At Yoongis house, I changed into a more approachable attire and I fixed my hair and put on makeup and ran out his house.

"Oh yeah mom also invited some of your friends" He said.

"Friends? I don't have any more friends in Busan, that's why I left remember?" I told him.

"Well I don't know, talk to her she invited them" He laughed.

We arrived at my moms house and he wasn't kidding, she invited everyone.

"Omg! You're here" My mother came running over to me.

"Hey mom" I smiled.

"My, look how beautiful you've gotten. I missed you so much" She hugged me again.

"I missed you too" I hugged her tighter.

"Oh, sweetie I invited some of your friends. Not a lot of them showed up, but I saw that one of them is here-oh there he is" She waved the person down.

I turned around and saw him waking towards us.

I froze.

I haven't seen him in almost 5 years and it didn't end well.

He came over and hugged me.

"Hey Y/N, your mom told me you were visiting for the holidays so I was like why not come see you" He smiled like everything was okay.

"Well thank you for coming out but mom, Jimin, I have to go do something" 

Quickly, I ran outside.

"Y/N-" My mom called after me, but I couldn't turn back around.

I didn't know what to do at this point.

I'm not surprised that my mother would invite him, I never told her the truth to why we stopped talking.

Jimin and I used to be best friends. You know the typical I love my best friend but he doesn't know it, relationship. Yeah that was us, except when I finally confessed to Jimin, he rejected me harshly.

Laughing in my face, telling me that we are only meant to be friends. Also he told me that he had a girlfriend that he had been hiding. Which happened to be my best friend....well ex best friend.

I still remember what he said to me that night.


 "Why her?" I asked Jimin.

"Why not? She's hot" Jimin said.

"She's a Jimin, all she's gonna do is hurt and cheat on you like she does to all her boyfriends. She may be my friend, but she's no good for you-"

"And what's good for me? You? Stop being jealous Y/N. It was never going to work out between us. You and I are meant to be friends-"

I cut him off with a cold hard slap across his face.

I ran back home and after that I never spoke to Jimin or my "best friend" again.

~Flashback End~

"Y/N, wait" I heard Jimin running after me.

"What do you want Jimin? Where's Avery?" I scoffed.

"We broke up" He said.

"Wow, like I didn't see that coming" I sarcastically said.

He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around to face him.

"I had to play it cool in front of your mother. When she gave me the invite, I figured she didn't know why we stopped talking. And I couldn't decline her offer. I knew that I had to come see you and first and foremost, apologize to you about everything that came out of my mouth that night" He began.

"I'm embarrassed to say, but I was drunk that night. Namjoon and I went out that night and I had a little too much to drink. And then I saw your text asking to meet me and then what I said was beyond disrespectful to you and I know you were only looking out for me"

"I was" I said.

"Also, that night. I was really upset because I lied about how I truly felt" He finished.

"About what Jimin?"

"About you!" He said.

"What are you talking about? Are you trying to tell me that you actually had feelings for me?" I asked him.

"Still do" He looked me in the eyes.

"Then if you do, why did you say all those things to me back then? Why didn't you call me after? Why didn't you apologize over the past 5 years Jimin, why!?" I got louder as I spoke.

"I assumed that you hated me, I tried calling you I really did. But then I just ended up stopping the call because I figured you were happy and moved on from the situation and didn't want anything to me. Your brother told me that you moved to the States and I thought you wanted to get far away from me so I left you alone" 

"You aren't the only reason I left Jimin so don't flatter yourself" 

He frowned.

"I left because I didn't have any other friends here besides you and Avery and you know that I hated living in this village. I have better opportunities in Los Angeles and moving there was the best decision I ever made" I told him.

"Well I was hoping that we could catch up while you're in town" He said.

"Ooh, well Jimin I have a boyfriend now" 

"O-Oh, I'm sor-"

"Just kidding Jimin, I don't have a boyfriend" I laughed.

His eyes lit up.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah, and its gonna be awkward and its gonna take some time, but I guess we can catch up and be friends again" I smiled.

He hugged me.

"And then hopefully, I can come visit you or maybe even move to LA with you-"

"Woah, Jimin slow down" I laughed.

"I'm just thinking of our future Y/N" 

"Our future?" I pulled us apart.

"Yes babe" He said.


He was still the same Jimin as before. 

I smiled.

"I missed you so much Jimin" I hugged him again.

"I missed you so much too Y/N"

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MarkShiki #1
Chapter 1: thank you very much my dear :) and I'M Look forward your other stories and thanks for making all of my Requests and also I'm glad you had time for making these for me ..I love reading your stories ❤️ ❤️❤️ 화이팅 Fighting cute <3<3<3