
High School Reunion


“Quit pacing.” A nudge to his side breaks Jiyong’s nervous trance. Youngbae is standing next to him, bowing politely to the waves of elegantly dressed people in their late 20s. They swarm the reception hall, spreading rich perfume and vibrant chatter, something of which Jiyong has never been a big fan.

“I can’t believe you forced me to be in the welcoming party,” he murmurs to Youngbae while he puts the biggest fake smile on his face.

“You were our class’s president, it should be obvious.” The shorter man doesn’t seem at all bothered by Jiyong’s fussing and he continues to greet the incoming guests.

Jiyong snorts. “I didn’t even want to see the majority of those people ever again after graduation and now you’re making me bow to them like a common housekeeper.”

Youngbae shakes hands with a very dashing lady in red and doesn’t stop to look after her until she disappears behind the pillar. Only then does he glare at Jiyong.

“You would have had to bow to them anyway. it up, man.”

“I hate you."


More of their former classmates walk through the door with their dates, all of them trying to impress the others with their looks. The fancier the dates, the wealthier and more arrogant the person and the other way around. Some things never change.

Just then, the real reason behind Jiyong’s pacing enters the hall and all the air from his chest gets knocked right out. He hasn’t seen the man in over four years, yet he doesn’t fail to make Jiyong’s knees go weak--just like the time they first kissed under a tree as teenagers. He only has a few seconds to curse at Youngbae in his mind for making him stand there before the man stops a step away from Jiyong, becoming his one and only perceivable view.

The first thing he notices is that damn perfectly fit white shirt visible from underneath the navy suit jacket, and Jiyong’s heart stops. All the memories hit him with the discretion of a speeding truck and he has to mentally kick himself not to cry right there and then. It’s the same white shirt Seunghyun has said before that he only wears on special occasions.

Like when he proposes to him.

Jiyong had bought it for him for just that purpose alone, giggling at his silly boyfriend’s behavior. He still remembers picking it at what must have been the most expensive store for him at that time and how he admired the golden rims of the buttons. How he gave it to Seunghyun for his birthday and warned him to never ever spill anything on it or else he would kick his sloppy .

Now, four years later, Seunghyun is standing in front of him wearing Jiyong’s favorite shirt and it feels like a slap in the face. The bright smile Seunghyun gives him just adds more salt to the wound.

Youngbae, who has gone unnaturally quiet during those few short seconds, chuckles and extends a hand to Seunghyun and then to his date. Jiyong slowly shifts his gaze from the man who used to be his everything to the tall, model-like man standing next to him. He tries damn hard not to stare too long at their linked arms, but he fails miserably.

“So nice to see you again, Seunghyun.” Youngbae takes the lead in an otherwise very awkward situation. “And you are?” He asks the unfortunately handsome man Seunghyun came with and Jiyong wants to murder his friend for even acknowledging his presence. 

“I’m Dongwook, nice to meet you.” The man bows low and smiles and Jiyong thinks what a shame it would be if he accidentally punched him in his perfect teeth. Unlike Jiyong right now, the man’s manners are impeccable to a fault. His height matches Seunghyun’s, and Jiyong feels shabby and non-existent next to them.

Jiyong has yet to say anything, and the anticipation clearly rises as everyone gathered looks at him. He stumbles on words in his head, not knowing what to say or how to say it so that he wouldn’t sound like the most jealous ex-boyfriend in the world. Everything he’s dying to say is endless lines of sharp, salty remarks and blunt accusations typical for a hormonal teenage girl, so instead he zips his lips and bows.

Just then Youngbae, being the good friend he is, nudges Jiyong again, making him spill out the first words that come to his head. “You look good.”

“You too,” Seunghyun says and smiles that despicable smile of his and Jiyong almost screams at him for being so ridiculously polite. Why isn’t he mirroring the many contradictory emotions rushing through Jiyong? Why isn’t he mad or sad or visibly mortified upon seeing each other after all these years? Why isn’t he cold like any good old ex would be?

Youngbae steps away to greet some impatient guests, all the while staying within earshot to swoop in and save Jiyong if he says anything stupid.

“I heard you’re a fashion designer now. Congratulations, I’m happy for you.” Seunghyun is nothing but sincere and it makes Jiyong mad. His career is the last thing he wants to talk about right now and having Seunghyun mention it first just reminds him how often it became the main focus of their many heated fights late at night.

The last time they discussed it still lingers in Jiyong’s mind, the words ‘Me or your career’ Seunghyun had said then as real as now. Neither of them forgot about it even for a second during the last four years. Back then, Jiyong chose what he thought was best for him and to have Seunghyun congratulate him on it doesn’t feel like a win at all.

The entire encounter, which lasts maybe half a minute, gets abruptly interrupted by their former math teacher Mrs. Goldberg appearing out of thin air, chirping away about the many more cats she has taken under her wings over the years.

Jiyong takes that opportunity to escape, rushing past Youngbae and the pillars and at least five round tables until he slows down, finally able to breathe after gaining enough distance from his worst nightmare.

Realizing he is behaving like a child in a room full of adults, he composes himself and runs his hand through his sandy blond hair, suddenly regretting he had ever dyed the tips blue in the first place. He did it to stand out but now he wishes he could be as ordinary and invisible as humanly possible and just get the hell out of there without a care in the world.

He can’t though, because he is the Kwon Jiyong, the man who made it in the big glamorous world, probably the richest and most envied man at this God forsaken party. The walking trademark of his own brand, the one who turns heads anywhere he goes. The man who wishes to be anywhere else but here.

Not giving his classmates an opportunity to tell the story about a highschool reunion drama over and over for years to come, he straightens his dark, glittery-blue jacket and fixes the collar of his plain black shirt before he makes his way back toward Youngbae. He can see from afar that Seunghyun is nowhere in sight, so he approaches his best friend with only a slight amount of caution.

“Coast clear?” he asks and Youngbae gives him a look over his shoulder.

“Yeah. Great performance by the way. Not at all pitiful.” He turns around to face his friend. His face says it all and Jiyong doesn’t even have the strength to fight him.

“Do you think he noticed?”

Youngbae raises a brow, suppressing a laugh. “I think everyone within ten miles noticed. Hell, I expect my grandma to call me anytime for more juicy info.”

“God, you’re such a . Tell me why we’re friends again?”

“Because of my irresistible charm, of course.”

Jiyong just shakes his head. Youngbae always manages to bring some laughter even in the most miserable of situations and Jiyong loves the dude for it. Granted he does it in a very -ish way, but still.

“Alright Pouty, let’s go to our seats. We’ve got hours of some heavy drinking to do,” he says and throws an arm over Jiyong’s shoulders, just like when he did when they were careless teenagers in a very small highschool universe.






“Are you ever going to talk to him again?” Jiyong hears Youngbae ask, not looking up from his chicken wings plate. “You know you want to.”

“Why? So that I can feel like all over again? Oh sure, I’m craving it,” Jiyong says, pouring himself another glass of wine. Talking about Seunghyun is really not on his urgent to-do list, yet it seems like the only available topic of conversation, especially since the rest of the people at their table are so dreadfully dull.

“What’s the worst thing that can happen?” Youngbae looks at him without even trying to hide his disapproval.

“Well for starters I could die.”

“Don’t be a drama queen.” Youngbae stuffs another chicken wing into his mouth, aware of the looks from a girl sitting next to him. She looked at her fat-free salad and back at his plate with a sad face. He grins.

“I’m serious. I didn’t expect to talk to him so soon into the evening. It caught me by surprise.”

“You do know you were the person greeting the guests, right?”

“Shut up, you know what I mean.” Jiyong downs down the entire glass of wine and his hand automatically reaches for the bottle. May as well just label it as his own.

“I do. And you know what?” Youngbae looks up from his plate, food forgotten. You know it’s about to get serious when Youngbae puts down his chicken wing. “It’s been four years already. You’re both older and smarter. Just go talk to him. Surely he thinks it’s all in the past now.”

Jiyong looks at him for a moment without saying anything. “You think so?”

“When was I ever wrong?”

Jiyong groans. “What about his date then? I can’t just walk up to them and steal Seunghyun. I didn’t drop that low.”

“Who said anything about stealing? A little conversation never hurt anyone. Besides, you never got over him, are you really planning on not taking this chance? A second one like it may not come around so soon.” One of these days Jiyong should really start paying Youngbae for all the free shrink advice.

He ponders what his friend said, his gaze unconsciously shifting to the person sitting two round tables to the left. He blinks rapidly realizing Seunghyun is already looking at him, his dark eyes piercing but gentle. Look away, Jiyong hisses at the man in his head, but he doesn’t listen. Seunghyun holds his gaze as if to spite him. Jiyong swallows.

“I need a drink,” he mumbles to himself and signals the passing waiter to bring him one more bottle of wine. This won’t do sober.






Half an hour later the dinner is done and there is plenty of vanilla-strawberry pudding and ice cream being served, nothing Jiyong even remotely feels he can digest, despite his undying love for desserts. He leaves Youngbae at the table to his own devices, meaning he disappears as his best friend puts his weird pick-up techniques to good use and gets himself a girl.

Jiyong grabs a second bottle of wine, already a few glasses short, and heads out to the balcony, away from all the people and the noise. He passes by the dance floor on his way there and smiles sadly at all the happy couples swaying to soft jazz and having a good time.

The only person he wants to dance with told him to go away four years ago.

He reaches the balcony - a set of balconies actually, attached to one another in a long line from one end of a hotel to another. There are some people out here, all too far away to hear him sigh in relief. The evening has already arrived and he takes a deep breath, enjoying the refreshing breeze. The balcony overlooks the ocean and he can’t help but to praise the choice of venue by whomever made this decision. It feels like forever since he last saw the sea from so close and it takes all his remaining resistance not to jump over the fence and head straight to the water. Of course, he would either die from the impact with the pavement below or at least be seriously injured, but a boy can dream right?

He takes a large gulp from the bottle and lets the liquid reach his fingertips and make him forget about his worries, however temporarily. Jiyong has always liked wine, especially in his early days as a struggling designer when he had no commissions and many piling bills to pay. When his brand finally kicked off he didn’t slow down with drinking - if anything, he picked up a keen sense of choosing the richest wine from the most expensive cellars. Why get drunk on cheap stuff when there is wine this good in the world? He could afford it and then some, soon opening up his very own cellar for his and his fashion world friends’ benefits.

His little brain still refuses to acknowledge who had ignited in him the desire for wine in the first place.

Another sip and he’s quite sure he doesn’t care anymore, his mind turning blank and numb. He actually cherishes moments like this when it all gets hazy and he doesn’t have to think about the deadlines or investors or any other business crap.

It’s hard to care about something that chased his almost-fiance away.

Despite the sweet escape of alcohol, his mind keeps going back to Seunghyun and his date and how he hated how good they looked together. They seemed happy and it makes Jiyong sick. He is an egoist. He doesn’t want Seunghyun to move on. He doesn’t want to be the only miserable one.

He groans, throwing his head to the back. This subtle, however unnerving cat and mouse game is pulling the worst out of him. Why does he even feel compelled to be a part of this play-pretend ridiculousness? It would have been so much better if Seunghyun openly hated him for how he walked out on him. He should be yelling and throwing fits, not smiling and looking at Jiyong from across the room like he missed him. He wishes Seunghyun said something mean to make Jiyong glad he said goodbye.

Instead, it feels like highschool all over again, with Seunghyun chasing after Jiyong until he made the boy his, which took less than a heartbeat. Truth be told, Seunghyun never had to try. Not then, not now. And that scared the hell out of Jiyong.

He leans on the rails and shakes his head, focusing on anything he can lay his eyes on that wouldn’t remind him of Seunghyun.


A poor choice. They shine and blink rapidly as if trying to pass a message. Jiyong chuckles; he should have been a poet. Then he looks down at the small groups of people hanging around the pool. The hotel staff has set up a few tables there, with plenty of pink champagne and snacks, but Jiyong doesn’t have the appetite for that either. A few women in very short tight dresses are playing hard to get with a bunch of guys, all of them either jocks or cheerleaders back in high school. Things really do never change.

He hears footsteps behind him and decides to ignore them, figuring it’s probably a couple trying to find a good spot to make out. He waits for them to pass him by, but they never do. Instead, someone stops next to him and in the corner of his eyes he spots rolled up sleeves of a white shirt. He closes his eyes, begging the universe not to be so cruel.

“I meant it when I said I was happy for you,” a whisper reaches him and Jiyong almost drops the bottle of wine. For a split second he thinks what it would do to someone below if he dropped it on their head, but then his mind goes blank again and there is only one thought playing on repeat: Seunghyun, Seunghyun, Seunghyun....

Jiyong clenches his jaw, his emotions in a vortex.

“Thank you,” he manages to say through teeth, hating himself for being so easy to play with. He swallows the next second and still not facing the man, he says, “Shouldn’t you be out there with your date?” The last word barely leaving his mouth.

“Dongwook? He’s fine on his own, trust me.” Seunghyun’s light tone doesn’t make it any easier for Jiyong to be okay with any of this. He would really rather have to deal with another fight than this.

“What are you doing here, Seunghyun?” Saying the man’s name out loud hurts and Jiyong doesn’t miss the way his voice breaks at the end. Silence falls upon them and it’s even worse than all the politeness.

“Figured you could use a friend.”

He can’t help it; he laughs. The most humorless laugh escapes his mouth and he doesn’t even try to stop it. A friend? Seunghyun is the last person Jiyong ever considered a friend. It was always love and brutal passion and Jiyong wants to cry just thinking about it.

“I need far more than that,” he says, only then facing the man. Seunghyun isn’t upset at the outburst but he isn’t happy either. Finally, a healthy reaction. Jiyong is dizzy and his vision is blurry but he can still make out the sharp edges of Seunghyun’s face, the very same one he used to shower with kisses. Every little part of him reminds Jiyong of the good old times before all the hell broke loose, and he doesn’t know what to do with himself. He feels vulnerable and exposed, his feelings out in the open and the only man he ever loved looking back at him with the same unchanged sincerity.

Then the emotional wall finally breaks.

“I’ve been trying to forget you, I really have,” Jiyong starts, mumbling and face red, not from the excessive amount of alcohol. “The thoughts of you haunted me and it was painful to even get out of bed every morning. After some time I got good at it - at forgetting you. But here you are, looking as amazing as you always do and you’re being so nice to me. I can’t deal with it. I thought I could when I let Youngbae drag me to this thing knowing you would be here. I was going to stand in front of you and be proud of who I am and what I’ve accomplished through all those years we were apart, but I feel just as small and worthless as the day I broke things off with you. It was all not worth it and I wish I never came here. I wish you’d yelled at me for walking out on you, I wish you were like any other normal ex, but you’re saying all the right things that only remind me how good and forgiving you are and I hate it. I hated ending our relationship, I hated chasing after my career when I already had the best thing by my side. You.”

Only a few seconds after it hits him what he has just done. He has let his guard down, the one he has been so diligently building up not to get hurt ever again. He’s crying. Angry tears roll down his cheeks and now he wishes he made that short trip down from the balcony to the pavement. Four years and all he has to say is a whiny rant and tears he never meant for Seunghyun to see.

The taller man doesn’t say anything, just looks at Jiyong with the same tenderness he always does. Jiyong hates it even more. He sighs, angrily brushing his tears away, annoyance taking over the sadness. He can’t keep standing here like a puppy waiting to be rubbed on the belly. That is never going to happen.

A crushing weight lifted off his shoulders but an entirely new one has been dropped on them, twice as heavy. It was a really terrible idea to come here. He takes another sip of wine, the liquid almost gone. Seunghyun observes him, still silent. Maybe that’s better. It’s enough Jiyong talked, he doesn’t need to hear what Seunghyun has to say on top of everything else.

He walks past the man and he sees a hand reaching to grab his arm. He jerks away, expression stern and jaw fixed.

“Don’t. Just don’t.”

The last and only thing he hears as he walks away is a quiet ‘I’m sorry’.






He finds Youngbae surrounded by three girls. Due to his short height he was never considered a great catch in highschool, but he has grown up to be an excellent sweet talker. He never sleeps around and actually takes time to get to know a girl before he gets committed. Jiyong has done both and he gave it all away.

Not really feeling like witnessing Youngbae’s love conquests, he walks right past a group of tables and down the stairs until he’s finally outside. The empty bottle jiggles by his side and he makes an effort to put it away on one of the tables near the pool. There are not many people hanging outside anymore - despite it being the summer season, the night has turned chilly and chased almost everyone back inside.

Jiyong doesn’t feel the cold though. He has way too much wine in his system to notice the change in the air. He sways and stumbles, the alcohol only now hitting him with its full power, the effect doubled by the shaken emotions from the unexpected encounter. He’s walking near the edge of the pool, far away from anyone’s reach. It’s amusing to him how his legs feel like jelly and he throws his head up, the stars hazy on the night’s sky. His legs buckle. He has no strength left to stand.



So he falls.






Jiyong never fails to amaze him. Even back when they were in highschool and things were good, the younger boy always had a lot to say and just like now, Seunghyun would stand there and look at him with a newfound realization. Seunghyun has learned a lot from him over the last decade and up until now he thought he could predict Jiyong’s behavior, but nothing prepared him for this. For knowing Jiyong was still as passionate about them as ever.

It was never over for Seunghyun. Their break-up was just it - a break. He let Jiyong go because that’s what the boy needed at that time. He allowed himself to step down from his role as the boyfriend and let Jiyong go into the world and spread his talent on others. Sure it hurt, but that’s what Jiyong wanted. One is egoistic, the other generous. But Seunghyun doesn’t want to have it any other way.

Seunghyun smiles as he watches Jiyong walk away. He hasn’t changed one bit and the man still finds everything about him lovable. Jiyong is still the 17-year old insecure romantic Seunghyun fell in love with - he wears his heart on his sleeve and his professional demeanour is the first thing to tumble down with one simple conversation.

Seunghyun realizes he missed it. The passive-aggressive romance, the constant challenges, life with Jiyong by his side. It wasn’t perfect but it was enough to make them happy. Seunghyun knows they can have it again someday.

He pulls out a pack of cigarettes from his pants and lights one up. He’s only wearing his thin shirt and hopes the temporary flame will keep him warm for a moment. Despite the chill, he’s content. At peace. He also doesn’t have to look back at the dancefloor to know Dongwook is having a blast with one of his provocative female classmates and he’s glad he brought him along.

He needed a solid safeguard to meet Jiyong for the first time since they were no longer we.


Seunghyun is about to take another puff of sweet nicotine, but then he sees Jiyong below the balcony, stumbling along the pavement toward the pool. Seunghyun knows Jiyong has been drinking an insane amount of wine through the night and his current state is at least questionable. All the alarms go off in his head and he puts out his cigarette on the handrail a second before he sees Jiyong’s body give in and hit the water surface.

It’s all in slow-motion from there and it feels like forever as he runs down the stairs, almost bumping into every single person he passes by on his way to the ground floor. It’s all happening too slowly and once he finally reaches the courtyard he’s convinced it’s too late. He can barely see anything around him except for the single point ahead - the back of his man’s blond-blue head now floating in the pool, motionless.

Someone screams as he runs toward the edge of the water and dives for his lover’s dear life.

Seunghyun swims tirelessly to Jiyong, pushing his arm and leg muscles to the maximum but it still doesn’t seem to be enough. He kicks hard and reaches out his hand, barely brushing Jiyong’s leg. One more desperate attempt and Seunghyun is by his side, rolling Jiyong on his back and sweeping the hair from his face. He’s unconscious and barely breathing and Seunghyun is wasting precious seconds. Jiyong’s soaked clothes and lifeless body make it hard to reach the edge of the pool where some people are already reaching out their arms and shouting incoherent words. Someone takes Jiyong from him as soon as they make it to the safe ground.

Another person screams ‘He’s not breathing!’ and Seunghyun’s worst nightmare comes alive.

He pushes himself up and out of the pool and squeezes through the crowd. Someone has laid Jiyong down on the tiles and Seunghyun is right there to perform CPR. The remnants of his sane mind bring back all he ever learnt about it in health class and with precision he hopes he possesses he bumps the life back into his love’s body.

He's panicking but his hands are steady. He counts out loud, never missing a beat. Jiyong’s lips are cold against his own when he leans down and breathes into them, but he’s not about to give up so easily. Not this time.

“Come on, Jiyong. Breathe.”

He hears someone call an ambulance and it gets too real too quickly. He can taste salty tears rolling down his cheeks and he refuses to let it end like this.

“Don’t you dare die on me,” he whispers over and over again, words foreign and distant. It feels like hours since he got him out of the pool and the onlookers realize it too - a sad cry rolls over the crowd, too soon and cruel for him to believe this is how it’s going to end.

Just when he thinks Seunghyun has lost him, Jiyong jerks and spits out water, coughing uncontrollably. Seunghyun lets out a shaky sigh of relief and makes Jiyong roll to the side for a moment and then sit up so that he can pat his back to get the remaining water out.


He’s alive. Jiyong is alive.



It takes him a few seconds to realize Jiyong is crying. The boy is shivering, soft sobs muffled by Seunghyun’s chest. The man wraps his arms around him and rocks him back and forth, putting towels on Jiyong's shoulders that someone has just brought in.

“Can you stand?” Seunghyun asks quiet enough only for Jiyong to hear it. The boy tries to move his legs as tremors pass through them and he shakes his head. “It’s alright.” Seunghyun gives him a one more warm hug and stands up, taking Jiyong in his arms. The already soaked towels fall to the ground and they make their way back to the hotel through the crowd of petrified spectators.






It’s morning. The sun is shining directly on him, making his hangover headache that much worse. He groans and coughs, his throat still sore. Turning around in bed has never been more painful and all the muscles in his body protest as he rolls over to hide from the sun.

The memories of last night should be hazy and far away; instead they are permanently imprinted on the back of his mind. He feels stupid and wishes he could dig a hole and bury himself in it. He let himself get careless and ended up being the most foolish of fools.

As embarrassing as it was, it was also the scariest moment of his entire life and he will remember it until the moment he dies.

“All that good wine almost killed you, huh?” A deep voice erupts from across the room and Jiyong doesn’t have to look up to see who it is. He suddenly feels at ease - all those things he should be still worrying about appear unimportant in the bigger picture. He chuckles and he relishes how natural it sounds.

“That and my lack of balance,” he replies and he doesn’t like how hoarse his voice is. He clears his throat and sits up, muscles already getting used to the sudden activity.

The first thing he notices is that he’s not in his own hotel room. Youngbae’s twin bed is missing and the place lacks the charming sight that would be his covered in clothes floor. This room is white and neat and the large window faces the ocean. A beautiful sunrise colors the sky but it’s not what he’s admiring.

It’s amazing how good Seunghyun’s broad back looks in a white shirt, and Jiyong forgets his own name for a moment. The man’s brown hair is messy and damp, most likely from a shower Jiyong regrets he slept through. He catches Seunghyun’s gaze in the semi-visible reflexion on the glass and the man turns, that cute smile never leaving his face.

“Hi.” One word is enough to make Jiyong’s heart race.


They stare at each other for a longer moment and for the first time the silence doesn’t overwhelm Jiyong. It provides comfort in the presence of someone he’s longed to meet for so long, and now the very same person has saved his life. Is it possible to love someone more?

“How are you feeling?” Seunghyun asks, slowly approaching the bed.

Jiyong shrugs. “My pride sure took a beating last night,” his poor attempt of a joke is successful and he’s rewarded with a laugh from Seunghyun. God, he missed that sound.

Seunghyun stops by the tray on a nightstand and only now Jiyong notices it’s filled with his favorite fruits and peanut butter sandwiches. He fails to hide his giddy smile.

“Really though. Are you okay?” Seunghyun hesitates for a moment before he sits on the edge of the bed.

“Really, I’m fine. Sore, but fine.” He thinks how easy it would be to reach over and grab Seunghyun’s hand, something he’s been secretly dying to do since the moment he saw him. A brave, simple gesture he’s too afraid to make.

Then Seunghyun makes it easy for him by extending his own hand and gently brushing the tips of his fingers against the inside of Jiyong’s wrist. He has always been more of a physical person, using touch and eye-contact to convey his emotions rather than words. While it was annoying at times, Jiyong has never loved Seunghyun more than for this one gesture right now.

“Thank you,” Jiyong whispers, choking on words. He’s grateful for so many things. For Seunghyun being here. For saving him. For coming back to him. The tears appear again and there’s nothing to stop them.

Except for Seunghyun’s hand brushing them away and a tight hug that comes later.

Jiyong’s eyes are wide open and he’s having the hardest time believing what’s happening. Seunghyun’s warm chest is pressed against his own and his heart beats in the rhythm of the other. His stance softens and he lies his chin on Seunghyun’s shoulder and it feel like all the bad memories they share never took place. It feels like home again.

“God, I missed you,” Jiyong chokes again, his body going through waves of emotions. He lets go of everything holding him back and all he cares about are Seunghyun’s strong arms wrapping him in a warm cocoon he never want to get out of.

Seunghyun turns his head slightly and kisses Jiyong’s neck, something Jiyong has deprived himself for way too long. He shudders and moans, closing his eyes to enjoy this to the fullest.

And then he giggles because it’s all so surreal and impossible to wrap his head around and because he’s just so damn happy.

Seunghyun pulls away, palms resting on Jiyong’s shoulders. He just looks at the boy as if he’s trying to take everything in, from his puffy red eyes to messed up hair in a dying need for a shower.

“I got you again,” he says, so much relief in his voice it bring another round of tears in Jiyong’s eyes.

Not knowing what to say, Jiyong simply throws his arms around Seunghyun’s neck and pulls him in as close as physically possible. He’s getting all mushy again and it feels good.

“I still love you,” Jiyong whispers, voice serious and steady. Seunghyun nods against his neck and kisses him on the same spot again.

“I’ve known all along. You can’t hide anything from me, Kwon Jiyong.”






“Your cousin.”


"Your cousin.”

“You said it twice.”

Jiyong is standing between two really handsome men, both looking at him with open amusement. Youngbae stays on a side, shaking his head and laughing to himself.

“I got jealous over a cousin. Unbelievable.” Jiyong throws his arms into the air.

“An honest mistake,” Seunghyun says, patting Jiyong on a shoulder.

“It wouldn’t be if you said something in the first place!”

“I like messing with you too much.”

“Well I’m glad my misery amuses you,” Jiyong says, pouting and crossing his arms on his chest. The entire time Dongwook is watching their interaction as if at a tennis match, a satisfied smile never leaving his face.

“You two are so cute,” he declares finally and it’s the last thing he says before he walks away toward a group of ladies. Jiyong can’t believe he’s going to have to tolerate this guy for the next two days of this high school reunion. Youngbae follows Dongwook and they high-five each other while having the boldest laughing fit.

The realization hits Jiyong and the blood boils in his veins.

“That sleazy bastard was in on it!” He shouts, turning to Seunghyun for some explanation. The man just shrugs and Jiyong is ready to go kick some serious . He takes a step to follow his former best friend but Seunghyun gently pulls him by the collar and successfully stops him in his tracks.

“Let go. I need to beat up my friend.”

Seunghyun obeys only to grab Jiyong by the arms and turn him around to face him.

“You’ve got two choices here. Either you go over there and break his face, or you go upstairs with me and have the best of your entire life. What’s it gonna be?”

On their way upstairs Jiyong makes sure to grab an ample supply of the hotel’s finest burgundy liquid.



Seunghyun and wine always mix well together.





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Chapter 1: OMG! This is awesome. I feel Ji Yong's pain and happiness. And Seunghyun, damn! Can I have someone like him in my life? Thank you for this story! I really love it!
lightaway #2
Chapter 1: All the emotions felt so real TvT
I was hurt at the beginning and the fact that Seunghyun was so kind and nice and adorable didn't help, i could understand Ji's frustration.
And then the swimming pool scene happened and i was so glad it was Seunghyun who saved him.
Then they got back together, without much words, without the need for the explanation, they just knew.
I was so happy that they'd found their way back to be together somehow. This is so amazingly written. Thank you for writing it and sharing it with us. Keep writing, Author-nim ^^
Chapter 1: Omg. This is good...thanks for writing this up. Fighting
Chapter 1: Seunghyun's so understanding, just imagining his expression looking at Jiyong squeezes my heart... The swimming pool scene is so intense, we know Ji won't die but it still causes my heart to race, it's as if I were in Seunghyun's place... Very well done!
Chapter 1: OMG!!
This is sooooo good~~
Im glad u r writing this.
Thanks a lot.
Xoxo <333
Danees #6
Chapter 1: Am enjoying this. Thank you!
Chapter 1: Good i wish i would have more of this but it's also perfect how it is... thanks for this one shot
gtopbaby #8
Chapter 1: The ending is too cute! <3
I love this kinda fluffy-angst (minus the part where he almost died o_0)
Thank u so much for this!
sparklingunicorn #9
Chapter 1: Thank you so much, this was amazing! Totally what I needed today!<3
dorkygtop887 #10
Chapter 1: Sweet ending. Loved it. Also loved it when we can see seunghyun pov and how lovely he was. Thank you authornim.