
Waiting Still

The wind is blowing and the sun is shining. The tall grass all swayed towards the air. It was a beautiful sight. The meadow stretched farther than what the eyes can see. It was calm and peaceful and this is what Kyuhyun needs. Away from the busy lights of the city, away from his hectic world. Kyuhyun let his body fall unto the tall grass to make himself more comfortable.

“Ah, now that’s relaxing.” Kyuhyun whispered to the gust of the wind.

Kyuhyun tried to close his eyes thinking that the calming atmosphere would help, but only after a few minutes of slumber he woke up startled at what he saw in his dreams. Kyuhyun sat up gasping for air, with his eyes clouded with fear.

“I can’t... I don’t want to see it anymore.” Kyuhyun whimpered as tears slowly slid down his cheeks. Crying sounds filled the air as a gloomy atmosphere fell unto Kyuhyun.

As time passed by, Kyuhyun’s crying lulled him to sleep.


“Hey, stop mopping around Kyu. Eventually you’re gonna need to do this too.” Siwon said as he tried to coax the moping Kyuhyun.

“It’s not like you can’t visit me. Just think of it as a new job.” Siwon reasoned.

“Why do you insist on doing active service?” Kyuhyun asked the other. Clearly a little bit annoyed at the other.

“Kyu, it’s not like I have a choice. I didn’t pass the exam.” Siwon answered as he sat down in front of Kyuhyun to hold his hand.

“Please, let’s just stop talking about this, it’s not like we’re actually separating.” Siwon smiled as he tried to take the conversation offs this topic.

“I don’t know how can you stay optimistic in these kinds of situations.” Kyuhyun sighed as he let the topic drop.

“I’m okay with this, because I know you’ll be there waiting for me to return. You’ll wait for me, right?” Siwon asked with a teasing glint in his eyes.

“No! I won’t!’ Kyuhyun shouted as he stood up to walked away from Siwon to enter his room.

“Hey! Wait!” Siwon immediately followed the other, trying to suppress a chuckle as he heard Kyuhyun mutter something about him asking a foolish question.

                A smile etched unto Kyuhyun’s face as he continued to dream about his good memories, but unfortunately just like in movies his dreams started to turn into a nightmare.

“Hyung!” Kyuhyun slightly ran as he welcomed the other with open arms.

“Hey, how you are doing? How come you’re alone? Where are the others?” Siwon asked as he sat down at the restaurant inside the training camp in Busan.

“What? Suddenly I’m not enough for you?” Kyuhyun answered as he pretended to be upset.

“You know that’s not what I meant.” Siwon pouted at Kyuhyun who was clearly trying to .

“They said you’re going to be released next week, so what’s the hurry?” Kyuhyun shrugged as he explained why the others didn’t accompany him to visit Siwon.

“Unfortunately, I can’t welcome next week. I have some work to do in Busan and I’m not going to be back until the day after you’re release. That’s why I’m visiting you, so that the others won’t make me jealous.” Kyuhyun said as he explained why he visited the other.

“It’s alright, you’ve been waiting for me for almost two years. I can wait for a few days.” Siwon laughed and shifted conversation into something jolly.

“Just remember, I’ll wait for you at our secret place okay?”  Siwon reminded the other as he smiled. Eyes hiding a glint of happiness.

                Kyuhyun continued to relive his memories as it grew darker. Soft whimpers can now be heard from the sleeping figure of Kyuhyun.

“Where are you! I’ve been waiting here for hours!” Kyuhyun grumbled as he talked to Siwon through the phone.

“Sorry Kyu, I’m currently being held up by mom because she wanted to give you food she made. Few more minutes’ okay?” Siwon replied.

“Ugh, fine. Just be quick kay?” Kyuhyun sighed, quite guilty for shouting at the other, when he now knew it wasn’t entirely his fault.

“Okay, just enjoy the view in a while huh. I love you!” Siwon said as he bid his goodbye.

“If you’re waiting for me to say it, I’m not saying it unless you’re here.” Kyuhyun stubbornly said which earned a chuckle from the other.

“Okay. I’ll make that my motivation. See you~” Siwon cooed as he ended a call.

Kyuhyun spent his time singing songs to entertain himself while waiting, that he didn’t realized it was almost an hour since Siwon called. He was about to call Siwon, when his phone started to ring. He reached for the phone to answer.

“Siwon!” Kyuhyun exclaimed, expecting it to be the man.

“No, Kyu this is Teukie.” Leeteuk answered with a solemn tone.

Bothered by the tone the other was using, Kyuhyun rained the other with questions.

“Calm down Kyu, it’s about Siwon. I...”

“What about him hyung?” Kyuhyun cut through Leeteuk’s sentence, sensing something wrong in the situation.

“Kyu, calm down, let me speak. Siwon was in an accident. His car was hit by a bus which lost control of the brakes. The bus passengers were safe but Siwon...” Leeteuk trailed off, finding it hard to deliver the news that would devastate the other.

“What happened hyung? Please tell me Siwon is safe, please.” Kyuhyun pleaded, horror surrounded his eyes. Kyuhyun was stuck frozen in his ground as he waited for the news.

“Kyu, Siwon is critical. He is in the Seoul hospital now getting treated. Can you come here alone or do you want me to come fetch you?” Leeteuk said, slowly to let the news sink in. It was heartbreaking for Leeteuk to hear the other trying to suppress his sobs. As a hyung, Leeteuk felt helpless, right now, he thought no words can help comfort the other.

“Kyu? Where are you, I’ll get you” Leeteuk asked after giving the younger one a few minutes to calm.

“At the cliff, in Gwanghwamun.” Kyuhyun said between his sobs.

“Wait for me, okay?” Leeteuk simply said as he tried to hide his broken heart from being shattered more as he heard the location of the younger. Siwon loved telling stories to Leeteuk, he knew how special that place was for Kyuhyun and Siwon. Realizing Kyuhyun must have been waiting for Siwon, crushed his heart more.

“Hyung, be safe. Please” Kyuhyun whispered, as he waited in the cliff and cried.


 Kyuhyun suddenly sat upright as the sudden gush of memories drowned him in his sleep. He was gasping for air, when he realized even in his sleep he was crying. Kyuhyun closed his eyes and calmed himself down. He tried to feel the air and strained his ear to hear the soft whispers of the wind. It took Kyuhyun some time for him to decide to leave the meadow and visit the hospital.

“Good Afternoon.” Kyuhyun greeted the doctors and nurses which was talking at the station. Kyuhyun continued to walk to a room at the far end of the hallway.

“Good Afternoon.” Kyuhyun greeted again as he opened the door of the room. He smiled as he neared the bed where Siwon peacefully sleeps. Kyuhyun dragged a chair near the bed and sat on it. Kyuhyun held Siwon’s hand which was surprisingly cold.

“Hyung, your hands are cold you better wake up to warm them.” Kyuhyun casually said as if the man sleeping was actually awake. Kyuhyun continued to talk about mundane things to the other when he was interrupted by a knock.

“Come in.” Kyuhyun said a little bit louder for the person on the other side to hear.

“I’m just here to check his vitals.” The nurse politely said, while smiling at the person sitting beside the table.

“I really admire you, you know” The nurse suddenly said as she checks the different kinds of cables connected to the patient.

“Why would you admire me?” Kyuhyun asked, genuinely curious.

“You appeared here all shook from the news to received but you managed to stay strong, even until now.” The nurse explained.

“I find that hard to believe, I remember you seeing me break down a couple of times.” Kyuhyun said.

The nurse chuckled at the other’s words. “Mr. Kyuhyun,”

“Please call me only by my name. I’ve already considered you as a friend. We’ve seen each other enough to drop the formalities.” Kyuhyun asked the other.

“Okay then, Kyuhyun breaking down and crying is not a sign of weakness. Most of the times, it is a sign of someone being strong for too long.” The nurse said as she looked at him directly in his eyes. Seeing the turmoil of feelings clouding the eyes of the other man.

“You’ve been here for three months, waiting for him to wake up. Your hope for him waking up shines within your heart even though the doctors said otherwise. Your patience, will and strength astounds me.” The nurse said with a smile on her face.

“Mr. Siwon is a lucky man, he is surrounded by people who has strong will and hope.” The nurse said as she walked to the door to leave.

“Wait.” Kyuhyun said, as he stood up to go after the nurse.

“Thank you, I appreciate your words. Even under this circumstances, I’m glad I could meet a friend like you.” Kyuhyun said as he showed the nurse a genuine smile.

“Me too. Kyuhyun. Be sure to wait for him okay? I’m sure Mr. Siwon will come around.” The nurse said with a small laugh as if lecturing Kyuhyun.

“I’ve waited for him for so long. I’m sure I can wait again.” Kyuhyun said as he finally bid goodbye to his new friend.

He walked towards the bed and held Siwon’s hand.

“Because you are worth the wait.” Kyuhyun said as he rubbed Siwon’s hand unto his cheeks. Missing the moment when Siwon fluttered his eyes open.

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Chapter 1: When you said tragic, I was seriously scared but I'm relived to see that Siwon's not dead in the end.
ohmysuperjunior #2
Chapter 1: awwwww :") this is so bittersweet
Chapter 1: /let's out a sigh of relief / thank you for bring back Siwon to Kyuhyun at the end
Luhma1817 #4
Chapter 1: Sad and sweet, but inspired.
Tks, authornim.