The Charasmatic Su.

I won't love you.


-- In Su --


2 Months ago I had a phone call, the person calling claimed to be Kim Jiyong. I knew him, he was BEAST manager, the guy Bae adored. Bae was our manager, she was his right hand. He asked me one simple question. "Are you ready to debut In Su?" I swallowed as I mumbled and asked. "How do you mean?" "Don't. I just want to know if you're ready!" I sounded irritation in his voice and I gave in. "Yes. I'm ready." 

That day Bae-sunbae took me to an different location. She showed me an practice room. I wondered where the rest of the members were. So I asked her.

She told me to shut up and sit on a chair. I did as she asked and she explained to me that Yoseob, a powerfull singer was going to go solo. Because of that she had asking Kim Jiyong if I could take his place. Bae-Sunbae was very excited over me, she thought I was an amazing singer and that I deserved that place. And how dumb it may have sound, I was scared. My hyungs were gonna debut in a year, and I was here going to go to an group that had already debuted. A group that was already close, a group that would probably hate me for driving them apart. However, it wasn't my fault.

I broke down and cried, Bae sunbae hugged me as she told me to be strong. "It's an great oppertunity Su-ssi." I nodded. "Be strong, act tough, don't let your guard down. They'll eventually accept you." I nodded again. Since that day I got attitude trainings, I learned how to look down on people, I learned how to get an cocky vibe in my voice, I learned how to be bossy, how to walk with swag. How to look arrogant. How to smile when I had to. 

Eventually they dyed my fall-brown hair Blonde. They said it suited with my blue eyes. I was the only one in my family with blue eyes. It was 'special'. 

Kim Jiyong came to check up on me one week before introducing me to the members of BEAST.

"Hello In Su, what an pleasure to finally meet you!" I nodded. as I shook his hand. "Look at me In Su. They're gonna dislike you, for now. Don't think about befriending you, if you become friends. Then that's amazing. But the one's who you gotta be friends with is me and Bae. You heard me?" I nodded.

-- Yoseob --


Seeing In Su enter the door, it felt like someone was stepping on my heart. He looked so flawless, he walked like the world was on his feet. He didn't smile, he looked at us, one by one. Looking at me a bit longer, not moving an inch. And eventually he turned to Kim Jiyong. Behind him stood a woman. She was small, she looked a bit chubby, but that's what made her cute. Her hair was black and halflong, her eyes we're as dark as the night. She looked fragile and innocent. But, was she really like that. In su called her Bae Sunbae. The guy with drumrolls when he walked had respect for her, that would've mean that she was something important, something powerfull. 

But it eventually all made sense.

"Bae here, is In Su's manager, my right hand. You'll see her more often."  Bae nodded and smiled. I expected a cute shy smile, but she smiled powerfull. It scared me, she scared me. She looked so friendly, but it was a disguise.

I got closer to Junhyung as Bae stared at me. "So you're Yoseob right? " I didn't awnser. Junhyung wrapped his arm around me protectivly. Doojoon awnsered for me. "Yes he is." And there it came, her disguise fell off. "And who are you to speak for him, he has his own mouth hasn't he." Doojoon backed away. "I'm sorry for awnseri-" "That question, it wasn't meant for you" she shot at him. I looked at Doojoon apologizing with my eyes and looked back at Bae as I nodded. "I'm Yoseob."  "Nice to meet you Yoseob-ssi. Come with me." I shivered as I eventually nodded. She signed that we had to walk out of the room and I followed her. 



I promise more Junseob later; really! For now I just have to follow the story;

Happy Birthday Yang Yoseob! <3



@allkpop55 - Mine's IronKaiTowi!;  the one with the swag icon of junhyung //shot LOL & aigo In Su will be nice. *cough*   + i commented on ur catbloppers yt! xD;  *hugsback* AIGO it will have a good ending I promise! ^-^   


@Starbuckslover - Yeah, I have to have a jerk right LOL; or else it'll get boring somehow.  & yay! i subbed & send you a pm on yt! ^-^ mine are eli, alexander, hoon. <3333 *U* me too BUT HELL did you see alexanders m/v! *U* 

@Rose3ina - Hehe, hun! It'll be okay; <333 & youre so right. beast is beast. without one member it isnt beast anymore ;__; Yoseob is just as sad as you ; ;__; 

@Potpot2463 - Exactly, but i like the new and the old ukiss! ^-^ FIGHTING. thanks hun<333


+ BEAST & Junhyung -shot- congrats on the song of the year award!!! <333




am i the only one. seeing smth erted in this ._.

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Yuki_IS #1
Chapter 12: Why don't you believe seobie oppa??
WannaLoveSunggyu #2
Chapter 12: Pabo Yong Junhyung! I hope you get rid both In Bae and In Su.
I hate both of them! *puffing cheek
Chapter 12: Omfg hell no!! How dare she slap yoseob!! Holy junhyung you better do something!!
o: JUNSEOB~! >.> such a liar BAE! gosh i wanna eat her(lol that was weird how i put that) -.- grrr..kekeke UPDATE SOON~! *skips around in circles* muahmuahmuah xp nom nom nom grapes (im random x)..)
O.O OHHH HELL NO! NO ONE SLAPS MY YOSEOBIE *jumps in fanfic and beats the sh^t out of the lady* grrr woof! dont mess with a B2UTY! <.<.....kkeekekeke UPDATE SOON~! :3 <333333
Oh how dare she slapped my seobbie! Make sure she's paid for what she has done ya. Huh. Poor Junseob. Pls update soon yaaa. :D
Wew. That Bae is scary. :| <br />
Anyways, still love the macros and of course, the story! :))) <br />
<br />
P.S. I'm starting to like UKISS again. Plus I'm starting to have AJ as my bias. :))))) (But BEAST is irreplaceable) :)))
O: ehhhh?!!!!!!! NO ONE REPLACES MY YOSEOBIE *woof woof woof* ._. kekekeke anyway i still luv it and u~! muahhaaha *huggles* :}}}}
Just don't break junseob apart! I love your story! ♥