
    綾音 ︵ please apply to my fics i will give u the gud stuff
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Aswell as people hating on me for senseless reasons, because your opinions dont,,,actually matter !


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duviet #1
Chapter 166: hey, babe. I can understand your "salt" towards those who keep complaining about the same old, when there are tons of new applyfics popping out every day, with a "unique" concept on top of that, but calling them biased, fake, dumb etc. isn't the way to go either, because I'm pretty sure if you were in their shoes, you'd feel quite offended too, no? not telling you what to do, just an unpopular opinion of mine :/

there is so much truth in what you said though, I'm not going to deny that, because apparently the idolau fics won't ever get old to most. it's indeed very saddening to see how people won't even bother giving those different plots the chance, unless the author is pretty much known I'd say. there are a lot of people putting effort into their applyfics, yet they dont even get the chance to show you whatever they planned. yes their writing may not be the best - but I personally think /you/ (@confession) don't have the right to complain about that, since it must mean your writing is over the sky, which I can't even imagine. everyone has his or her writing style, it differs, no one on this website is some kind of celebrity author whatever you get me, this is just for fun anyway. if it's not your cup of tea, so it may be. if the plots other than idolaus are still too basic for you, then my royalty, I suggest you come up with "a unique" idea yourself.
Chapter 166: i almost choked because of how much truth you're serving here ayane

honestly though, if you don't want aff to be 'dead' go apply or show some ing interest to the fics that are coming out. if you want more variety then show some ing interest to the fics that aren't your bloody girl group fics that are a dime a dozen. if you show interest or some semblance of feedback it fuels the authors and keeps them writing and aware that 'oh okay people are interested'
bloody hell, if there weren't as many interesting fics as you say there are, please explain my ing long wip list lmao. there's a lot of material out there so you can't say there isn't at least ONE thing that catches your eye. you have a variety of genres being touched on with the fics that are currently out. if you really can't find them then i suggest you filter your tags so you can find the quality you're looking for.
Chapter 166: preach it ayane good lord
there's a difference between saying there aren't any good fics and saying nothing interests you. and even then, why complain about it ? make a fic on your own that interests you if you're so disgruntled.
Chapter 166: i understand not being interested in any of the fics that are coming out, everyone has their own preferences and stuff but-

to complain about it is just being a bit foolish. like ayane said, there are tons of unique fics that have been coming out that have awesome plots. it's okay not to like any of them, of course, but to say there aren't any good ones out there is actually the most absurd thing in the world! i'm not going to apply to some fics because i don't really enjoy the idea or subject, but they're not bad just because i don't like them- they're just not my style. don't complain about there not being any good fics, you're just being petty at this point. instead do something to change that.
you always have the option of making your own fic or spreading ideas around to authors that you like in hopes of inspiring them to make something similar. ♡
this alias stuff is pretty pointless considering everyone on the internet do go by an alias. plus, tHERE IS NO PROBLEM WITH IT UNLESS SOMEONE IS ACTUALLY TRYING TO BE APART OF THAT CULTURE (pls don't try to be korean if u r not korean)

otherwise,,,, everyone let everyone live pls
calmjong #7
Chapter 154: lmao, jeong is here HAHAHHAHA hi
I go by Tsuki but I'm not Japanese, sorry if it's "wrong" to you. Why did I chose it? Because at the time I chose it, the moon was an inspiration to me. I'm American but have a French name in real lifex despite being hardly French. Names, aliases especially, should be of no concern to you.
names arent even that significant like we dont go "oH SNAP HER NAME IS JEONG SHES A GOD"
it aint problematic if she aint tryna become another race, this is just u tryna look woke but just reachin for the sky instead

like do u even know what appropriation is bc u hav been applying it completely wrong