Chapter 29 - END

I Need a Girl

Chapter 29

I'm back

*1 Year Later*
"Hey! Did you guys hear Aaron's back!" A student said loudly as she passed GuiGui. GuiGui looked up from her book. Aaron's back? Ever since Aaron left, GuiGui had felt even weirder. Chun and Hebe had decided to get together. They were SO lovey dovey that GuiGui couldn't stand being around them. She shook the thoughts out of her head and sighed.

"GuiGui!!" Hebe said.

"What?" GuiGui answered annoyingly.

"Guess whose back?" Hebe said excitedly. GuiGui perked her attention towards Hebe. Did Aaron really come back?

"Who?!" GuiGui asked curiously.

"I said GUESS!" Hebe said impatiently. GuiGui sat back and pouted. Just then a pair of hands covered her eyes. They were smooth and cold. It HAD to be Chun. He and Hebe ALWAYS messed around with her.

"CHUN! Stop it!" GuiGui said angrily.

"Stop what?" Chun said.

"What do you mean stop WHAT? Get your hands off of my eyes!"

"That's not me. My hands are here see." Chun said grabbing GuiGui's hands. Wait.. If thats not Chun's hands then who..

"A-..A-aaron?" GuiGui said, her voice cracking. The hands slowly pulled back and she turned around. Surely enough there standing behind her was Aaron. GuiGui jumped out of her seat and hugged Aaron. Everyone started clapping and GuiGui could feel the tears coming to her eyes.

"Silly, why would you think I was Chun?" Aaron said angrily. GuiGui pulled back and pouted at him.

"Who told you to cover my eyes! Stupid kid.." GuiGui muttered. Aaron scoffed.

"Stupid kid?! And to think I was going to give you a gift!" He said angrily. GuiGui looked up.

"Really?" She said. He laughed.

"Of course! How could I not bring back a gift for my little ghost?" He laughed pulling out a small box. GuiGui opened it. Inside was a bracelet that had to locks on it. She opened one and it was a picture of her. She opened the other one and it was a picture of Aaron. The tears stung her eyes and she hugged Aaron again.

"Why are you crying? Do you not like it?" He said worriedly. GuiGui laughed and pulled away.

"Of course I like it stupid! Why wouldn't I?" She said smacking his arm playfully. Everyone laughed and they hugged again.

"I missed you so much GuiGui" Aaron said, all the happiness draining away, and sadness coming in.

"I missed you to." GuiGui said.

"I missed you so much.. Sometimes I would feel your arms around me." She said crying. Aaron smiled.

"Its called 'love sick'" He said jokingly. GuiGui hit him in the back and he laughed. Since it was free period they decided to leave the school and walk to there favorite park. The park that held so many memories. Sad and happy.

"So many memories are here." GuiGui said quietly. Aaron nodded. They both sat down on a bench.

"How have you been?" Aaron asked GuiGui.

"Miserable.." GuiGui said leaning her head on his shoulder.

"You?" She asked.

"Tortured.." He replied. GuiGui smiled.

"You deserved it." She said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because. You were leaving me. Soo.. I asked your dad to give you lots and lots of work" She said evily.

Aaron glanced at her.

"Stupid ghost." He said jokingly. GuiGui smiled and closed her eyes. Aaron put his arms around her and leaned his head on her's. So many memories were here.. So many and yet.. There was still so many more to make.

Authors Note: :*) I almost cried when I wrote the last paragraph.. I can't believe I ACTUALLY completed
a FanFic.. I feel so happy!! But I don't deserve
any credits. I want to say thank you to all my readers
ALL of them. Even the silent ones. I love you guys
so MUCH!! You guys are my friends, readers,
motivationers and.. inspiration. Thanks so much
for supporting me!! I love you guys!!

GuiiLunn <333
February 19th, 2011
9:39 PM

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