Meeting the principal

I see you

          Sam was just a new student in the campus of  Selina Academy. She was always silent even as a child she would only talk when needed. Her hair is always down, hiding her perfect face; she eyes were the color of the Earth, her skin was porcelain-smooth, her hair was long that reached her hips and are the color of the the night. She entered the room that hung a sign on top that read: OFFICE. When she turned the door knob, she heard a loud crash.  Out of mere instinc she opened the door, she found a boy, about her age looking at the principal with hatred in his eyes, a broken vase on the floor and the principal quiety staring at him.

"Jason, please call for a janitor to clean up your mess. You may take your leave."

         He left with the same hating eyes as the principal turnrd to Sam.

"Miss Hive I pressume?"

"Yes ma'am."

"I'm truly sorry for the inconvinence, Jason can be alittle you know.. But nevermind him, please sit."

          Sam took her seat, the chair was hot. 'He must have sat here.' Sam pressumed.Sam took her time in examining the room. The office was basically clean exept for the broken vase at the floor. 

"You're the daughter of Eve and Benedict am I corrrect?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Did your mom ever told you that I was her teacher?"

"Unfortunately no, we didn't spend time together. We see and talk only on breakfast and dinner, but after that she always takes her leave."

"Is that so? How about Benedict?"

"Mom told me that dad went on a trip, but she never mentions when he'd come home."

"You're currnetly living with your grandmother, is that correct?"


"I'm sorry about you're mom."

"It's alright, there would always come a time for all of us."


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