
Hug Me Tight

Ayo ~ Here we go! Hope you enjoy! :D Italics are Jisoo's thoughts!

Hug me tight


His eyes went over the big crowd around him nervously while he played with the hem of his long sweater. He usually loved going to concerts, music was his life and he has looked forward to spending some quality time with his friends but they obviously wanted to spend some good time without him, given that they were running god knows where and leaving him all alone. In the middle of nowhere. 
Honestly, they knew he had no sense of orientation. He'd never find them on his own. 
They knew he hated being alone. 
They also knew he could get stressed out by the situation and would turn into a "fluffy little ball that desperately needs to be hugged". 

For him, hugs were kind of a stress reliever, the mere thought that someone holds you - even if it's only for a few seconds - calmed him down and steadied him. Usually, at least one of them would stay with him but he was just mesmerised by the performance of that one band and suddenly all of them were gone. They better have a legit reason.

Jisoo anxiously bit his lip when he saw in the corner of his eyes that two guys were starting to launch at each other. This was the worst. 
Oh my god, they will start a fight and I'm standing right next to them and somehow I'm gona get involved, too.  Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god - I'm sorry, one does not use god's name in vain but OH MY GOD!

He looked around to find a way out of the crowd as soon as possible but somehow, the people formed a ring around the two guys, trapping Jisoo in the middle. His weak "excuse me"s were ignored and no one lead him through. He was screwed.  

When he saw one guy punching the other right onto his nose, he screamed at the instant blood pouring out. He could hear people cheering. Suddenly, a few men in uniform broke through the crowd and stopped the guy from punching the other one again. Although the police was there Jisoo couldnt help shivering all over the body and feeling the strong wave of wanting a hug even more than before. He pushed his face into his soft sweater and whimpered at the screams and insults that were thrown around. He needed a hug as soon as possible to calm himself down. Suddenly, he heard footsteps and hid even more into his big sweater. His legs were shaking and he felt how his eyes started to water. He looked so pitiful even Jihoon would have hugged him although he hated hugs more than musical incompetence - and that's saying something.

"Sir, are you alright?"

Jisoo crawled out of his sweater to look at the man in front of him whose gentle and deep voice was a bit soothing but only increased his need to hug someone.

Without hesitating, he opened his arms and nearly jumped on the officer. He pushed his face onto that solid but warm chest and sighed contently when he felt how the man wrapped his strong arms around him. He never felt more secure and save. Jisoo rubbed his face on the man's chest, not minding the hard material of the uniform. They stayed in this position for a few seconds until Jisoo froze and realized what he had just done. He went into panic state and desperately needed a hug to calm down. In his misery he jumped the next best person - a poor officer that only wanted to break off the occuring fight. 

Jisoo gasped and entangled himself from the man but whined inwardly at the lack of warmth he experienced. The warmth or more like heat came back to his cheeks, though, when he realized that the officer was in fact a bit too cute and his dimpled smile a bit too attractive. 

"Oh my- I'm so sorry!"

The officer just continued smiling and laughed a little.

"It's no big deal, Sir. I hope you are better now?"
"Yes, yes! Thank you-um-" What was he gonna say now? This situation was so awkward.

"Jisoo, there you are!" Although he cursed at his friends for being missing in action before, he was damn grateful to see them now to save him from this embarassing moment. He just wanted to run away as far as possible and never having to face the handsome cop again. 

"Oh, I- those are my friends, I'll just go. Thank you again!" He bowed quickly and turned around on his wobbly knees to run to his friends as fast as he could. A hand held him back and he turned around, facing the man again.

"Would you be interested in getting coffee?"

Jisoo's already chaotic mind threw question marks around in his head. 

"Uh-I'm sorry but I have to go now- my friends-" He was mentally exhausted and felt how the need to get hugged reappeared and he had to go fast or else he'd be jumping the poor guy again. The rowdy crowd around them weren't helping and the police officer probably realized that he was on duty here as well.

The officer bit his lip and looked slightly disappointed. Jisoo felt bad about his sort of rejection and just couldn't help saying one last thing before bowing one last time and running away.

"I believe in fate. If something is meant to be, there will be other chances." 

So when a few weeks later, Jisoo bumped into the officer - his name was Choi Seungcheol, what a beautiful name just like his cuddly chest - again, the man didn't let go of him before he had a new phone number in his phone and a promise of getting coffee soon. 


Thanks for reading! 


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Chapter 1: Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god - I'm sorry, one does not use god's name in vain but OH MY GOD! This is so cuteeeeeeeee!!!! ㅠㅠ
Ciannaa #2
Chapter 1: That's so cute. Fortsetzung bitte!
Chapter 1: This is adorable, gahhhh
Chapter 1: Jisoo, is so cute here!
Chapter 1: This is so cute i'm suddenly soft
Chapter 1: sighs, how i wish i would see him again in a few weeks from today,,, and we'll get our own cups of coffee....... and bunch of cuddles. sighs. im still bitter abt this. :( deadass the of the year
Chapter 1: This was really cute