
Camp 626: The Fight to Escape
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Location: Hyesan, North Korea

Time: 2 a.m.



"So, if you live so close to freedom, why did it take for you so long to decide to escape? Especially tonight?" 

Eunji stopped in her track, causing Jaebum to bump into her before she decided to move further ahead. "When you have a lot to lose like I do, you would understand as well."

But he did have a lot to lose. He had his entire life, his family that is still inside of those confined fences. He had everything and so much more to lose but here he was. 

"I left without saying goodbye." A stifle laugh left her small body.

Jungkook's body became tense as he heard those words. "I couldn't bare them knowing that I would never see them again."

Eunji moved swiftly as she climbed across a fallen tree branch. "I've had the chance to experience the small freedom in China since my family trades illegaly over the border. And I can't understand why they hide all of the great things there are in life from us."

Jungkook shook his head in disbelief. 

She's left North Korea before and still came back? It's mind blowing to him that she willingly came back even though she had to chance to leave forever.

"We're you going mad?!" He snapped, causing everyone to stop where they were going, all eyes him as his eyes grew livid by the seconds.

" had the chance to leave all of this!" Jungkook's hands waved dramatically about the air. "And you chose to come back..just to risk your life to leave it all behind, again?"

He could tell how much his words had impacted Eunji right as they left his lips. Who was he to judge what she was doing with her life? Who was he to judge her when all he knew was a small part of the story?

"My family is all.." Eunji shook her head. What was the whole point in explaining this? Jaebum was right, why was she going out of her way to help these two fools when it's obvious wherever they came from, they've been blindsided by what they've known and seen?

"That I have left. If I escaped while we were there on my own, to let my family to come back to a place like this, I wouldn't have been able to live out the rest of my life."

With that, the group grew silent and trekked on.




They reached their destination half an hour or so later, in silence.

The Tumen River running loudly in front of them, if they crossed it safely, they were to be in China's

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Chapter 1: To think that my beautiful Kookie could ever be in this sort of situation...
This is good thus far. I love reading about North Korean life.
Chapter 4: Cant wait for Jungkook and her to meet each other!
Chapter 2: Hi! I have the finished poster :
If it's not to your liking, just tell me :)
hyunzy2410 #4
Chapter 1: Great effort! You are doing a good job :) Thank you for the update.
hyunzy2410 #5
Looking forward to this! :)
Hi, your first subscriber/commenter here:) I love your works, and if you wanted a poster, I would be happy to provide you with a poster :) Hwaiting!