
The Angel, The Witch, and The Keeper

“Nani-what?” I asked the woman confusedly, as if she just blabbered something random.


Aunt Ijiri sighed, “Naniwa-Kyo, a prefecture in Asahi. A state, if we’re talking like Astralis.” she replied with crossed hands.


“Astralis…” I mumbled then I suddenly remembered my parents. My eyes snapped open and turned to the woman. “Mum! Dad! I have to go back!! They’re-”


“No.” said Aunt Ijiri firmly, looking at me right in the eyes. “You can’t go back there.”


“Why can’t I?!” I stared back at her. I didn’t know how I got the courage to do so, but I did anyway.


Aunt Ijiri was emotionless, “You know exactly why I can’t do that, Kid. They will kill you if they saw you again.”


“Who are they then?!” I asked loudly. I got out from the bed and looked at her, “Why are they there? How long have they been watching me?!”


“I don’t know.” she answered calmly. “That’s why you’re not going back there, I won’t allow it.”


I gritted my teeth, “They’re my parents… My mum, she was there surrounded by those-”


“I know.” Aunt Ijiri cuts in. “She’s strong, Keith. Not like-”


“HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?!” I yelled in frustration. My heart was thumping loudly in anger and worries. “How do you know that my mum and dad won’t di-”


“You heard it yourself.” said Aunt Ijiri sharply. “Milky told you they’re alive right now, right?”


“But not for long.” I challenged her. “I won’t stay here and do nothing about it!” I marched out to the door.


“Who says you won’t do a thing about it?” said Aunt Ijiri just before I reached the doorknob. I turned to her, “Didn’t you hear what your mother told you before you left?”


“She..” Then I remembered what she has said before..


“....listen to me Keith, she’s a good person. We owed her and so does my side of family back in Asahi, she might be your only guide later if-”


“Listen to me carefully, you have to stay safe with her. Do what she says, respect her, learn things from her..”


Mother.. She really wanted me to come with her… My mind went blank and I stopped on my track. Everything flashes back in my mind.. The windows, my dad’s disappearance, the promise I made with mum...


“That’s right, Keith.” said Aunt Ijiri as if she was reading my mind. “Your mother wanted you to come with me. She wanted me to become your teacher.”


“But…” I stammered, turning around to her. “What teacher?”


“I am going to teach you how to be a Keeper, Keith.” said Aunt Ijiri firmly. “You want to save your parents? The only way to do that is to embrace your bloodline, Kid. Whoever has your parents, they want you dead. But you it ain’t going to happen..”


“My bloodline…?”


“Keeper, Takata Family’s Keeper.” said Aunt Ijiri. “You are not meant to die, yet.”


She approached me and put her hand on my shoulder, “Now, let me ask you a question. Do you want to save your parents?”


“I do.” I nodded as I felt her grip tightened. It kinda hurts, but at this moment I knew I could show my weakness especially to her.


“Then you must become stronger and the only way to do it is to become a Keeper.” said Aunt Ijiri strongly. “But beware, it will push you to your very own limit and there maybe sacrifices to be made. Are you prepared to be so, Keith?”


I hesitated at first, but then I remembered the promise I made with my mum back then..


Promise that won’t be broken nor forgotten. A promise to keep until the final breath.


I took a breath and looked right into her brown irises,  “I am, Aunt Ijiri. Please guide me.”




“You said this was the Takata household? Does that mean this is my family’s house?” I asked her as I sat on the foot of my bed.


“Yes.” said Aunt Ijiri leaning on the wall. “Your mother spent most of her life here before she left for Astralis.”


“My mother..” I began. “How come she called you as her aunt?”


I watched Aunt Ijiri stood up and walked over to the windows, gently sat on the window’s edge. Her eyes were patient as she watched the morning horizon, “Like what you said before, I am indeed not a human. So does Nagisa and her mother.”


“I watched your grandmother gave birth to Nagisa before she passed away. Nagisa has been under my care ever since, I watched her grow up.” smiled Aunt Ijiri. “You have her eyes, Keith.”


I looked at the woman closely, she might look younger than my mum but then I realized her eyes told a different story. She almost has the same eyes as my mum would when she looked at me; motherly.. Filled with years of stories.


The woman sighed as she got to her feet, “You’re still feeling tired? Breakfast is downstairs.” and just after she finished her sentence my stomach grumbled loudly.


Embarrassed, I tried to look apologetic. I looked at her face and saw her smiling warmly.


“I knew you'd be hungry. Come, let’s get down to the kitchen.” she gently took my hand.




The Takata House was big indeed.


Aunt Ijiri mentioned that the house was built centuries ago by my ancestor, the first Keeper. She lived long enough to tell the tales of the construction to me as well as showing some parts of the house that are new.


“Your uncle built that shed over there.” she pointed out to a small shed in the house’s yard. “He’s a handy blacksmith, made his own sword instead of using your grandparents.”


“Does that mean I have to make my own sword if I…” I swallowed. “If I become a Keeper.”


“Maybe.” said Aunt Ijiri. “We have to figure out what kind of element are you first, Keith. Then, we’d determine if you need a weapon or not.”




The woman nodded, “Each people has different elements, sorted into types. Mortals like human would possess elements, but it was never really awakened. Theatis in the other hand, they usually have their elements would usually show up in a pinchy situation. Their elements will determine their power.”


“Do you have element, Aunt Ijiri?” I asked as I followed her into other parts of the house.


“I do of course.” she smiled before flicking her finger towards me. Immediately I felt a gush of gentle wind blowing to my face, messing my hair a bit.


“Wind.” I said. “But Shadow travel-”


“That is another story to tell later.” she winked. “Ah yes, stop calling me Aunt Ijiri already. You make me feel damn old.”


“You are, right?” I grinned.


Aunt Ijiri scowled, “You can still call me Aunt Anna, but if anyone asks for my full name it’s Ijiri Anna. Alright?”


“Yes Aunt Anna.” I nodded. We finally entered the kitchen. Just like the other parts of the house, it is very traditionally Asahi with wood, tatami, etc. But there are some modern items as well like fridge, toaster, oven, microwave, even a coffee machine.


Aunt Anna checked out a pot on the stove and got out a bowl before spooning the content of the pot to the bowl. “You eat rice porridge back in Astralis?”


“My mum would cook some once a month at least.” I said before taking a seat on the wooden dining chair.


“Your Japanese?”


“Excuse me?”


“Asahi used to be called Japan back in the old days.” said Aunt Anna putting the bowl in front of me but signalled me not to eat it yet. “Japan was a very big country with strong tradition and language. Most tradition in Asahi like this house for example are reflections of Japanese tradition, including language. Japan might be no more, but the language still exist as Japanese and implemented to the national language of Asahi until now.”


“Ah.. my mum teaches Japanese back in Astralis. She gives language courses.” I said.


“I see..” she said before putting a plate in front of me. Inside was filled with many side dishes like fish, eggs, various sauce, dried seaweeds, and small pieces of chilly. “Tuck in, you looked hungry.” she added with a smile.


I grabbed the spoon and started eating. After I spooned in couple mouth fulls of warmness, I heard a call from far. “Tadaima~”


“Okaeri. We’re in the kitchen.” called out Aunt Anna. Confused, I looked at her. “A friend.” she answered my look with another one of her smile.


I looked over to the kitchen doorway and saw a girl standing by the door. She looked rather younger than Aunt Anna with her school uniform. A dark blue blazer over the white shirt and tie with matching skirt that goes above her knees by slightly. Her hair was medium black with slight curls at the ends and eyes slightly rounder than Aunt Anna’s.


She spotted me right away by the look in her eyes. At one moment, she was surprised and the next I saw something else in her eyes; hope.


Aunt Anna curved a smile, “Emika, this is Keith. Keith, this is Emika.”




Aunt Anna left the two of us on the dining table, saying that she has make some arrangements. Emika, the schoolgirl, watched me silently as I eat the porridge. Her eyes intently watched my hands, hair, arm, and body to the point that I felt she’s really observing me to the core.


“You’re hungry?” I asked. “Aunt Anna said there’s more in the pot.”


Emika shook her head, “Not that hungry. Angels don’t generally get hungry like human does.”


“You’re an Angel?!”


Emika nodded, “Anna and I actually shared the same status as Angel before. We’ve been friends since I could remember, even before her rank was stripped off.”


“Aunt Anna is an Angel too?!”


“Used to.” said Emika. “But she still possess some of the traits.”


“Then how-”


“Did Anna told you about GoA and other worlds?” I nodded. “Angels were not just assigned to Keepers to guard the GoA, most Angels were actually assigned to other worlds to keep peace among the creatures living there. Only Advanced-Level Angels were assigned to Keepers as it is a special assignment.”


“Aunt Anna was one of the Advanced-Level Angel, then?” Emika nodded as she took off her blazer, revealing a simple light blue school shirt.


“Among the best ones.” said Emika she hung the jacket on the chair beside. “As I was assigned to guard the other world, Anna was assigned to the Keepers. To your family to be exact.”


“Until that day though..” she said lowly. “She told you yet?”


I shook my head, “What day?”


“Well.. I suppose she has better rights to tell you the full story..” said Emika. “After it happened, Anna was brought into the court for trial. It was a failure in her hand according to the panel, then-”


Emika looked at me in the eyes, “I have never seen a soul in pain such as Anna had that day, then I was assigned to replace her.”


“But there is no Keeper left in the family.” I heard Aunt Anna’s voice. She was standing by the kitchen door with a white cat in her hand. “I wasn’t aware that Nagisa’s child would born on the same day as Daisuke’s death.”


“How did you find out about me then?” I asked aunt Anna as she sat down beside me. She handed me an envelope, it was pretty old looking but I can see the familiar handwriting on it. “Mum’s letter..”


“She sent your picture after giving birth to you to your Uncle and his wife.” said Aunt Anna. “I knew that there is still hope left for all of us.”


“I came once to Astralis to persuade your parents so that we can train you in early age.” said Emika. “She rejected me instantly, saying that she doesn’t want you to get involved with such thing in early age.”


“Nagisa asked us to get you involved by the time you reached seventeen years old.” said Aunt Anna. “She doesn’t want you to feel a heavier burden than her at such early age. Being a Keeper or attached to it are almost like letting go everything you have in life.”


“You both agreed then.” I finished off. The two nodded, “but somehow you came to her after sixteen years instead.”


“My guts were telling me something bad is stirring as GoA s are starting to appear more frequently in various area.” said Aunt Anna. “Before I knew it, the both us wasn’t enough to handle all the monsters attack. We really needed the Keeper system back, we have the Angel and now we need our Keeper. We need you.”


I couldn’t say a single word as the two looked at me. Now I get it why my mum doesn’t want me to get involved with all of this at such age, it was like the whole world is in my hand..


“But..” I swallowed nervously. “I can’t fight.. I’m nothing special.. I’m just-”


“You’re not.” said Emika reassuringly. She gently reached out my hand and put her hand on mine, I was surprised hand touch was soft. “You’re special, Keith. I can feel it, the blood of your ancestors, the Keeper’s destiny is in you, it is yours. Anna and I will be on your side, we’ll guide you all the way. You’re not alone.”




“Hey..” I looked around and saw Aunt Anna standing by door of my room. After the meal, she told me to take more rest. My room was as big as my old room with no bed but instead traditional Futon, some books in Japanese and a study table. She said this used to be my mum’s room before she left for Astralis.


“Aunt Anna..” I put down my mum’s pic that I found on the table. It was framed and has my mum and my uncle, as well some other kids around their age. They all seemed to be having lot’s of fun in the picture, taken near some river.


“You’re alright?” she asked before sitting down beside me. Then she saw the picture and smiled, “I see you found your mother’s picture back in the day.”


“This is my uncle, right?” I asked as I pointed down on one of the boys. The one beside her, grinning as he holds a frog in his hand. “My mum told me she wasn’t much afraid of frogs since she likes to play with them since little."


“Daisuke was cheeky back in the days.” grinned Aunt Anna. “Nagisa was rather considerable but when it comes to being the bravest, those two are on par.”


“And all these kids…” I looked at the other kids in the pictures. “Are they still around?”


“Some are still around living as adults with regular jobs, some moved out to the big cities… And one..” she touched a face of a girl in the picture right beside my mum’s. “Died.”


“Who is she?” I asked. But judging from the expression of Aunt Anna, I said, “It’s alright if you don-”


“No it’s fine.” nodded Aunt Anna smiling bitterly. “That’s Shu-chan. A daugther of your grandfather’s friend, she was born in a priest family, that’s why your mother and her as well as daisuke became good friends.”


“What happened then?”


Aunt Anna took a breath and gently rubbed Shu’s face with her fingers, “Time after time, your grandfather was preparing Daisuke to become the next Keeper. He also set an arranged marriage for him with Shu.” I widened my eyes, “Again, it was normal back then for this sort of thing to happen. Your grandfather thinks, by the two married, they’ll create a strong descendants. But..” her voice trailed off.




“Both your uncle and Shu died that night.” said Aunt Anna as she got up and put down the photo back on the table. “Then destiny changes for the whole Takata Family.”


“And you.” I whispered. Aunt Anna turned to me with a weak smile, “You were my uncle’s Angel back then, right? How come you’re no longer one anymore?”


Aunt Anna smiled weakly and sighed. Then I saw another expression on her face, pain.


“That’s a story for next time.” she said still with a weak smile. “There are things in this world that are.. Hard to understand. But I promise you’ll know the story soon or later.”


I nodded and sighed.I bent my head down, “I’m.. scared.” I told her honestly.


I can feel aunt Anna observed me before patting my shoulder, “I understand. Every Keepers felt the same when they heard about their destiny. Seen it a lot..”


“You’d guide me through right?” I asked her.


“Of course.” said Aunt Anna. “I taught your mother, I watched Keepers train for a hell long time. Why can’t I train you?”


I smiled slightly, “Well.. when do we start then?”


“Not today, not tomorrow though.” said Aunt Anna. “You’re going to school tomorrow.”


“What?!” I couldn’t believe what I just heard. After all the past crazy things that happened, she told me to go to school? She actually did that?!


“One of the agreements I made with Nagisa is that you’d feel the full experience of a young human, one of that is you to finish your education.” said Aunt Anna. As I opened my mouth in protest, she put her finger on my mouth. “No buts! I have arranged it already. You’re going to school tomorrow as yourself but you must keep secret of your status as Keepers.”


“What would I tell to everyone if they asked who I am?” I grumbled.


“That your mum was a friend of Anna and she told us to look after you.” said Emika as her head popping into the room. “You’re assigned to my class, by the way.”


“You’re into this as well? I thought Angels don’t go blend with humans.” I said.


“Who says we don’t blend in?” grinned Emika. “We blend in well and besides, it’s always interesting to learn human knowledge~”


“Emika is sort of a study freak.” said Aunt Anna. “She absorbs well.”


“Better than you at least.” teased Emika. “Ah yes.. I gotta go out to buy Enoki’s food. You want something?”


“Take Keith with you.” said Aunt Anna. “Show him around the town.”


“Who’s Enoki?” I asked. Just after that, I heard a low meow from the door. That’s when I saw Emika picked up a the white cat Aunt Anna was holding earlier.


“This is Enoki.” said Emika. “And she’s so soft!!”


“And she eats Enoki mushroom for some reason.” said Aunt Anna with an amused face. She nudged her chin out, “Go on, touch him.”


I hesitate at first but I reached out and caressed the soft white fur. Enoki purred softly as it’s head nudged Emika’s arm, trying to find comfort in this gentle evening of Asahi.

To be Continued
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