
stay by my side.
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one swearing word only~~



It was yet another boring school day for Jackson, and finally it was lunch time. Thank godness, geography class had ended! it was killing him espeacially with his Mrs.Miller, she was extremly annoying to the point Jackson sometimes wished to stranggle her to death. The school hallways was crowed as uaual, he had to hold his anger down mutliple times from pushing away one of the students who kept crossing his way. He was heading to the cafiteria that was right at the end of the way. The is when life thre the unexpectant and accidently pushed someone, stopping and turning to look at im jae bum. 

 now that caught many students attention.

Jackson Wang pushed Im Jae bum, what will Im Jae bum do? if you ask him about Jae bum, the guy isn't bad at all. Jae bum is a kind guy and actually one of Jackson's friends but not a close one. ofcourse if Jaebum's parents knew about Jackson pushing him while he did nothing simply brushing it off, they will be the crazy mode. Are you asking how they will know? then the answer is very simple, as we all know people like to gossip about everything and anything, and this for the students was something like a golden chance to talk about.

He saw Jaebum mothing a "sorry" at him before reaching out to catch him by the front of his shirt, angrily, oh no correction, fake anger."what do you think you are doing?" he asked,sharply. 

"minding my own bussuiness unlike you."Jackson sneered and pushed Jaebum away, playing along .


the bell rang, all students went out of the classroom rushing toward the hallways to meet their friends and go to the cafiteria, mark took his time to gather his things and put them in his bag and went out of the classroom. he yawned and streached, he didn't sleep well last night and he's really tierd. he saw a students standing in a circule surrounding two guys who seemed to be fighting. it was Jackson Wang and Im Jaebum, what are they fightinmg abou this timet? why isn't he surprised by the huge number of students gathering around them? the question is should he be surprised? nah, he don't have to, who will waste a chance to see a mas

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KimJuhi #1
Chapter 18: seems so magically.. Wowww finally they became official... it was cute proposal(^!^)i hope u write more markson fic *fighting*:)
KimJuhi #2
Chapter 17: Hahaha...that was cute demanding mark lol
Chapter 1: Aww .... I am getting excited already
KimJuhi #4
Chapter 15: Geezzz..finally u updated..
And also thanx for making me crying.. goshh i can understand jackson feeling.. hope mark wll be fyn soon~
KimJuhi #5
Chapter 14: Ooo god no no no mark can't it can happen..plss author make mark alive..Huhh poor markirrr!! And all the best for ur test aithor i knw u will do well
KimJuhi #6
Chapter 12: Awww.....full of emotional scenes...Woww finlly they r back on their track...yeeeeaaaa!!! I m so happy i will always be by ur side gyzzz!!! Hehehe sound so dramatic lol:p
KimJuhi #7
Chapter 11: Whttt!!! No no plsssss..don't breakup *crying* why is it important for him to breakup no plsss..this can't be possible..
KimJuhi #8
Chapter 10: Cute one!!! Basically i lIke 2jae ship bt jjp ship is also nt bad..AnD ya plsss add bam and Yugu scene<3
KimJuhi #9
Chapter 9: sweet jackson u still stand for mark against ur mother proud of u..
KimJuhi #10
Chapter 8: Wht the hell!!!!! My poor markieee why only he has to suffer every thing!! Hope so jackson can keep his promise and be by side with mark i really hope so:-(
And can get to knw who is the person behind all that