Dancing For Charity

Maybe We Can Grow Together

Taehyung’s face lights up, “Can we?!” He asks with excitement, as I make it to a standing position.

“Wait a minute jagiya! Tae might have forgotten, but I haven’t. It is Yeong-Yeong Dance Time!” Hoseok interjects. My shoulders slump; I can basically hear J-Hope’s smile spreading further and further across his face.

“Which song first?” I grumble.

“Ice Cream Cake!” V yells happily, oblivious to the dread filling up my soul.  I shuffle to my stereo. I only have to press play as Red Velvets CD was already in the player. The song begins and I hum along lightly trying to ignore Taehyung who is moving all of our homework to clear out the middle of the floor. The chorus begins and so do I. Before I know it I am completely in my own world. I know that I’m belting out the song lyrics as I lift my leg to the left and then to the right, pointing at my mouth.

“It’s so tasty,” pose one, “Come and chase me,” pose two, “Mot chamgesseo.” Pose three.

“I scream, you scream, gimme that, gimme that, ICE CREAM!” I holler, before coming back down from whatever far off place I was. Taehyung and J-Hope are clapping.

“That was really good Jagi!” Tae says sweetly. I smile and thank him.

“Which song next? I’ll give you two more options. Then we will be even!”

“Up and Down?” Hobi questions. I glare at him.

“If I’m doing this so are you.” I order, walking over to him and helping him up. I

walk back over to my stereo to switch CDs. I stop Red Velvet and replace them with EXID. With a deep exhale, I walk back to the middle of the floor beside Hobi. The chorus starts and it takes him a minute to register. I’m on the second eight count by the time that he properly joins in.

“Wi arae, wi wi arae!” We chant in between laughs. Even V jumps up and dances with us.

By the end of the song we are all laughing messes. After a few minutes spent trying to catch our breath, V puls J-Hope to the side.

“Secrets don’t make friends!” I pout as they whisper to each other.

“Friends make secrets!” Taehyung calls out half-heartedly as he continues to whisper with Hoseok.

I stand alone in the center of the floor, arms crossed, foot tapping impatiently.

“We have your last song Myeong-Bin.” J-Hope says.

I narrow my eyes at him suspiciously, “What is it Hyung?”

Despite the fact that I was addressing Hobi, V answers,  “I Got A Boy.”

I drop my arms and look at them incredulously, “You have to be kidding.”

“C’mon Jagi, we don’t have all night! Let’s see that breakdown.” Hobi replies with an anticipatory clap of his hands.

“Fine, but you have to hand me my phone. I don’t have that CD.” I answer.

V tosses me my phone. I walk back to the stereo to stop my EXID CD. I then YouTube the song and skip to the breakdown. Despite the fact that I didn’t want to do the dance, I sing out the lyrics anyway, “Ayo stop! Let me put it down another way. I got a boy meotjin. I got a boy chakan. I got a boy, handsome boy, nae mam da gajeogan. I got a boy meotjin. I got a boy chakan. I got a boy, awesome boy, wanjeon banhaenna bwa.”

As soon as the breakdown is over I grab my phone and stop the song.

“Are you guys appeased now?” I ask sarcastically.

They nod happily. It is then that I realise that they have their phones in their hands.

“If I check my SnapChat right now and there is a video of me doing that dance, I will end your lives.” I threaten as I inch closer to them.

With a maniacal cackle Taehyung dashes for the door, swinging it open. J-Hope trails on his heels and I follow. I chase them down the hallway.

“It is too late Jagiya! It’s already uploaded!” Tae yells victoriously.

“Fighting!” Hobi screams, fist bumping V.

I sigh and sink to the floor.

“Please tell me you deleted Suga from your Snapchat’s when you guys stopped being friends.”

Their silence gives me my answer. I fall forward, repeatedly smacking my head on the floor.

“You looked good though Myeong-Bin!” Hoseok assures. V nods in agreement.

“You guys have to say that,” I begin, lifting my head to look at them, “you are my best friends. That is your job.”

They look at me with slight guilt and I continue to bang my head on the floor.  


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Chapter 1: POTENTIAL!!! I like you're writing style and the fact that you seemed to make the whole first part of the chapter as quotes was amazing... I'm impressed
Chapter 3: Fun chapter!! Hahaha!
Poor girl. Crushing so hard on that Suga.
By the way I can't wait for Namjoon darling.
Cookiepanda101 #4
This is really good Author-nim keep it up!!!!
Chapter 2: Pitiful main character. Noisy side character. Arrogant guy who won't fall for her. Tsk. The main guy approaching soon. Tsk. You have it all going. More chapters and it's fire.