Day ???-All Hands On Deck!!!

6 Devils..........And An English Teacher?

2:30 PM, Wednesday

You were sitting in your classroom with your Kindergarten kids during Art class-

-as you molded clay into animals, you couldn't help the feeling that you were being watched, but as you looked around at all the smiling faces, you merely shook it off and kept working.

5:50 PM

That evening was a special meeting after school in the auditorium, for faculty and some members of the board as you were to discuss the improvements needed and made thus far on the campus and educational programs.

Everything was going smoothly, as your principal proudly displayed a powerpoint of all the growth your team had accomplished over the course of the year....

One by one, each head chair of their department had to stand and give a short presentation on the things they did, the things they didn't, and they things they'd like to see in the near future....

 2 hours into the meeting, you stepped out into the hallway to get a drink of water taking a paper cup from the dispenser and going over to the cooler-

-where a shadow moved quickly to your back,by the time you noticed it was far too late-

-as a gun pressed itself to the back of your head and someone said in an extremely scratchy voice, "Miss__________,Stay away from Bang Yongguk's crew-they are parasites. There will be a showdown in roughly 96 hours between them and their rival gang, the Strays.You will die if you get involved in it."

You took a step, but the person made a noise in their throat and pushed the back of your head once with the barrel, "I'd recommend not doing anything stupid."

The person tapped you again on your head as they said softly, "........Anyone they hold dear to them is considered bait when the Final Fight begins-STAY AWAY.Keep yourself safe."

Although you were terrified, and began calculating how many people could hear you if you made a commotion, you couldn't help but notice something-

-your terrorist friend was speaking to you in formal Korean, as if they respected you-

-it sounded like they were deliberately trying to disguise their voice, so....

-so that I won't recognize them-whomever's behind me, I know who they are because I've met them before!!!!!

You made to turn around again, but they flinched and shoved you to the ground, "!?! I said don't do that!!!"

As you let out a small cry and dropped to the floor, still somehow holding your little paper cup of water-

Daehyun appeared around the corner, eyes ablaze and double pistols drawn out, "Let her go, you demon."

Your eyes glanced up at the clock, and you almost laughed, By the grace of the gods, the matoki are coming in for class early.......

The person standing behind you let out a curse as they drew another gun and pointed it at him whilst keeping the first gun levelled on you-

-as their arm stuck out above your head, you could see long sleeves and a gloved hand holding the gun.

Daehyun stook a small step as the audience applauded for the speaker in the closed room next door, but the person behind you released their safeties, "Don't come any closer or else I'll shoot her-don't you love your precious teacher?"

Daehyun let out a string of curses as he growled out, "What do you want? Me? Take me, but leave her out of this-she's innocent!!!"

Yongguk and Himchan rounded the corner with their own weaponry and took up positions near Daehyun's shoulders, Yongguk's eyes narrowing as he saw the situation for himself-

Himchan's eyes were frigid as he said,"We have six guns here, you have two-you will lose fatally if you harm even one hair on her head...."

The person laughed, "Try me," and as your eyes fell on Daehyun's trembling lips, your stupid self did just that-

-you threw the cup of water directly up into the person's hooded face-

-in which he flinched and stepped back from you in surprise as Yongguk yelled, "Get down!!"

-You dove into a side room as the sound of gunfire filled the air-

-but this time, there were no silencers, and as soon as people in the auditorium heard the sounds of gunfire-

-there was complete and utter chaos as people screamed and stampeded out into the occupied hallway-

-in the midst of the confusion, you saw the hooded figure dodge shots being fired in his direction and pull the fire alarm-

-immediately added more to the scene as the sprinklers went off and people were doused with water raining down from the ceiling. You got to your feet as you saw Mr Choi and some of the elderly staff hurried out, downstairs to the first floor's main exit as you went in the opposite direction-

-going back into the hallway, trying to thread your way though the steady river of people exiting the building and trying to find out where they went-

-Zelo and Youngjae intercepted you at a hallway junction, breathing heavily, "Guys-what------"

But soon you guys flew sideways as the building shook-

-the hodded villain had tossed something into a classroom as they dashed by-

-and soon you realized something-the chemistry lab was ablaze!!!!

-As smoke and debris began filling the air, causing you three to cough-

-your eyes caught a glimpse of that hooded figure running towards the side exit of the school as you helped Youngjae to his feet-

-not looking back, you stumbled out after him in a smoky chase as Zelo choked out, "Noona-it's dangerous!!!"

- you yelled back, "I'm sorry!!!Make sure everyone is out of here!!!"

You got outside and in what felt like your first real breath in years as the hooded figure did the same a few feet away from you-

-you two raised your heads at the same time, and you said, "Hey!!!!You think you're gonna escape?!Just like that?!"

The person laughed, and said in a hoarse voice, "Noona, you just don't know when to quit, do you?.....That's what I love about you-you care too much."

And then they ran towards you, causing you to step back in surprise with a squeak-

-but the person didn't hurt you, or hit you or anything like that-

-rather, they did the complete opposite as Yongguk and the others ran out after him-

-The person pulled you towards their chest and hugged you tightly, as though they would never see you again-

-You gasp as they kissed you on the mouth tenderly,carefully and their hood fell back,".......JONGUP?!"

You didn't know if you were gonna laugh or cry as smoke filled the evening air; it was only the 7 of you on this side of the building as Zelo drew his gun, "..........Hyung.........why?"

Jongup spun you around so that you were his hostage, walking you backwards slowly as the others tried to approach you slowly, the water coming to Youngjae's eyes as he said slowly, "........Why are you doing this, Uppie-"

Jongup shouted, "Don't call me that-none of you come closer!!!" He pulled out a syringe filled with some sinister looking liquid and held it to your neck as Himchan yelled, "Don't do it-we'll kill you!!!"

Jongup let out a harsh laugh as he looked at Yongguk, who was closest," No, you won't-because you love me too much. Even though I have done some awful things to you, you take me back, each and everytime... even when I have committed the worst sin of all......"

Yongguk narrowed his eyes as Daehyun said,"Awful don't mean..?!"

Jongup looked Daehyun directly in the eyes, "Yes-my precious hyung- I was the one who killed your fiancee."

A gasp went through the crowd-your voice included-as Daehyun dropped to his knees, the tears coming out his face in full force as he cried out, "Why, Jongup, why?!"

Jongup shook his head, "You ing idiot-you never realized the whole time you guys were going out that she was an undercover officer!!!She was leaking all of our information to her boss in the 4 years you were together!!!"

Jongup let out another laugh as he began to walk backwards,"I'm switching sides, I've joined the other team!!They've got everything I've ever wanted-not this weak you call work!!"

He looked at each member with something akin to disgust as he continued,"I'm done being bossed around by a mute freak of a leader, a bossy diva second-in-charge, a fat , a geek who can't get laid, and an underling that is still scared of roaches!!!"

-with a start, your hand felt something cold at your side and realized that you two were at the passenger's side of Jongup's Mercedez. You pleaded to Jongup, "Honey, please don't do this. I'm asking you-no,begging you, to stop this madness while you still can."

Jongup looked at you with genuine sadness and said in a low voice, "Noona, I am so sorry for all of this. I never meant for you to get involved with us so deeply. Have faith,and no matter what happens:Remember.The.Apples."

Before you could ask him what the he was talking about, multiple things happened-

-Youngjae let out a yell and threw something small and silver in your direction-

-Jongup hissed as now there was a small dart in his arm, and he dropped his gun as Yongguk dashed forward-

-but Jongup still had the syringe, and he jabbed this into your neck as he pulled out something from his pocket-

-the two of you were then surrounded by smoke as Himchan coughed out,"What the -a smoke bomb?!"

You were left alone, suddenly dizzy as you dropped to the ground-

-Yongguk caught you as there was the sound of tires screeching-

-Youngjae fired at Jongup's car as he hauled outta town, "Get back here, you coward!!!"

But your hearing was going in an out, as you said sluggishly, "......Whadidhedotomehhh..."

Zelo hurried over as Yongguk took a gentle sniff of the needle, and closed it quickly, his face in a grimace as he said, "It's propholaphyn-a sleeping agent they use to calm down animals for surgery."

The police sirens and fire trucks were already closing in as Yongguk shrugged out of his jacket and wrapped you in, "Come on,_________-stay with us!!" He yelled back at Himchan, "We've got to keep her awake!!The first 2 hours of an accidental dose are the most critical!!!!"

-But it was so hard to focus on Yongguk's voice, as it was naturally calm and relaxing, even when he was panicked, and Zelo pleaded with you, "Noona-listen to my rap, it's just for you!!" His lips were moving fast, but at that point you just dropped your head to the side-

-where the last thing you saw was Daehyun's crying face before you completely out.


When you came to, it was to the sound of gentle beeping and soft voices. Opening your eyes, you were greeted by a pretty woman in a nurse's uniform, and as soon as your head turned she was at your side, and said in a friendly voice, "Easy there, darling-you've had a rough time."

You looked at her in confusion then tried to speak, but no noise came out-

-you had a temporary moment of panic as she hurried away and came back with water, which you sipped on gratefully before trying again, your voice coming out harsh and painfully,"........How long was I out for?"

The nurse checked your chart next to your bed, hanging off your IV, "Hmmmm.........roughly 2 and a half days."

You tried to sit up,"Whaaaaaat?!"

The nurse eased you back onto your bed,"Easy, easy~there you go," she said, as you laid back down slowly, and she said, "It is Saturday, 6pm, you are in the Temporary Care unit at the Seoul's People Of The World's Hospital. Your boss, I believe came back to visit-a Mr. Choi, I believe?"

You nodded, still stunned about your two-day nap, and she said kindly, "The hopsital explained your situation to him and he has agreed to let you have this upcoming week off. No other teachers were hurt from that situation-also some of the older staff had to be treated for asthma and other respiratory issues."

You nodded as she stood up, "You must be starving-I'll be right back with some yummy soup. The head chef is my aunt," she smiled at you, and you smiled back at her, "Thank you very much."


Dinner came and went, and although you slept for 60 hours straight, you found that you were still sleepy, so after trying your best to stay up and get back to your regular cicadian cycle, your body knew better-

-you closed your eyes for a nap around 8, planning to wake up after an hour-

-but the clock blinked 1:42AM the next time you opened your eyes, and you sighed at the irony.

Oh my goodness, what to do about Jongup....what to do about...?!

Your thoughts were interrupted as in the darkness to your right a shadow moved and you began to get nervous-

-only to let out a breath of relief as Yongguk revealed himself, ".................", you sighed as one-by-one, Himchan,Daehyun,Youngjae and Zelo revealed themselves, all wearing dark clothes and looking grim as you'd ever seen them,"..........Hey guys."

No one said anything back, and everyone was looking at various spots in the room-

-you realized that they were all avoiding eye contact with you, that they were planning to drop a bomb on you-

-sure enough, Yongguk flicked his lighter and began speaking in a low tone, "................We've decided that it's time to say goodbye."

You tried to sit up, but it was Himchan who held out his hand against your shoulder, holding you down, still not looking you in the eye as you said, "What the ever flipping are you talking about-"

Yongguk carried on as if you hadn't commented, "We have a strict code of not letting outsiders interfere too deeply with our affairs, and you, Miss _____________, are in too deep. We sever our ties tonight. You are now more or a liability than an asset-you're holding us back from progression."

Youngjae stepped forward and said quietly, staring a hole into the sheet by your left knee,"I've already removed all trackers from your house and all of your electronic devices and cars-you're off the grid.Clean."

You looked at one face to another, as Himchan picked up in his baritone voice, "Of course, we are responsible for your hospital fees, seeing as one of our brothers-ah, I mean former members, placed you here."

You refused to believe it, even as Daehyun quickly turned his head to the side and you saw the water come up in Zelo's eyes, "Wait- as in, I'm no longer your teacher, your friend, or even....a person to you guys?"

Yongguk closed his eyes in that all too familiar pose as he said in an almost pleading tone,"Please, Miss_________- we are looking out for your best interests here!!!Don't make this any more embarassing on you than it has to be-"

You shouted, "I have feelings, too-you can't just cut me out when you ing feel like it-Jongup hurt us all, me included. I need to know what the hell is going on with him!!"

Daehyun shouted back, "Don't you ing mention his name!!!"

You flinched, as this was the first time you'd ever gotten into an argument with any of them, what says all of them at the same time, and Daehyun's poker face cracked as he reached out a hand to touch your crying face,trembling as he rushed your cheek tenderly, "Nonono, noona, please, don't cry, please don't be sad-"

And then your heart rate, jumped up by your yelling and stress, began to beep alarmingly, alerting the nurses's station that one of their patients was having a near panic attack-

Himchan said to the others, "We've got to go," as you reached out to squeeze his arm, and only then did he look at you with regret-

-but there was no time for that, and you watched everyone leave you quickly-

-as moments later, that same nurse from earlier came hurrying in to try to get you to calm down, taking deep breaths as she discreetly added more fluids to your IV drip-

-as you began to go back to sleep, somehow... heard Jongup's words in your head as you passed out: remember the apples.















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Daehyun's chapter is updated-my guilty conscious is cleared!!!


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ayndey #1
Chapter 16: So cute, like super cute...even though they are all gangster and stuff, with their guns and knives and all the blood and gore, they are still super sweet and cute to their noona.
abcd20 #2
Chapter 16: Ohhhh what a great ending. ..... Jongup final lineeeee what a cutie xD xD like my last comment i like it XD XD i want to hear that song too hahahaha
abcd20 #3
Chapter 13: Wow it was really awesome... everyone has his moment with her... Lie it like it like it :)
Chapter 16: I feel like missing this story already while in fact i just finished reading it. Ah my poor heart wants to see more of them :'
cupcakeStar #5
Chapter 13: Love this story!
Can you do the sequal or bonus chapter? I want to know how Jongup knew about Daehyun's fiancee
Elishaje #7
Chapter 13: Honestly guys, I feel like Daehyun's chapter is waaaaaay shorter than everyone elses's-what do you think? should I add on a bonus chapter? :)
Chapter 13: It's fun reading this story :D are you perhaps planning to make the sequel?
TheHotSquadRP #9
Chapter 8: The cliffhanger.... •﹏•