Final: Swapped

Wrong Number: Project Trainee - Task 4

Jieun sat on the park bench waiting on her boyfriend, who was already more than half an hour late. She scrolled through the brand new phone she had bought a day ago trying to find his number. She called, but sadly Yoongi wasn't picking up.

She sat for a while longer, but eventually got tired of waiting and got up to walk around the park. She smiled as she watched children running about trying to catch ducks and couples out for afternoon strolls. Her eye fell on a guy painting by the river, so curiosity made her stroll over to look at what he was painting.

"Wow!" She gasped as she took in the beautiful scene that the artist had captured onto his canvas.


Startled at the sound, Jimin glanced back, seeing a cute girl looking over his shoulder at his painting of the view across the Han River. She looked away from the painting and their eyes met for a short moment. She looked at him shyly, then bowed and rushed off before he could say anything to her. He smirked as the girl walked away hastily.

Painting was the only thing that could ease his mind right then as he waited for calls from his job interviews. The whole situation was making Jimin feel tense, as he has been jobless for nearly a year. He turned back to his painting.


Jieun sat down again, she felt bored and played a game on her phone, but soon got fed up with that too. She called Yoongi a few more times, but still no answer from him, so she finally gave up waiting and decided to leave.

She was so lost in her own thoughts that as she turned a corner, she bumped into someone.- Bam! and she was losing her balance, falling before she could stop herself. She jumped up fast as she realized that she fell on top of someone and was shocked to find that it was the same guy she saw painting earlier.

"Yah! Watch where youre going!" The guy was still on the ground rubbing the back of his head.

"Im so sorry! She exclaimed. "Hey mister, are you okay?"

He looked up and seemed to recognize her from earlier, his voice softening as he spoke again."Uh... I’m okay."

"I am really sorry." She bowed slightly as he got up, then rushed to help him pick up his scroll of drawings and his bag.

"There you go," she said as she handed his stuff to him. He took the things from her with a small smile. She looked down and spotted her phone on the grass, then stopped to pick it up before bowing again and going her way.


Jimin dusted the dirt and grass from his body, then patted his pocket for his phone. It was gone. He turned to look around and saw something sticking out from under a bush. He bent to check and it was his phone, he smiled as he shoved it back into his pocket and left the park.


Jieun was on her way to the bus stop when her phone rang. At first she didn't realize it was her phone ringing, she did not recognize the ringtone, a FT Island song, but then she checked her bag and the phone was flashing as it rang.

"Hello?" She answered hesitantly, since she didnt recognize the number.

"Hello? Said an unfamiliar female voice. "Can I speak to Park Jimin?"

"Excuse me? Who are you looking for?" Jieun asked, wondering who the woman was, not to mention the Park Jimin she was looking for.

"Oh, sorry. Isn't this Park Jimin's phone?" The girl asked again.

"Umm... you must have the wrong number." She hung up the phone and shrugged off the conversation as she got onto the bus home.


Jimin slumped down on the couch after his shower. He picked up the remote and clicked trying to find a good show. Suddenly the Doraemon tune started playing, so he pressed the mute button on the remote and listened. It was his phone ringing, why couldn't he remember changing the ringtone? And who would even have Doraemon as a tone if they were older than 12 years old? He sat staring at the phone with a frown until it stopped ringing.

The phone rang again for the second time. He picked it up and answered this time.

"Where the hell are you?" Blurted out a voice on the other end before he could say anything. "Do you know that I have been waiting for you for hours?"

"Hey! Who is this?"Jimin asked feeling very confused.

"Hello! Hello? Who are you? Where is Jieun?."

"Jieun? I don't know who Jieun is... maybe you have the wrong number." He hung up at the last word.

After another half hour of scrolling through the channels Jimin felt bored so he reached for the phone to call his friend, but when he looked at the phone only then did he realize it was not his. There was a picture of a couple, a blonde man with his arm around a smiling girl making a peace sign. The girl looked familiar.

“Ahh... it's the girl from the park" he mumbled to himself. "How... wait... ahh... yes." He sighed.

He wanted to contact the girl who obviously now had his phone, but he couldn't remember his own number, since the phone was new.

“Now what am I to do, pretty girl? Are you Jieun?" He said as he looked at the girl on the screen. He thought for a moment before grabbing the phone and his jacket then went out.


Jieun was resting on her bed. She felt frustrated that Yoongi didn't appear nor did he call yet.

"Madly" by FT Island started playing again, she reached to pick up the phone and answered without looking at the number. She was getting ready to scold Yoongi when someone spoke. "Hello. Park Jimin please?" The same female voice from earlier said.

"Sorry you have the wrong number," she replied again, sounding a little annoyed.

Before she could hang up the person spoke again. "But this is the contact number that Park Jimin gave us."

"What?" She asked feeling confused. "Can you just pass a message to him? Tell him to come again tomorrow... his interview was successful, he is hired. He can come in at any time to sign the contract."

"But..." Jieun tried to protest, but the call had already ended.

She looked at the phone again and discovered that the screen was different, and only then did she realize that her phone must have been switched with that guy in the park earlier, the same guy who was smiling back at her from the screen.

She needed to call to her phone, but couldn't remember her new phone number. She stormed into her younger brother's room without knocking and found him on his bed with his head buried in a comic.

"Kook, what's my number?"

Jungkook looked up from the comic surprised."Yah, Noona... You frightened me."

He looked at her for a moment. "Why do you want to know your own number. You want to call yourself? Aish! Your life is too sad."

" Because I lost my phone?" Jieun said as she tapped her foot impatiently.

"What? Again? Why are you so clumsy? Junkook asked looking very amused.

"Yah! Just tell me!


Jimin stood looking at the fish swimming around in the aquarium.

“Min, here's your coffee." Namjoon put down the cup on the small table and gestured him to come over.

"Thanks, "Jimin said as he walked over and picked up the cup.

"You came all the way here just to ask me what's your phone number?" Namjoon looked at his friend curiously.


Namjoon looked at the phone Jimin was holding. "Why do you need to know? Don't you have your phone there?" He pointed at the phone. "Don't make any stupid excuses just to see me... Did you miss me? Just come visit and say you miss me." He laughed.

"Whoah! One question at a time," Jimin protested with a smile. "This phone is not mine. And I couldn't remember your number."

"What do you mean? Let me see that." Namjoon snatched the phone. "Oohhh, who's the cute girl?"

"I bumped into her in the park and I guess we got our phones switched."

"Wow, lucky you!" Namjoon laughed.

"Nah, I think she has a boyfriend."Jimin pointed at the blonde man in the picture with her. "

"It could be her brother." Namjoon scrolled through the phone. "Did you try her house."

"Duh? How do I know the number?"

"Ahh Min." Namjoon shook his head slowly and laughed. "Contact list, you fool?"

"Ahh... why haven't I thought of that?" Jimin smiled.

"Because you're stupid."

"Just tell me my number, man." Jimin looked at his friend who was still scrolling through the phone. "I will rather call to my phone directly... then I know she will answer. I forgot her name... Ji..."

"Jieun," Namjoon said.

"How did you know her name?”

"Her messages are so funny." Namjoon laughed.

"Yah, stop reading her stuff!" Jimin grabbed the phone from him and clicked away from the message screen.

"Okay okay fine, I'll get my phone." He got up and checked his phone, giving Jimin the number.

Jimin thanked him and promised to come again for a visit.  "And give her my number, " Namjoon called after him. Jimin laughed. "Why would I do that? Maybe she will like me."

"Because you got no jams," Namjoon said and laughed.


Jieun sat in the restaurant eagerly waiting for Jimin, the man who had her phone. She looked around at the people eating there, the food seemed delicious.

Jieun gulped and her lips. It had been a long time since she last ate those kinds of food. She really missed it.

Ever since she started dating Yoongi, she had never eat those fattening foods anymore. Being with him had changed a lot of things in her life, even made her lose some of her friends too. She wondered now why she was so loyal to him when all he did was make her feel bad about herself.

"Hello..." Jimin greeted as he stood looking down at her, snapping her out of her deep thoughts.

"Oh! Hi!" She smiled and gestured for him to sit down.

"So where is my phone?" Jimin asked immediately after he sat down.

"Oh, yes." She took it out and exchanged it with him.

Jimin quickly checked his messages. "Sorry if I sounded rude, I was waiting on an urgent call."

"Umm, there was a call from a company asking you to come sign papers. You got the job. I think they sent you a message as well."

"Ah thanks." Jimin answered without looking at her.

Jieun was observing him, and wanted to ask him something.

"Is there something on my face?" Jimin asked as he noticed her staring at him.

She shook her head and smiled shyly. "Can I order something to eat?"

"You're strange, of course you can!"

"I mean can you..." Jimin was looking at her curiously by now. He kept waiting for her to finish her sentence, but she seemed to be stuck there.

"You're asking if I will pay?" She shook her head again, looking embarrassed.

"No, I mean... Can you eat with me or at least stay with me while I eat?"

He looked at the girl and chuckled as he’d never heard such a strange request from a stranger before.

"Well, I haven't eaten this for a long time and I feel weird to be eating all alone." She looked down at her hands as she explained.

Jimin glanced over at her again. It was the first time he had met such a strange, yet cute girl.

"Go ahead! The blood sausage is delicious here."He nodded and smiled.

"Yes, I heard, and I know the ramen is really tasty too!" She smiled.

"Yes it is!" He nodded again in agreement.

"So let's order, my treat!"

He smiled again. "No, I think I should be paying."

"No, I can't let you do that." She shook her head and laughed softly.

"Just think of it as celebrating my getting a job."

"How come you don't eat here if you like the food? I mean you can come here with your boyfriend."

"He doesn't like to eat these kind of food, in fact he forbid me to come to these places." She smiled, but her eyes looked sad. "He doesn't want me to get fat."

He nodded, but didnt say anything. So she did have a boyfriend, he was right in assuming that.

"His family has business functions that I need to attend with him and I have to look my best at all times." She flashed him a smile as she explained. " Image is important to them."

"Then why do you go out with him when you sound like you don't even enjoy being with him?" He surprised himself in being so forward with a stranger, but it was hurting him to look at her sad eyes.

She looked at him for a moment, before answering. What harm would it do? He was a stranger and she will probably never see him again. She needed to tell someone how she felt.

"I do ask myself that too, it felt nice in the beginning, he is handsome and he was charming. He spoiled me like a princess, but not all princesses are happy. It just felt like I was losing more of me as time went by and becoming who he wanted."

"You should be with someone that you can be comfortable with." He said and looked at her, his expression serious. "Someone who sees  the real you."

Jieun looked at him and gave him a small smile. They were halfway through their meal when Jieun's phone rang, but she ignored the call when she saw that Yoongi was the caller.

"Aren't you answering your call?"

"Its no one important, let's just enjoy the food first." Jieun herself was shocked by her words.

And as they finished eating, Jimin's phone rang this time and he got up to take the call. He came back after the call ended and glanced at her for a while.

Jieun noticed him looking at her. "Something on my face this time?"

He shook his head and smiled. "Are you free tomorrow night?"

Jieun raised an eyebrow, but didn't reply.

"Well, my friend just called and he has two movie tickets and it seems he has another appointment tomorrow night. So can you watch with me?"

Jieun glanced at the guy in front of her, surprised that he would be asking a stranger to watch a movie with him. What surprised her even more was that she was sitting there considering taking him up on the offer. She nodded and smiled. "That would be wonderful."

She knew that what she had just done was wrong, but she would make it right. A handsome man whose smile lit up the room had just asked her out and for the first time in months her heart had raced with excitement.

She would call Yoongi back and ask to meet him. The stranger was right, why be with someone who didn't make her happy. She had to tell Yoongi how she felt and break it off with him. She had the rest of her life to find the right person and she was looking forward to starting with a charming man called Park Jimin.

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