

Back to Fansign


The fansign over after  one and half hour, seventeen greet fans then say goodbye,


“let’s meet again next event Carat-deul, you know we always missing you right??” says hoshi


NE~” answer all fans in unison


Seventeen left the fansign place then go to their car, jisoo go to the 2nd car with seungkwan,seokmin,mingyu,myungho, and chan.


Jisoo sit at back seat with mingyu and seokmin,


“are you okay hyung? you look more pale right now,” asked seokmin who really worried over jisoo,


“just lil bit dizzy,”


“you too much to yourself hyung,”


“what do you mean?”


“you force yourself to come, you must rest at dorm instead,”


“you know I can’t disappoint our Carat right?”


“I know it, but—“


“just stop it seok, let jisoo hyung sleep, he must be really tired now”




“no but, see? Jisoo hyung already sleep now,”


“it cause of junghan hyung,”


“what do you mean by that?”


“nothing” don’t want to say anything, seokmin close his eyes and pretend that he is sleeping



“hyung, jisoo hyung, we already arrived” said mingyu waking up his hyung


“I guess he’s very tired gyu, why don’t you carry him instead?”


Mingyu got jisoo at his back and carry him to his room and leave jisoo hyung with seokmin and seungkwan


“hyung I’ll go out for a second, you can take care of jisoo hyung without me right?”




Just when seungkwan get out of their room Doogi PD come in to check jisoo condition


“is he’s condition get better?”


“I don’t think so hyung”


“let me check,”


“go ahead hyung” said seokmin


Doogi PD check jisoo’s temperature


“he’s not get better at all, he’s fever not even went down a. such a sweet liar tell me that he will get better after seeing Carat”  said Doogi PD


“of course jisoo hyung wont make carat disappointed”


“I know. Is it okay if I leave you now right?” asked doogi PD


ne hyung,” said seokmin and then doogi PD get out of their share room


Not long after doogi PD leave, jisoo’s open his eyes


“you awake hyung?”


Jisoo nodded


“just how many time I used to sleep today, I’m tired of sleeping” said jisoo


“it’s your fault anyway hyung. why must you cry all night long and get yourself sleep out there at couch when you know that you really cant stand cold at a—“ said seokmin then realize he accidently say something that he’s sure he doesn’t have to said


“what.. you hear that seok?”


Seokmin just nodded


“how much?” asked jisoo


“almost all of it, it’s really not in purpose hyung, I just want to get a water but I hear you and junghan hyung quarrel about something seem serious so I hear that,  but when I hear junghan hyung already go to his room, I go to my bed immediately but you not come until I sleep, and when I was awake you already on your bed, so I don’t know that you fell asleep on couch at all hyung”


“I understand, it’s okay seok.


“just what problem you and junghan hyung have this time hyung? I guess its not a small problem, am I wrong?”


“it just a small matter, don’t worry beside it’s all my fault”


“what? you didn’t do anything wrong hyung”


“but what junghan said was true,”


“you know he’s not in right condition hyung, you must remember that”


“I know, but what he said really the truth seok, almost all of it is the truth” explain jisoo


“so.. you really don’t love him anymore..?”


“no. I love him, I do love him very much ”


“so what is true about what hannie hyung says?” asked seokmin


“he’s true that I’m cold and no emotion, he has the right to ask for end of this relationship. I just want him to be happy with me, but I guess it just me who happy with him yet I don’t make him happy with me,”


“hyung… don’t say like that, I know you two love each other,”


“I can’t seok I don’t know what must I do, maybe break up really a right thing to do, then he’ll happy with whoever it is,”


“josh, may I come in?” hansol


“what’s up sol?”

“seokmin hyung, soonyoung hyung looking for you”


“is it okay if I leave hyung? beside hansol is here,” asked seokmin


Jisoo just nodded his head, then seokmin leave their room and hansol sit on chair beside jisoo’s bed


“I know you hear all of that sol, you want to ask about that right?”


Hansol just look at his older brother-like pitifully, he doesn’t really want to overhear what seokmin and jisoo talk about, but he’s really asked by soonyoung to call seokmin then he hear all of that, that’s it


“you not really think to break up with hannie hyung right?”


“I really think that sol, I.. I.. don’t –“


“hyung!—“ hansol cant finish his word cause someone knock on the door


Knock knock, someone knock the door.


“soo-ya~ are you awake? May I come”


Junghan. That was junghan for sure


“come in han.”


Junghan come into jisoo room,


“are you okay now soo? Feeling better?” asked junghan


“yeah I feeling better now han” said jisoo with his beautiful forced smile


“I’ve something to tell you han” said jisoo


“what is it soo?”


“lets end our relationship” said jisoo coldly


“what?? what do you mean??”


Hansol doesn’t know what to do in the middle of this situation, he got freeze in his place right now, hearing this conversation make him pity of his American hyung badly


“am I not clear enough? Let’s end our relationship. Let’s break up”


“why?? Why you want to do that?” asked junghan


“simple. I don’t like you anymore, my feeling is changed junghan”


Jisoo not calling him ‘han’ ,he will said ‘junghan’ if he really in serious mode or angry or disappointed


“what?! I can’t believe what you say soo? I don’t understand this situation at all ,There must be something wrong! Tell me what is it?” asked junghan


“there’s nothing wrong, I don’t like you anymore that’s it.” Said jisoo cold


“I I I –“ junghan can’t finish his word he just get out of jisoo ‘s share room with his hand cover his face, junghan is crying, jisoo know that, cause jisoo also want to cry right now.t


After junghan leave the room, hansol get closer to his hyung, pat his back to calm him


“is it really okay to do this josh?”


“it’s for his happiness,”


“but you not happy…  I know you hurt hyung, I know you still love him” said hansol


“of course I hurt, but with this he will not get hurt by me anymore, he will get someone who can treat him better than me, and you right I still love him. Ah, no, I will always love him sol.”


Junghan side


Junghan leave jisoo room and go to his room there’s only mingyu inside,


“hyung, what’s wrong? Why you cry?” asked mingyu


“migyu-ya, what must I do now?? I don’t know what I did wrong?” said junghan that make mingyu more confuse


“uh? I don’t understand hyung,” said mingyu


“jisoo want us to break up!”




“I don’t know either, he said that he doesn’t like me anymore, do you think he tell me the truth?”


“this wont be because yesterday night talk right?”


“what do you mean?” asked junghan while wipe his tear


“you know that yesterday night you asked me to accompany you to drink right?” asked mingyu


Junghan nodded as an answer


“then you get drunk. Badly, do you remember what you said to me?”


“no. you know that I don’t remember anything when I drunk right? So, just tell me the point what you want to say”


“okay okay, I understand.


“uh—I’ll tell you, so yesterday when you start losing your consciousness and get drunk you start whining about jisoo hyung.”


“what did I say?”


“just don’t cut my word hyung, I’ll tell you everything you said yesterday,”


Mingyu continue his story



“mingyu-ya, what must I do? I don’t understand jisoo at all. Does he love me? Why he never jealous cause of me?”


“what do you mean hyung? he does love you of course,” said mingyu


“you’re too young to understand, you wont understand cause you not in my position”


“you’re over exaggerated hyung, I know you also know that shua hyung love you”said mingyu


“how can he love me when he’s all cold and no emotion at all??? Yet he not jealous if I do skinship with anyone” ask junghan again,


“everybody have their own way to express their love”


After I said that you really get drunk and I drag you back to dorm, I don’t know anything happen after that cause jisoo hyung said he will take care of you so then I go to our room and sleep, I’m really tired cause of you hyung, but I know for sure that two of you still have talk time before you come to our room hyung,”  explain mingyu


“I really say that???”


“it just the beginning hyung,” suddenly seokmin join junghan and mingyu conversation


“seokmin-a, what do you mean by that?”


“I accidently hear all of your conversation yesterday night cause , I just want to get a water but I hear you and jisoo hyung quarrel about something seem serious so I hear almost all of that, and it’s really pretty serious hyung”


“what I say this time???” asked junghan curiously


“before I tell what I hear yesterday, actually jisoo hyung ask to break up it’s for your sake hyung, not for him. I know for sure that he hurt himself while ask you to break up with him.”


“I know.. let me hear your story now”


Seokmin tell junghan all what he hear yesterday night, then junghan realize how big mistake he made this time


“how can I hurt him like this when he never do anything wrong to me. He always thinking about other first then himself,yet I hurt his feeling like that..” said junghan regret what just he do to his beloved boyfriend who also his bestfriend, someone he lean when he sad and desperate with this hard life as a kpop boyband


“hyung.. I know you still can fix this don’t you?”


“I don’t know… is it alright for me to love a kind person like hong jisoo.. and could there be a chance for him to love me again?”


“there’s no chance for jisoo hyung to love you again hyung” said seokmin that makes junghan look really desperate


“cause he still love you, how can he love you again hyung..” continued seokmin with his grin


“YAH! MY IDIOT dongsaeng how can you make a joke when I really depressed” said junghan annoyed


“this just a little revenge from me cause hurt jisoo hyung feeling hyung,”


“I understand,, but will he forgive me?” asked junghan


“he will forgive you hyung, I’m sure. Jisoo hyung was my 2nd favorite hyung after you hyung, beside I like it better if I see you together with jisoo hyung, hyung” said someone in front of the door; lee chan


“woah, look who became an adult now?” tease mingyu to chan who appear in front of door


“thanks chan, I’ll try to talk to him now,”


Without hesitate junghan goes to jisoo room once again to try to talk with him, but when he go inside, there’s only hansol there


“where’s jisoo?”


“what you want to do now hyung?” asked hansol




“how can you hurt my best bro hyung? I though you love him” said hansol sarcastic


“ah, he must be tell you.. I’m sorry sol I’m not in my right mind I’m drunk that time, I feel guilty right now, but I know for sure I’m not agree for this break up matter and I want to straighten this problem. For your information I still love him and I always love him sol.”


“he go out”




“josh going out, he say he want to meet minhyun hyung”


“is it okay to go out in his condition now?” asked junghan


“I forced him to stay, but you know how stubborn he is right”


Junghan nodded, “I’ll try to find him then”






“promise me, you won’t hurt his feeling anymore okay? Josh really my favorite brother hyung,”


“I know. I wont hurt his feeling believe me. I’ll give him all my love”


“ugh,so cheesy, just find him now hyung”


With his naughty laughed, junghan leave jisoo room and try to find jisoo


Just where is he, if I was him where will I go?

Park? Is he there, I must try looking for him there


Junghan search jisoo at park, and right he see him with minhyun, he approach them slowly. Jisoo doesn’t know that junghan is near him enough to hear his conversation with minhyun


“jisoo-ya, I don’t know that you are sick, is it okay to meet me right now?”


“its okay hyun, I feel better now beside I want to talk to you or want some advice from you” said jisoo


“what is it? You jealous again?” asked minhyun


“Jealous? Who’s jealous? Not jisoo right??” think junghan


“no, not this time. We break up today”


“WHAT? how can???” asked minhyun shock


“we have quarrel last night, I know he’s not sober that time but still almost all of what he said was truth”


“what is that?” asked minhyun


“he said that I’m a cold boyfriend who not get jealous and have no emotion for him,” explain jisoo


“how can he conclude like that, you really jealous all the time” said minhyun


“hong jisoo? Hong freaking jisoo jealous all the time? And I don’t know??? I am, his boyfriend?!” once again junghan thinking


“I don’t know, I’m really never tell him that I’m jealous. I just share my jealousy toward you hyun”


“is there anything else beside you not jealous and no emotion?”


“hmm, he said that I don’t care if he have too much skinship with other and worst story was that he compare me with seungcheol and said that he regret reject seugcheol cause he already have me,”


“what the—and then he asked to break up?”


Jisoo shake his head and explain

When jisoo explain to minhyun, junghan sneak in carefully and make minhyun notice his existence, then silently asked minhyun to move out,


“actually I’m the one who asked for break up, so now here I want an advice from you hyun-ie. What will you do if you were me? Is it a right choice to break up? To end this relationship? Is it okay if I still love him?... Hyun-ie? Do you hear me hyunie.”


Jisoo doesn’t know that someone behind him wasn’t minhyun anymore


Just before jisoo turn his head to look if minhyun still there, a pair of hand form a circle on his neck hug him from behind, he know for sure whose hand is it, not minhyun of course, it’s his ex-boyfriend the one he’s still love


“it’s okay to love me,,, cause I still love you and always love you.. Soo-ya..”


Without jisoo realize his tears already streaming down to his cheeks


“why han.. why?”


“I’m sorry soo… I’m sorry I’m hurt your feeling badly, I’m a bad boyfriend for sure”


“it’s also my fault han. I don’t express my love the way you want me, I just don’t want you think me as a protective boyfriend and limit your closeness with other members” said jisoo,


“I know. I understand what you try to do, but it’s really okay to tell me that I’m too close, it’s okay to show your jealousy cause that makes me know that you really love me, and I’m yours hong jisoo..”


“so do I yoon junghan” said jisoo


“what about we go dorm now? Your fever still pretty high soo”


“you right, but what about minhyun?”asked jisoo


“he already leave first, I asked him to do it so I can apologize to you” said junghan


“lets go then.”


“yeah, lets go” said junghan while hold his boyfriend hand tightly


“I’m sorry, and I love you,my gentleman Hong jisoo” said junghan


“I’m sorry and I love you too, my angel yoon junghan “ said jisoo 



finally i can finish this ::)) it's suppose to be oneshot but twoshot also okay right? ^^

sorry for my english /.\ thanks for reading and subscribing,and i appreciate any comment ^^ thankssss :) 

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Chapter 2: Awww so adorable
Chapter 2: I cried even though I knew they were going to make up again ... ;-; thank you for writing this!
Jihan4ever #3
Chapter 2: This was AMAZING! I LOVE IT!!