Through Their Lover's Eyes

Through Their Lover's Eyes

"This is stupid." Yoongi drones while squinting in the darkness. The hilltop Jimin had suggested to have their ninety-seventh anniversary date on was, in simple words, devoid of lights.

It's romantic and all. The candles that Jimin picked up from the department store, are shaped like hearts and smelled of pomegranate and berries. And the boy had gone and set up a large blanket with steaks and Seokjin's homemade pizza for dinner; a century old red wine to boot. Yoongi chuckled at the idea that they would finally be able to taste it after a century of making it. And it was all so sweet, because the younger vampire had personally piggybacked the elder up the hill. So honestly Yoongi couldn't exactly resent the boy for trying to make their night a memorable one.

That's why when Jimin replies with a roll of the eyes and "come on hyung. This isn't that bad." Yoongi agrees with a reluctant huff and a hidden smile.

Having finished their dinner and downing their wine, the two vampires find themselves lying on their backs, staring up at the sky. Boasting about the celestial bodies they claimed would never exists if not for them.

"Please! I helped discover Pluto! I win easy!" Yoongi declared with an arrogant smirk.

Jimin rolls his eyes and retort with an equally sassy tone, "yes, and it's no longer considered a planet. So I win, because I helped discover Eris, which is much larger than Pluto."

Yoongi gasps annoyed and crosses his arms over his chest as he turns slightly away from Jimin stewing in faux anger. His pout, Jimin's favorite one in the world for more than a century.

Jimin playfully turns to his side staring at his hyung in awe as he simply breathes in and out the fresh mountain grass scent. "Let's do something" his lips whisper and Yoongi quirks and eyebrow at that.

The paler than pale elder turns on his side facing his lover and bites out "seriously?" He rolls his eyes in aggravation and continues, "I'm pissed at you and you offer as an apology!?"

A good-natured chuckle escapes Jimin's lips and he softly ruffles Yoongi's hair as he murmurs into the wind, "I didn't say hyung." Yoongi quirks an eyebrow and silently asks what the hell Jimin means. The younger replies in an equally hushed tone, "I meant something we haven't done before. Something we haven't seen before."

Yoongi speaks softly over the rush of the winds with a smirk, "we've been in love with each for over ninety freaking years Park Jimin. And dated for more than that, in general." He edges closer to the boy and kisses his lips chastely as he says, "I think we've done it all and seen it all. Good and bad."

Jimin simply shakes his head in silent denial and mutters forlornly, "I haven't seen myself." Resentment crystal clear in that high-pitched mutter. Yoongi lets a sad frown mar his own features at the thought. "And you haven't seen yourself either."

"What do you suggest?" Yoongi whispers. Waiting with bated breath.

Because he's been in existence for around twenty-three decades, Jimin for twenty-one. And, unlike most popular beliefs they weren't once humans who'd been turned into vampires with a bite. They weren't undead either. They were fully alive species, with blood that ran through their veins and a simple, misunderstood but severe sensitivity to the *UVB rays that the beaming sun emitted. Agreed their body cells rejuvinated so fast it made them practically immortal and they stopped growing old after reaching their required maturity level. Not to mention a resistant gene pool that gave them their staple vampire canines; they were still alive and not supernatural entities.

But, it's true that they never saw their own reflection. The simple explanation being, time went by very, very fast for them. Which meant that the ten nanoseconds it took to reflect the image felt like a *Planck time to them; never enough to actually see themselves. Cameras were of no use because their skin absorbed most of the photons that collided with their bodies, making the movement of the reflected photons slower, giving them a paler anatomy and invisible photographs. And as a well known law between the Vampire community, getting one's face sketched was a sin of the greatest order. And Yoongi and Jimin weren't the most faithful being, but some of nature's laws even they wouldn't dare mess with.

Jimin moves in closer, letting their noses touch and he speaks in an undertone. "You have jet black hair."

Yoongi smiles in understanding and responds with a delighted sigh. "Yours are black too." He eyes the boy's cropped hair and cards his hands through the soft locks as he corrects himself, "actually they're a really, really dark brown."

Jimin muffles a smile as he searches the next feature to describe. He bites his lips teasingly and brushes his fingers against his lover's lips and expresses, "your lips are really pink." A laugh escapes his own when Yoongi bites the digits and he adds, "and your skin is too pale, even for a vampire."

The elder vampire rolls his eyes acceptingly and gazes his companion while explaining, "you have a porcelain complexion and a slight blush." He leans in for another sweet kiss and whispers against the younger's lips, "and your lips are really full. Scarlet. They actually look like rose petals from the side."

His mate flushes a deeper red at the words directed to him. He clears his throat awkwardly while fanning himself and continues to illustrate the man with his words. Jimin draws his fingers along the outlines of the other's eyes and says, "you have mono-lids." A sweet giggle fills the air and he explains, "your eyes crinkle when you smile your real smile."

With a raised eyebrow he's questioned, "real smile?"

"You have a fake smile, where you smile and you eyes stay open. And a real smile that turns your eyes to slits."

Yoongi utters an appreciate "Ahhh" as he takes this information in. He smiles at the boy lying in front of him and states, "you have double eyelids but-" He cuts off with a frown and Jimin raises his eyebrows in concern. "But you're eyes still turn to slits when you smile" Yoongi further explains. "You have the most beautiful smile I ever saw. And trust me I would know. I've lived through four revolutions and eleven Civil Wars in five different countries and nations."

Jimin sniggers at that and bashfully replies, "yours is the sweetest I ever saw too." He presses a kiss to the side of elder's face and retorts, "and I would know because I've dated a person from almost every nationality."

Silence fills the air as the two continue to just look at each other. Soon, Yoongi's voice breaks it though, "your eyebrows are pretty thick." The words send Jimin into a fit of laughter as Yoongi, red-eared, stammers nervously with a hand at the nape of his own neck, "wh- what!? Yo- you do!"

Having gained his composure the younger one stables down as he inches even more into the elder's person and says, "your eyelashes are to die for hyung." He lets his fingers linger along the edges of the other's fluttering lashes and kisses his closed lids as he elaborates, "they're long and black and beautiful."

"You're beautiful."

Jimin simply lets his lips turn upwards at the compliment and continues their little game, "you have a cute nose. It's like Jungkook's cat's!"

Yoongi splutters at that, making Jimin loose his breathing due to laughter again. When the boy calms down he continues, "yours is flat." When Jimin's smile falters Yoongi rushes to correct himself, "bu- but it suits you!"

The other just rolls his eyes at his lover and furthers their game, "your ears jut out slightly. Like a pixie's. It's cute."

"Yours are kinda small." Yoongi smirks at Jimin's adorable pout and moves his face closer to the boys and completes, "it's adorable."

Jimin then closes the gap between their lips and presses his body into the vampire next to him.

And they don't fit. Not by a mile.

Yoongi's slim body, looks weak embraced between Jimin's well-built muscles. The elder one's long fingers, that are sinewy as they fondle their way into the younger boy's hair, are complete opposites of Jimin's small, chubby ones that are working his shirt undone. Yoongi's almost girly legs, that he's too proud of, look odd as they straddle Jimin's sides. The other boy's meaty thighs pushing up to bring Yoongi closer.

They don't match at all.

The elder's cold resting face, rivaling the younger's warm sunshine smiles. The dark brown haired boy's high-pitched Angel's words, and the black haired one's low-pitched Devil's mutterings. The paler vampire's cute little tummy against his porcelain skinned mate's rock solid abs.

Yoongi's thin lips, crashing onto Jimin's fuller ones.

And their kisses are a proof of just how imperfect they are for each other. All misplaced grabs and breaths held too long. Gasps and pulls and grinds that are never in sync. Ninety-seven years together and they still quaked under each others touch. Still said 'Sorry' for pulling each others hair too hard. Still crashed their teeth against the other's when going full French.

Still quivered when they pulled apart to look into each others eyes.

"Your eyes..." Jimin says in gasps. "Are... Black."

Yoongi smiles as he peppers the boy's lips in gentle touches with his own, as he too murmurs, "yours are... Black and..." He looks up into those eyes again. Those that stare back into his soul with mere innocence and trust. "And they look endless."

Jimin laughs gently as the wind ruffles past them. He looks away and back at the stars. Smiled tugged to his flushed lips. A while passes, and when he turns back his head to the side, Yoongi is still looking at him. The boy smiles softly and places another butterfly kisses on his cheek as he mutters, "thank you."

"For what?" Yoongi asks, never looking away. As if looking away would make the boy disappear. Would make this moment expire.

Jimin leans his head into the crook of the elder's neck as he confesses, "you made me sound so beautiful. I think I might've fallen in love myself."

Yoongi waits for his heart to stopping thumping so fast in Jimin's presence, but it never does. So with a heart that has been in overdrive ever since he fell in love, Yoongi too, confesses, "you made me sound pretty fantastical as well."

The younger gets up with a jolt and shakes his head violently while leaning on the elder and exclaims vehemently, "but you are hyung! You're like a dream!" He sighs morosely as he puffs down and explains, "I wish you could see just how handsome you are."

Yoongi pulls Jimin down with his hand on the back of his neck. Jimin's face hovering over his own and he says, "you're so handsome, I'm glad you can't see yourself."

"Why?" Jimin whispers. Anxiety seeping into the corners of his mind. Scared of what he'll receive as a reply.

"If you did..." Yoongi smiles a gentle smile and continues, "you'd think dating me was a waste. Cuz you could do so much better."

And they kiss; ending the night a little less sinfully than they usually do. With vows of love. And muttered 'I love yous'. And peppered kisses and cuddles and sighs of relief. In the most chaste manner they could have.

With all their clothes on and their souls bared to each other.

They will have more anniversaries to share in the future. More sweet words shared and many more special moments to recall upon. But, somehow, today seems like something special to Yoongi. To Jimin.

Because, tonight, finally know how they look.

Because after waiting for hundreds of years, they finally see themselves; through their lover's eyes.


Hit me up on Tumblr at CMiMiU or on Twitter at @CMiMiU


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