
Camp 626: The Fight to Escape
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Location: North-West border of China & N. Korea

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Name: Camper # 3689 & #3672



He was running out of breath. The air was causing him to become dizzy, the more he intook, the worse he was feeling. 

Jungkook didn't know where he was headed, and Hoseok wasn't that big of a help either. For the past couple of days, six, was what he was able to count on the top of his head, were the amount of days that they have been on the run.

There wasn't enough time to stop and think. Jungkook as well as Hoseok were both too paranoid that if they were to stay in one spot too long, those guards were bound to find them and gag them as they dragged their beated bodies back into that camp.

They've crossed mountains, swam through creeks and chased after small rabbits for food. His body wanted to give up, he didn't have enough energy to continue on the way that they were going.

But if all of the things that he has gone through just so he could have a decent life went to waste, Jungkook would rather kill himself right here in these woods. 

"I can't keep going on like this man! We need a break, Jungkook!" 

Those words caused Jungkook to heat up. His fingers grabbed onto a rock close by as he found his hands, quivering with it, as he tossed it towards Hoseok's direction, landing straight towards his abdomen. 

A low grunt left Hoseok's lips as his eyes darted towards Jungkook. "What the do you think you're doing?! I can't keep going on like this man! And tossing that thing at my face isn't going to help any of us in any way! God dammit!"

Angrily, Hoseok pushed Jungkook out of the way, but of course, not without landing a jab against the side of his face. 

Jungkook pulled him back, a delirious laugh convulsing out of him. "You can't do this anymore?" He proclaimed 

"YOU, You can't do this anymore?" Jungkook shoved Hoseok towards the ground as he pumbled punches after punches against his already shattered and bloodied face. 

As if he was in a small trance that he had finally snapped out of, Jungkook pulled himself away from Hoseok, bloodied fingers and all as a loud scream left his mouth. 

"kk! Do you not understand the situation we are in right now, Hoseok? WE ARE RUNNING AWAY FROM THE GREAT LEADER! We are doing what they have taught us to never do since we were born! We are defying him, we are children who have not gotten to experience life out of those wretched fences. The chance that we took actually works, we can actually have a decent and normal living life and you are telling me that you are tired?" 

This was the last straw that had ended up breaking the barrier that has been holding everything he has kept and carried around with him for the past 19 years of his life.

"Hey man, I'm sorry." Hoseok pulled Jungkook towards him as the boy looked smaller than ever.

He wasn't the strong guy that Hoseok had thought he was. He could tell that those walls were just an illusion, one to let himself live day after day. He knew that too well. Hoseok was exactly the same way.

"I don't want them to think that after all that we did, with the possibility that our family is going to get murdered because we're selfish son of a es, that we end up dying out here, or worse, be dragged back into that place." Hoseok nodded his head in agreement.

"You need sleep, Jungkook. We've been at this for more than 2 days, nonstop. I'm sorry that I was irrational but dude, we're going to end up dying before we ever step foot out of this country!" 

His eyes were livid as Jungkook blankly stared ahead. He was so gone. "It's almost sundown." Hoseok continued.

"I'll stay on gaurd for a couple of hours and yo

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Chapter 1: To think that my beautiful Kookie could ever be in this sort of situation...
This is good thus far. I love reading about North Korean life.
Chapter 4: Cant wait for Jungkook and her to meet each other!
Chapter 2: Hi! I have the finished poster :
If it's not to your liking, just tell me :)
hyunzy2410 #4
Chapter 1: Great effort! You are doing a good job :) Thank you for the update.
hyunzy2410 #5
Looking forward to this! :)
Hi, your first subscriber/commenter here:) I love your works, and if you wanted a poster, I would be happy to provide you with a poster :) Hwaiting!