Chapter 7: Face-to-Face (2)

Oasis in the Clouds [Season 1]
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##HanGuk University Business Building_In Front of Room 127A##

+The business major students are standing in front of the lecture room+







NaYeon “Yeah, I’ll go. To that ALMIGHTY hangout.”


SungJae “…? Oh, r, really?”


NaYeon “Yeah, I feel like I really missed out last time. Where should I meet you guys?”


SungJae “Um… I’ll text you the address. Give me your phone.”


NaYeon “Nah, I’ll just go with JaeJung.”


JaeJung “Huh??”


SungJae “…Do as you please.”










##TaeHyung’s Penthouse##

+TaeHyung is all dressed up in a suit and pomade hair+

+JiMin walks out of his room, dressed up in an all-black suit+







JiMin “I haven’t seen you so dressed up in a while.”


TaeHyung “(Nervously) …I’m so nervous.”


JiMin “Don’t be. You’ve been waiting for this day for a long time.”


TaeHyung “…Ha…”










##JiMin’s Car##

+JiMin is driving+

+TaeHyung is listening to his mp3 with his eyes closed+







JiMin “(Quietly) everything will be fine, Taetae.”










##TYME (TaeYong’s Bar)_VIP Room#

+SangHyuk, TaeYong, NamJoo,JongHyun are drinking together+







TaeYong “I just have this gut feeling that we’re going to run into TaeHyung today~”


SangHyuk “Just shut the up.”


TaeYong “I just feel it.”


NamJoo “Stop worrying about it, it’ll happen when it happens.”


JongHyun “Where is SungJae, he’s ALWAYS so late.”







+SungJae opens the door and walks in+







SangHyuk “Finally.”


SungJae “I brought some… friends.”


TaeYong “What friends do you have besides us-“







+NaYeon and the rest of the business major crew follow SungJae in+







Taeyong “Them… again?”


JongHyun “You’ve invited them, again?”


SangHyuk “(Smirks)”


SungJae “Guys, make yourselves comfortable.”







+SungJae sits between his own friends+

+NaYeon sit with JinSeok and JaeJung in the corner, furthest from SungJae and his friends+

+JiYeon, SeungHee, HaeIn sit in between SungJae’s crew and NaYeon+







TaeYong “(Whispers to SungJae) so why’d you bring them again?”


SungJae “How do I say no to my faculty friends.”


TaeYong “Bull…”


SangHyuk “Whatever, let’s just drink. WE don’t need to care about them.”


SungJae “Pass over the Hennessy.”







+SungJae, SangHyuk, TaeYong, JongHyun, NamJoo chug their shots of Hennessy+







JiYeon “Is there any other drinks here…?”


SeungHee “Seriously… I don’t even know what to drink…”


HaeIn “I feel so small every time I’m here…”







+JiYeon, SeungHee, HaeIn sit awkwardly+







NaYeon “It IS super fancy~”


JaeJung “Ye, yeah…”


JinSeok “Sh, should we drink…? What, what should we drink…?”


NaYeon “Yo Yook, what can we drink?”







I just… wanted to bother the daylights out of him.
I was for sure going to be a loner anyways,
I was even going to get hated by the profs…
Why the hell not.







+Everyone looks at NaYeon in shock+







SangHyuk “(To SungJae) is she… drunk?”


SungJae “No, just crazy.”


TaeYong “(With curiosity) I don’t remember seeing you last time~?”


SungJae “(Glares at NaYeon)”


NaYeon “(Looks at SungJae in the eye) what can we drink here.”


SungJae “… (Tries to remain calm)”


NamJoo “(Small smile) you can drink anything on the table~”


NaYeon “Oh really? Thank you. (To JaeJung) We can drink anything. Let’s go hamm~”







+NaYeon opens the bottle of Hennessy, and pours it in her cup+







NaYeon “Is this… how you do it…? I’ve only seen it in movies…”


JaeJung “I’ll, I’ll do it NaYeon.”







+JaeJung takes the bottle from NaYeon, and pours it in all of their cups. He then adds coke to the cup, with a lot of ice+







NaYeon “Cheers~”







+NaYeon, JinSeok, and JaeJung chug their cups+







TaeYong “(To SungJae) who is she?”


SungJae “…Trouble.”







+SungJae chugs his cup of alcohol+










##TYME Bar_Girl’s Washroom##

+NaYeon washes her faces to sober up+







NaYeon “I think I’ve had too much to drink…”







+NaYeon wipes off the water from her face with the towel, then starts fixing her makeup+







??? “So what’s your name?”







+NaYeon quickly looks behind her+

+NaYeon sees a very tall, pretty girl with a cigarette in looking curiously at her+







Woah… she’s so hot…







NaYeon “Huh…?”


NamJoo “What’s your name?”


NaYeon “Im NaYeon…”


NamJoo “(Smiles brightly) even your name is pretty.”


NaYeon “Huh???”


NamJoo “I thought you were kind of a b*tch type, but now that I see you, you seem really pure and innocent.”


NaYeon “Huh…?”







I seriously have no darn idea what she’s saying…







NamJoo “If you’re a classmate of SungJae, you must be the same age as I am.”


NaYeon “Um… I’m 95er.”


NamJoo “Me too.”







+NamJoo walks up to NaYeon and reaches for a handshake+







NamJoo “I’m Kim NamJoo, HanGuk University Dance Major.”


NaYeon “Hi…”







+NaYeon awkwardly shakes NamJoo’s hand+







NamJoo “What do you think of SungJae?”


NaYeon “Why…?”


NamJoo “You guys seemed to hate each other earlier. Haha.”


NaYeon “Oh we don’t hate each other.”


NamJoo “Oh?”


NaYeon “We absolutely loathe each other.”


NamJoo “(Laughs) loathe??”


NaYeon “Yeah, I’m no longer going to take any of his sh*t.”







+NaYeon says bye to NamJoo then walks out of the washroom+







NamJoo “(Takes a smoke) this will be fun.”










##TYME Bar_VIP Room##

+SungJae is on his cellphone+

+SangHyuk and TaeYong are drinking, although they are already very drunk+

+JongHyun isn’t in the room+

+SeungHee, HaeIn are drunk+

+JiYeon is looking at SeungHee and HaeIn+

+JinSeok and JaeJung are awkwardly sitting there+







JinSeok “Is something up with NaYeon today? She seems… different.”


JaeJung “Yeah… I don’t know what it is… but I feel like she’s not very happy with SungJae…”


JinSeok “Yeah… I feel that too…”







+JaeJung takes a sip of water+







SeungHee “… I’m getting so drunk…”


HaeIn “It’s been so long… since we got THIS drunk…”


JiYeon “(Worried) are you guys okay…?”


SangHyuk “(Chugging his cup of Hennessy) your friends look really drunk.”


JiYeon “Yeah… I don’t know how I’m going to take them home… (Looks at SungJae)”


SangHyuk “(Smirks) are you drunk?”


JiYeon “No… I don’t drink.”


SangHyuk “(Looks at JiYeon) I see… what was your name?”


JiYeon “Kim JiYeon. (Looks at SangHyuk) What’s yours…?”


SangHyuk “Han SangHyuk.”







+NaYeon walks in+

+SungJae puts his phone down and glares at her+







NaYeon “(Tipsy) JaeJung! It’s like a club outside, let’s go dance!”


JaeJung “Huh…?”


NaYeon “Why not? It’s HELLA BORING here~ let’s ditch!”


JaeJung “(Surprised) Na, NaYeon…”


NaYeon “Do as you please, I’m going~”







+NaYeon walks out of the room+







TaeYong “Did she just say ‘HELLA BORING’?”


JaeJung “She, she’s just really drunk… she’s not usually like this!”


JinSeok “Yeah… she really isn’t… I wonder what’s up…”







+SungJae looks at the door angrily+

+NamJoo walks in+







NamJoo “(Looks around) where’s that NaYeon girl?”


TaeYong “Apparently we’re too HELLA BORING for her.”


SangHyuk “(Smirks)”


NamJoo “Wow~”







+NamJoo goes and sits where she was regularly sitting+

+SungJae gets up from his seat then walks out+







TaeYong “Yeah, okay she’s screwed.”


SangHyuk “This has got to be fun. She really should’ve controlled herself.”


NamJoo “... (Smiles brightly) I’m excited.”







+JaeJung looks at SangHyuk, TaeYong, NamJoo worriedly+










##TYME Bar_Hallway##

*Many people are drinking. Downstairs, there is a club-like dance floor full of people*

+SungJae is leaning on the balcony looking down+







SungJae “Has she finally lost it? How dare she… what’s she trying to get at here?”


Newbie Waiter “(Walks over to SungJae) Excuse me, are you here alone?”


SungJae “(Looks at the newbie waiter with a dark look) what?”


Newbie Waiter “The ladies over there~ (points at a table) were wondering if you wanted to come drink with them~”


SungJae “(Smirks)… What a joke.”







+SungJae walks over to the newbie waiter and glares him in the eye+







SungJae “You new here?”


Newbie Waiter “Pardon…?”


SungJae “Who are those b*tches over there?”


Newbie Waiter “Pardon…? Si, sir…”


SungJae “Who are those b*tches and how dare they ask you to (looks at the table) hook them up with… me?”


Newbie Waiter “Oh, it’s not like that sir…! I’m sorry!”


SungJae “(With a sardonic smile) Oh no~ don’t you dare think that a ‘sorry’ will do.”


Newbie Waiter “I’m terribly sorry…”


SungJae “Where’s your manager? What is happening to the training system here? Especially training for how to treat VVIP Customers? I knew TaeYong was going around doing sh*t… but I didn’t know he was… this… out of control.”


Newbie Waiter “I’m so, sorry sir! It’ll never happen again!”


SungJae “Yeah? Then get on your knees, and plead for forgiveness.”


Newbie Waiter “Pa, pardon…?”


SungJae “You think I’m a piece of sh*t or something? Get on your knees.”







+The manager runs over to SungJae+







Manager “Is, is there a problem here Mr. Yook??”


SungJae “How have you been training your employees?!”

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RoxyaneLovv #1
Chapter 5: Waaa... Just finished 1 chapter, and make me fly over and over... Why would i just found it right now?
Really love with style author-nim made it.
Thank's to author who made a fabulous story. Love it.
neccar 146 streak #2
Chapter 6: I know I'm very behind for this fic but the way you've written the fic is more like a scenario rather than a book and it makes it very unique.
Chapter 14: Still re-reading... Notice me senpai :")... Damn i love this chapt so much
Chapter 15: LOL So Season 2 has already started. I only just checked now. I'm subscribed to it now. :) More Sungjae, I hope.
Chapter 15: Eagerly waiting for Season 2. :)
desertfox6 #6
Chapter 13: Author-nim I'm wondering about around the time you will update again, can you let me know so I'll comeback to your ff page at that time. Because I keep coming back & forth to your page to check if you update yet kekeke I will wait tho ❤❤❤
amlyaqis #7
Chapter 15: This fanfic made my day..>< thanks authir for making this story ;)
GTae_shipper13 #8
Chapter 15: Can't wait for your update!!! Saranghae author-nim
desertfox6 #9
Chapter 15: Thank you for your hard work~! ♡ can't wait for the season 2 to come out keke I ship Sungjae-Nayeon couple here idk but somehow their hate-care relationship is soooo drama-like which make me dugundugun & more attracted to them I wanna see sungjae's perspective like he must have his own reason why he become a little j*rk that so cold & heartless & i do curious about the r.s between sungjae, taehyung & That Girl (I forgot her name) he mentioned after he saved nayeon
Chapter 15: OMG!!! I feel like I was really watching a drama! Looking forward to the next season. I wonder what did really happen...
As for the special chapter maybe in Jimin perspective. I mean I want to know how is he dealing with the situation where he can't help his friend even if he wants to. I want to know how he really feels cause most of the time he just supress all his true feelings .