Now Or Never

Snowflakes [ONESHOT]


I don't know when it started or how these feelings even bloomed, but I surely he doesn't feel the same. I didn't mean to such feelings, for him. If he knew our friendship would probably, most likely be over. Countless of time I tried to forget him, I tried to forget his adorable smile or his unique personality, but it was no use. An image of him giggling, pouting, and smiling always seemed to sneak their way in my head. These feelings are like a sickness, and there is no remedy for the way I feel towards him. Not like I want to stop thinking about him.




"Junhyung, come on we're going to be late if you don't hurry your !” a stern, annoyed voice called out.


Junhyung nearly fumbled to the ground to his roommate’s voice. “Yah you take a head start, I'm going to get my jacket from my room.”


I'll be waiting in the lobby. Don't make me wait too long or I'll leave you behind!” With that the tall male closed the door behind him, leaving Junhyung alone in the two bedroom apartment.


Sluggishly the blonde haired boy lifted himself off the couch, and made his way to his room. His leather jacket was layed out on his bed, where he left it. Junhyung slipped it on and was going to leave his room until his reflection from his mirror caught his eye. He wasted more time than he thought, by checking himself out in the full body mirror. He made sure to fix every little strand of hair on his head, and brush off invisable dirt on his outfit. Tonight. Tonight will be the night I will confess. There are no 'next time' Junhyung. It's tonight or never. No missing that moment to tell how I -


Junhyung! What the hell man? You made me wait ten minutes in the lobby! Serious dude we are already late, I don't want to show up later than we already are! Yoseob will have both are heads.”


The blonde teenage boy sighed heavily before shutting off the lights of his room and walked out his room, toward the door.




Junhyung was never the type to be so shy or lovestruck. He was never the type to have such feelings for someone, he was never the one to be so concerned if the person he liked would look at him or not, he was never the one to think about someone over and over. He was never like that, no, he was more like the boy who was cool and collective. His feelings never got the best of him. He stared out the window of the car as they passed the houses decorated with lights, and snow just lightly falling from the night sky.


Dude don't tell me you're going to the party with a face like that. You don't even look happy that its almost Christmas” commented Doojoon. The raven haired boy switched his focus from the road to his friend, and back again to the road. “Come on cheer up”. He nudged Jun “If anything happens tonight tell me everything tomorrow” he added, smiling sincerely. Silence soonly took over the atmosphere.




The party was small with thirty-five or so people invited, not much, but enough to fill the whole apartment. The music playing as they entered was a traditional Christmas song, after that song fast paced music played throughout the night. This party was definitely different from previous Christmas parties he was invited to. As Junhyung thought about it, the only parties he was invited to were family related parties, that were as boring as sitting through a lecture at school. Here the people at the party were socializing with one another, dancing, and eating the small snacks left on the table in the living room. Few were even passed out from the alcohol they drank.


I'm glad you guys finally made it.” a short blonde haired boy came up, who could be easily mistaken as a kid. His face was a bit chubby, but neverless cute, with round eyes that sparkled to see the two boys.


Yeah sorry about Yoseob, Junhyung was taking long to get ready.” Doojoon spoke out. Yoseob hugged him as Doojoon specked him softly on the cheek. The couple have been dating for some time now, it was recently that Junhyung knew about it. He was happy for the two love birds, but he couldn't help to be a bit jealous of their relationship. To avoid an awkward situation with them he excused himself.


I'm going get a drink see you guys later”


Junhyung moved through the small crowd of people to get the table where there were beverages and snacks. He grabbed a coke from the table. Junhyung was going to open the can of his soda until he heard a familiar voice behind him.


I was starting to worry that you weren't going to come”


Junhyung looked over his shoulder to take a look, but from just one quick glance he turned 180 degrees to find a male not much shorter than himself, standing smiling at him with his doe eyes. It was Hyunseung. Hyunseung was the boy he fell for ever since he met him.It was Hyunseung that was on his mind 24/7. It was Hyunseung that made him feel a bit shy, and unsure of what to say at times. A time like this.


Whats the matter? Cat got your tongue?”


He giggled, and so did Junhyung. It wasn't then until Junhyung actually spoke.


No, no. Just um, you know” get it together. You're losing it already “Hyunseung you want to go out on the balcony?”


Sure why not. Let me just grab some hot cocoa for us, it's chilly outside.”




I should have brought a heavier coat. It was freezing outside, but the view made up for the unsatisfying weather. Snowflakes continued to fall, with the moon and stars clearly seen on the cloudless night, and lights of green and red decorated the night sky. Their hot cocoa were placed on a nearby table.


Isn't beautiful?”


Junhyung looked at the shorter brunette male. He was beautiful, but he couldn't tell him that. All Junhyung could do was nod, and ruffle the latter's brunette hair having his bangs swift to one side of his forehead. He laughed when Hyunseung pouted, rearranging his hair.






Do you ever have that feeling when you like someone so much, that it seems impossible to get them out of your head?” The blonde male looked at the other, his dry lips. He didn't know where to even start his confession, but it was either there out on balcony where there was privacy or inside where everyone is witnessing. Junhyung liked the idea of confessing without a crowd eavesdropping.


Sometimes.” The reply was short. For some reason Junhyung wanted the other boy to say, yes, yes that he thinks about him every second in his waking day, like he does. Hyunseung's doe eyes traveled to see Junhyung's face. His chubby cheeks were tinted with a rosy colour from the cold. “Why?”


The question startled Junhyung. It was his chance to explain himself. Thanks to the cold and his embarrassment, his face changed to a darker shade of red.


Don't laugh when I tell you this but...Hyunseung.” Jun swallowed hard. “I like you.”


I like you too. You're a great friend.” Hyunseung smiled, oblivious to the fact Junhyung was confessing. Junhyung walked toward to lean on the railing of the balcony, with Hyunseung following suit.


That's not what I mean Hyunseung. Gah! I'm no good at this” his voice stiffened dropping his head. A few seconds passed until he got the words out of his mouth “I like you more than a friend.”


The music from the inside was the only thing that could be heard, the two stayed quiet. It was unbearable.


Heh, know what just forget about it. Just forget that I ever that bull, I'm going back inside. Merry Christmas” Before he got the chance to escape he was held back from Hyunseung, grabbing him by the arm. The latter had forced a small smile on his face.


Don't leave just yet Jun. Maybe I just start being honest too.” Those words convinced Jun from leaving and stay a little longer. “I thought that this was only one-sided, but I can see that we both feel the same way for one another...” Hyunseung burried himself in Junhyung chest, inhaling the strong scented cologne that he sprayed before coming to the party. “...I like you too. From the moment we met I thought about you.” Junhyung could feel his shirt get a little wet, and soft sniffles. Is he crying?


These are tears of joy, not sadness” He lifted his head up, to show his glossy doe eyes, and a smile to show he was okay.


Junhyung couldn't feel but to wipe those tears away, he didn't want a happy moment to be shed with tears, especially his tears. He slowly lifted his hand, and wiped the other's tears with his thumb, and cupped it as he ever-so-delicately kissed him on the lips. The kiss was soft, no tongues were involved, but it was still passionate. When they broke away, the two stared at each others' eyes.


Merry Christmas Junnie”


Merry Christmas Hyunseung”


Their lips reunited, this time the kiss was deeper. The night continued to snow, and the new happy couple to share their night together, with small loving touches, and secretive kisses shared among them. Both couldn't be any happier to be sharing this day with one another, even if they both forgot to buy presents for the other. It didn't matter, they were both presents to the other, and the kissed sealed the deal.




tada done :)  hope you liked it

it's something small. hopefully i will have time to upload more stories one here :)

comments are loved <3

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aww junseung so cute >o<<br />
<br />
I spot little dooseob moment there~ teehee!
AWWWW!!! SO CUTE!!!<br />
winterflowr #3
It's so cute! I was tearing up when Hyunseung said that he was crying tears of joy!
4everjxsyxj #4
aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwws so sweet man!