Chapter 31


Namjoon was dozing in the hard chair, his jacket wrapped around him against the cold breeze that had been making winter’s upcoming arrival known. The sky was pitch black, the city lights making any chance of seeing the stars impossible. It was one of the things Namjoon had found himself missing the most since they’d left the last smaller town they’d lived in. There had been nights when he and the others would lay on the grass in the park that had been across from where they’d been staying until early morning, pointing out different constellations and making up their own. Jimin had even spotted a shooting star once, immediately squeezing his eyes shut to make a wish.

The brunet smiled at the memory. Jimin had been so cute, stubbornly refusing to tell any of the others what he’d wished for in fear of it not coming true.

A car drove up to the station then, honking loudly. Namjoon jumped, getting up from the chair as the passenger side door rolled down. “How much do you want?” he asked.

“Whatever a twenty will get me,” came the voice inside the car. “And make it quick. I’m in a rush.”

Namjoon nodded and grabbed the gas pump, beginning to fill the tank. He stopped it perfectly at twenty dollars, rather pleased with his accuracy. As he put the gas pump back and closed the lid on the car, the driver tossed the bill out the passenger window and sped off, nearly sideswiping Namjoon as he did.

He shook his head as he picked up the bill, going to put it in the register. It was a pretty ty job, with very few people being patient with him or willing to leave tips in the middle of the night after most likely being on the road for hours before that. Of course there were a few who got a little overly generous with their tips, but they were few and far between and usually a bit dazed with exhaustion. The pay for taking the night shift was higher though, which made up for the it.

And I get to see Jin more, he thought as he sat back down, waiting for his next customer. Since Jin and he worked the same hours, they were able to see each other off and even go part of the way to work together. It was nice, although Namjoon wished he could see the others a little more, instead of sleeping so much of the time, and being tired when he was awake and able to hang out with them.

No one else came by in the next three hours and Namjoon was able to watch the sun come up over the buildings, making the smog that covered the city sky glow almost prettily. He yawned as he checked out, waving to the two guys that were going on duty next.

His feet dragged a bit as he walked to the subway station, not bothering to rush as his train wouldn’t arrive for another ten minutes. Jin got off a mere half hour after him, but that didn’t allow them to go home together, which was disappointing, but at least he got to sleep sooner.

The apartment was quiet, the shoes that had lined the entryway when he’d left late the previous night were gone, showing that the kids had all left. He yawned widely as he shuffled around, changing into comfier clothes and eating a granola bar. Namjoon dug through his drawer, searching for his favorite pair of sweat pants, feeling the need to have them.

“What the hell?” he grumbled. He searched around a bit more before going to Jin and Yoongi’s room, wondering if Jin hadn’t mixed them up by accident. Or Yoongi stole them, despite them being far too long for his hyung’s short legs. Namjoon started with Jin’s dresser, figuring they were more likely to be in there.

As his hand brushed the very back of the drawer, he felt something that most definitely did not feel like clothing. Namjoon pulled the drawer out a bit farther, tugging the crinkly plastic thing out from under the pile of shirts it had been hidden beneath. It was a black grocery bag, wrapped tightly around whatever it held.

Namjoon had never seen it before, and while part of him knew that he should just put it back and forget about it, but his curiosity was overwhelming. It wasn’t like Jin ever kept secrets from them anyways. It was probably a gift he’d bought for one of them and had hidden it so no one would find it. Well, too bad for you, Jin hyung, Namjoon thought, giggling deviously too himself as he unwrapped it.

There was a tight knot tied into it and after struggling with it for a few minutes, Namjoon managed to loosen it and open the bag, reaching into the pull out the rectangular brick like object to find that it was—

Money. A lot of money, bound together tightly.

“Namjoon? What are you doing in here?” Jin asked as he walked into the bedroom. He froze when he saw what Namjoon was holding.

“Care to explain what this is, hyung?”


Author's Note: Okay so Nanowrimo officially ended yesterday and I made the word count! Hurray! However, the story still isn't quite finished, so I'm going to continue writing. You might have noticed that there are a lot more chapters than what you can actually read, but those will continue to come out one per day so pls continue to read and enjoy them!

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Dudeeeee. 44 chapters in a day. 0.e
I really hope you are able to finish this. It is so good.
Chapter 46: Take your time!!!
ceisyaxo #3
Chapter 46: OMG.....What the hell is happening?!?!?!?
Poor Them. Poor jin~
Take your time author-nim...
love this♥
ceisyaxo #4
Chapter 43: I just hope for Jhope find hyosang soon & get back to Jin~ same for yoonmin...
poor Jin...I hope everyone reunite soon..
good job author-nim ♥
actually I'm Jimin biased~~so to be honest I want to see Badass Jimin (his power)
ceisyaxo #5
Chapter 43: I just hope for Jhope find hyosang soon & get back to Jin~ same for yoonmin...
poor Jin...I hope everyone reunite soon..
good job author-nim ♥
actually I'm Jimin biased~~so to be honest I want to see Badass Jimin (his power)
srsly tho, this fanfic deserves wayyyyy more than just 59 subscribers.
Chapter 42: this is getting so sadㅠᆺㅠ
I was listening to 'Awake' while reading this and now I'm imagining Jin sitting alone in a roomㅠᆺㅠ
(kind of like what he was doing in the wings short film)
Anyways, great work author-nim//^_^// don't get stressed out while updating for us. I know writing stories aren't that easy, please do rest often :)
lia_jiyoo #8
Chapter 8: I'm a bit struggling how to visualize but in this chapter and chapter before remind me of NO MV. Am I right?
Chapter 41: The police better find the facility and burn it to the ground
Park_So_Min #10
Chapter 40: the chapter somehow getting sadder TT TT