Doctor Marinas.

New Flame.
Chapter 9

"Are you really going to be okay?" Hyungwon sighed.

"Hyungwon." Wonho side-eyed his best friend as he took his bag from the car.

"Wonho. You need help too, not just Nayeon." 

"Then come with me." 


"You heard me. I can't do this alone." 

Hyungwon weighed the option. "What about school?"

"Seriously?" Wonho shut the trunk and rolled his eyes. "Is school all you think about?"

"Well I'm sorry that my parents are the devil. I have to make school my top priority."

Wonho shakes his head. "Whatever floats your boat man." Wonho chuckles as he places the bag over his shoulder. 

"Hey, I'll promise to be with you any time outside of school." 

Wonho walks up to his bestfriend. "Thanks man. I really appreciate it. However..."


"I have a question I want to ask you."

"Okay...what is it then?"

"When I called you and told you came. Why did you? I stabbed you in the back...I hurt you willingly, and you still came." 

"Wonho..." Hyungwon whispered. 

"You can't lie to me, so just tell me."

Hyungwon didn't continue.

"You knew I liked her...didn't you?"

"I knew she liked you too. She never stopped." 

Wonho nods his head and looks to the ground. "So you just hoped it would pass?"

"I shouldn't have taken her away from you Wonho. I know why you're the way you are now...but it's far too late to take it all back. You're the one that should be mad with me. Not the other way around."

"I'm not mad at you. Not in the slightest, you're like my brother Hyungwon." 

"I'm glad you think that way." Hyungwon smiles. 

"However, it raises the question. What are you going to do when Nayeon gets back?" Wonho began to make his way toward his front door.

"We're not together. You can go out with her."

"I don't think she will want that..."

"Why not?" 

"Remember I told you that she tried to kill herself?"


"I was the one who forced her to go with her parents to get treatment. I called her parents against her will."

"Wonho, you helped her. If she likes you as much as she did, then she'll appreciate it. She'll thank you for it."

Wonho shrugs. "I don't know man." He pushes his front door open and walks in with Hyungwon behind him. "We'll see when she gets back." 

"I think you underestimate yourself Wonho." Hyungwon plops down onto the couch and reaches for the remote, he turns the tv on.

"You must be Shin Hoseok. I am doctor Marinos, It's a pleassure to see you here today." The slim blonde reaches out to shake Wonho's hand. 

Wonho reaches out to shake Dr. Marinos' hand and takes his seat. "The pleasure is mine Dr. Marinos." He gives a grin. 

Doctor Marinos crosses her leg over her other and sets her clipboard down onto her lap as she leans ever so closely. Wonho hadn't pinpointed where he thought Dorctor Marinos was from. Doctor Marinos' facial structure was sharp, and her long golden blonde hair had an interesting kink to it, but neither gave it away. He was definitely intregued by his new shrink, but not enough to go onto her like any other women. He was here to get better, not to his on the lady who was supposed to be helping him. Wonho let the thoughts go.

"Hoseok, It must have taken a lot to come here today. I'm sure you've thought about what you want to talk about while you're here. People who come here should be congratulated for the bravery and utmost courage they had to have muster up to even walk through that door." She points over to the door momentarily before continuing. "If you don't mind Mr. Shin, I am going to be asking you a series of quesitons and I hope that you answer them truthfully for my evaluation to be acurate. I will also be jotting down some notes to keep fresh in my memory. You may feel free to interrupt me at any time or steer the conversation in any direction that you need it to go. In your mind, what brings you here today?" Doctor Marinos picks up her pen and holds it down to the stationary bined by the clip board. 

The question was straight and to the point, and for one, Wonho didn't know exactly how to answer it. "I...Well..." He grips at his knee. "I...Where do I even start?" Wonho lets out a breath of air and shakes his head. 

"How about at the beginning?" Dorctor Marinos suggests. 

Wonho nods his head. "Well Doc, sit back and relax, because this one takes place a few years ago." 

Doctor Marinas nods her head once, and then twice, her eyes hadn't left her stationary for a minute now and it's been five since Wonho had finished telling her what he needed to.

"I see." She places the pen down on the stationary and reaches for her water bottle. "Let me ask you Hoseok, Have you ever seen a specialist before?" She unscrews the cap and takes a chug of the water before replacing the cap and setting it back down in its place. 

"No, I've never had to...until recently."

"Mhm..." She jots down a few words before continuing. "Since everyone is different, they all have a different view point on what the problem may be, or struggle to find a way to help you. How do you see your problem, and how do you define it?"

"If i'm being completely honest here all feels like a dream. I would get into specific situations and it would feel like my conscious was ordering me to do things I didn't want to...or like I'd turn into somebody else entirely. It was like I out, but afterwards i'd come to my senses, except i'd remember everything."

"Why do you think this problem started?"

"Because I let go of the person I loved." Wonho sighed.

"And how would you describe your personality prior to all of this?"

"Happy." Wonho looks down to the ground.

"And now?"

"Well I'm here now, so I feel like a wreck."

"Who or what are the most important things in your life Hoseok?" 

"Hyungwon...and Nayeon. They're the only ones that matter."

"What about your parents, Mr. Shin?" Doctor Marinas takes a moment to look at Wonho.

"My parents abandoned me at age sixteen. I don't talk to them, nor do I know their contact information." 

"Okay." She returns to her notes. "Would you say you're an optimist or a pessimist?" 

"I can't say i'm either. But when it comes down to it I guess I'm pretty optimistic."

"How often do these episodes occur?" 

"I've told you all the raw details doc, so it happened everytime i've been with another girl, especially when I was with Nayeon."

"Have you ever attempted to get rid of your episodes, by any means?"

"Not at all." 

"How does your episodes make you feel?" 

"Like I'm weak, like I have no control."

"On a scale of one to ten, one being not so much, ten being extremely confident, how content are you with your life?"


"How are you with relationships."

"I haven't had a steady relationship since before the incident when Hyungwon told me he liked Nayeon. Everything from there on were one night stands."

"And that's when your episodes activated?"

"Yes Doctor."

"Any siblings?"


"Are you comfortable with talking about your family?"

"Well all I can tell you is that they didn't like what I was doing, they kicked me out. They turned their ing backs on me. I don't want to talk about them."

"That's fine Hoseok." Doctor Marinas sets the clipboard and pen down next to her water bottle. "From what I've collected so far, I'd like to say this is a case of multiple personality disorder."

"Bu- How can you tell?"

"You've explained that you've felt like a different person and that you feel out of control. Do you know what this seperate aura looks like, what he sounds like? I mean if he is a different person."

"I..." Wonho was found speechless. "Yeah." He breathed. "He's definitely a different person from myself. We're both blond though, that's the only similarity. He's not as built as I am...His hair is always messy, and his eyes...oh god, his eyes." Wonho shakes his head and shuts his eyes tightly. "I don't want to think about him. He's a monster. I want him gone!" 

"It's alright Hoseok. He can't hurt you or anyone else if you have the reigns in your hand. Does he have a name, by chance?"

"The 's name is Minhyuk." 

"Hoseok, I think a whole lot of this situation has to deal with rejection."

"Rejection? Why'd you even think of that?"

"You're a stunningly good looking lad, and you're thinking that you've never been rejected. However, your family rejected you, and you rejected Nayeon the second your best friend said he liked her. The fact that the two were so close together..." She nods her head. "It had a major effect on your mentality whether you wanted it to or not."

"So how the hell do I fix it?"

"You can't just fix it Hoseok." Doctor Marinas sits back in her seat.

"Then what do I do?"

"You keep coming to sessions, you let me help you, and you take the medications I perscribe you. Believe me when I say I will help you. I will." 

Author's note

Hello to a boring filler chapter. Hoorah, my intetnet has finally been repaired and I can update this crappy chapter. I know it blows, next one will be good I promise, don't unsub (': 

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RoxaneAuriga #1
Chapter 10: Wow... What a good storyline. I love how author given some info about mental health. Wonder what happen to do the next, especially about nay and wonho relationship.
Hope you continue this story soon.
Keep rock author-nim.
I really like this
Chapter 9: I didn't expect Minhyuk being...well, that. You took me by surprise.
What an interesting ship, this sounds intriguing uwu
Chapter 6: Wow hyungwon is actually cool about it omg.. I could sense that he actually still cares about nayeon and wonho
Chapter 6: What a rollercoaster emotion *no pun intended* oh Twice new album ^_^
I cant wait for what will happen next. What will happen to the three of them.
Chapter 4: What a good treat for a tiring monday. Thank you for updating and i'll surely keep this story on my top list.
Chapter 3: Omfggg i love this so much i actually ship nayeon with shownu and wonho but i didn't know nayeom x hyungwon would be this cute too!! And now i'm torn omggg i'll just ship nayeon with everyone lmao
ps: i'd love to read on the next chapter too c;
wanhazimah #9
Woah I like it, update soon authornim!!! :-*