Chapter 18

Memories Last Forever


..`My Ah Bu

Thanks to all whom unstoppably comment and support!
Also, thanks to those silent readers whomever you may be :D
Megan: Yep :D Here's another update!

Jade: You are very HYPER! Haha! Yes... It's because of the Jellybean :D LOL

AsianKiddo: I agree, but sorry to the HEBE fans! Its just a character. She's not really
that kind of person :S

Kodocha2007: Thanks ^^

HidayahF: Thankyhuus!

Wznaz: LOL, I realized that... Maybe a little too much? LOL

Guilunfan: CLAP CLAP -_O Lol fail xD

Cupcake10000: LOL, pretty much

Sorry-->> Too much comments... Thanks for them though! I appreciate it!

Aaron's POV:
My heart stopped beating...
It just stopped...
"...Huhh? But what?..." I ask her eagerly...

Guigui: Truth is, my parents have work in China... So we might move... Unless...

Aaron: Unless... what?!?

Guigui: I get a place to stay. My mom said that I get to stay if I find a place to stay at...
But, I doubt I'll find a place that fast...

Aaron: Why?

Guigui: Because, They're leaving tomorrow. That's why I signed out at the office...

Aaron's POV:
I can't afford to lose her! Not this time.. No..

"You can stay at my place Gui!" I exclaim.

"But...You live with your parents... I might be a bother." she said.

"My parents work 2 hours away from here. So they don't live with me. They visit me once a week...
They'll be fine with it! They know you! Remember?" I told her.

"It's worth a try..." she said smiling at me.

I took her hand and then I hugged her once more.

"I don't want to lose you again, Jie." - Aaron

"-Smile-" -Gui

The two later walked out of the school, not realizing that they still had classes...

Oh well :S.

@ Guigui's House...

Guigui's POV:
"Wei, Mom & Dad, I'm home." I shouted.

"How's school Guigui?" Mom asked.

"It's great. In fact, I found a place to stay dad, mom." I said.

They looked surprised. I knew that there were many questions that were going to
keep occuring...

& so, it began:

"Where will you be staying youn lady?" -Dad

"Well, do you remember Aaron Yan?" -Me

"Uhm.. Not really"-Mom

"The guy I used to call Ah Bu? You always used to send me to their house to play..." -I said.

"Oh Yea!. You mean, you'll be staying at HIS HOUSE?!?"-Dad

Dad has always been overprotected. He really loved me. But it was obvious that even though
he cared about my education, he was against me staying over a guys house.

"I'll think about it. I'll have to meet him first." -DAD

"What? Your leaving tomorrow!"-I said in discomfort.

"We're leaving tomorrow night. That's enough time to meet him right?"-DAD.

Dad always had his tactics. I think I get these fresh skills from him, & from mom,
I guess my COOKING ... Haha.. Wait! Guigui, focus!

"Okay Dad." -I said nervously.


The next day:


Whoa! Someone's here this early? Wonder who it is...

"GUI!" Mom called.

"Yes Mother?" I answered.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

"Yes. Why?" I wondered.

"Someone's here to pick you up for school." She said

There is? Hmm... Can't be Xiao Xun. If it was, she would've already ran to my room
or yelled at me on how late I was...

As soon as I ran down, I slowed down.

There I saw Aaron Yan Ya Lun. Waiting for me. Talking to my mom...

"Ah bu..." -I said softly.

"Good morning" He replied.

Mom walked to me.
"Gui, Your Ah Bu seems to be a gentleman." she told me as she walked away.




LOL, I'm so retarded... haha..
well.. Wait for the next update ^^ After my homework -_-

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