Childhood dreams.

I won't love you.

"Hyung!" I stared at Junhyung-ssi. I hadn't seen him for weeks, I've been sick. My hyung hugged me as he patted my back. "How are you Yoseob-ah?" I smiled as I awnsered his question. "I'm feeling good!" Junhyung smiled at me. "You didn't miss much, just that In Bae has switched boyfriends again." He smirked. I stared at him. "Again?" At that moment In Bae walked past us. 

"Yeah, again Yoseob. What are you trying to say with that?" I shook my head. "Nothing Bae-ssi." I bowed apologizing. "She pushed me aside which made me trip. "Pathetic." Junhyung followed her. She was scared of him. Atleast, that was how it looked. They talked and eventually Junhyung got angry, he called her names, filthy names and he walked away. In Bae was crying.

I was happy I had such a friend as Junhyung, cause without Junhyung. I had no one. But on the other hand. I felt sad. In Bae may be a rude person, but he didn't have to threat her like that. I walked up to her. "Are you okay In Bae." I offered her my hand to pull her up. She slapped it away. 

"I'm not as pathetic as you! Go away!" She screamed at me.  "I just wanted to help.." She looked at me as she slapped me. "I told you to get away!" I didn't see it coming, the slap. It was so hard, my cheek was burning from the pain. I bet you could see her hand-mark on my cheek. Tears emerged from my eyes dripping over my cheeks and I ran away. 

"I don't want your pity!" Is what she screamed at me. 

While running I was looking for keys in my pocket. The genetor gave me keys of an cleaning room. He told me I could storage my school stuff there since In Bae had thrown cola into my locker. 

While running I heard footsteps behind me, I screamed that whoever it was it had to go away. Eventually I heard laugher behind me. "Are you crying AGAIN Yoseob-ah?" Is what I heard, I heard laughter from other people. I was sick of it. The footsteps that were following me had dissapeared into the crowd.

I opened the cleaning room as I sat in there. It wasn't very big but it would do. I had to get away from these horrible people. 

Eventually the door got opened and I gasped. I was afraid of In Bae getting in, or one of her horrible friends. 

"Yoseob-ah.." Junhyung emerged in as he closed the door of the cleaning-room. It was very small so our bodies were pressed together. "What happened?" I told him to go away but he refused. "She slapped me, but it was my fault. I shouldn't have talked to her." I looked down. "You talked to that hag?" Junhyung stared at me. I nodded. "I felt sorry, she was crying." Junhyung sighed. "You shouldn't feel sorry for people like that." I nodded. "Yoseob-ah, why are you and In Bae such enemies? Why does she hate you?" When he asked that I thought back about my childhood and I started crying again. 

Then I started explaining.

"When I was six years old, In Bae was my best friend. She used to live next to me. But on In Bae's birthday, I had to honor to bring the cake. It was an huge cake, almost bigger than myself. And when I walked to her I tripped. The cake fell all over her. I never ever saw her that mad. She told me to get away, she screamed, she cried. Called me stuff. People laughed at her. Since that day, she hates me." Junhyung stared at me. "Because of THAT she ruins your school-life?" I nodded. "Since then she turned all my friends against me. Everyone started hating me." 


Junhyung ----

It was very tight in the Cleaning-room, so I was already close to him. Eventually I hugged him. "I won't turn my back on you Yoseob-ah." He smiled at me. "You're my first friend in ages Junhyung." He smiled at me. "I want to become best friends Yoseob-ah! Can we do that?" I asked him.

Yoseob --

He smiled at me. He never smiles, but when he does it. It's beautiful. I blushed, luckily. It wasn't noticeable because of the darkness. "I think that is possible!" I smiled. Junhyung smiled aswell as he made me a promise to never leave me. Since that day, I had a crush on him.


I woke up in the hospital. Junhyung hugged me. "Yoseob-ah! You okay, Bae said you fell!". I blinked. "I-i fell?" Bae nodded. "You fell hard Yoseob-ah." Then I remembered her slapping me. And then everything became clear. That slap, was the same slap I had in highschool, In Bae and Bae-Sunbae are the same person..



WILL REPLY TO ALL YOUR LOVELY COMMENTS LATER! my computer time is almost over >__< <33

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Yuki_IS #1
Chapter 12: Why don't you believe seobie oppa??
WannaLoveSunggyu #2
Chapter 12: Pabo Yong Junhyung! I hope you get rid both In Bae and In Su.
I hate both of them! *puffing cheek
Chapter 12: Omfg hell no!! How dare she slap yoseob!! Holy junhyung you better do something!!
o: JUNSEOB~! >.> such a liar BAE! gosh i wanna eat her(lol that was weird how i put that) -.- grrr..kekeke UPDATE SOON~! *skips around in circles* muahmuahmuah xp nom nom nom grapes (im random x)..)
O.O OHHH HELL NO! NO ONE SLAPS MY YOSEOBIE *jumps in fanfic and beats the sh^t out of the lady* grrr woof! dont mess with a B2UTY! <.<.....kkeekekeke UPDATE SOON~! :3 <333333
Oh how dare she slapped my seobbie! Make sure she's paid for what she has done ya. Huh. Poor Junseob. Pls update soon yaaa. :D
Wew. That Bae is scary. :| <br />
Anyways, still love the macros and of course, the story! :))) <br />
<br />
P.S. I'm starting to like UKISS again. Plus I'm starting to have AJ as my bias. :))))) (But BEAST is irreplaceable) :)))
O: ehhhh?!!!!!!! NO ONE REPLACES MY YOSEOBIE *woof woof woof* ._. kekekeke anyway i still luv it and u~! muahhaaha *huggles* :}}}}
Just don't break junseob apart! I love your story! ♥