
From the Beginning Till Now at Christmas


“The first time I met Yesung-ssi, I felt like we had known each other for a long time.
I didn’t expect it would be this way.”

That’s what he told Sungmin, as well as the whole world, about his first meeting with Kimg Jongwook, who was now more commonly known as Yesung. Because in all honestly, when he first saw the older singer, he thought Jongwoon would be cold and quite with his black outfits and endless supply of accessories. All of that was proven false as soon as the two were introduced to each other.

The eternal magnae smiled at himself as he remembered how the other male went directly up to him and touched his philtrum, as if they were long time friends and this was a normal thing. And while Ryeowook would had normally push the hand away and forever label Jongwoon as a weirdo to stay away from, he instead shyly smiled at the older; because, for the smallest of seconds he felt a warm comforting feeling seep through his skin by the simple act. However that small idle thought was soon lost by the rush of new thoughts of the new currently 12 member band, Super Junior 05.

“I have had a one sided crush for 4 years.”

                That was all Ryeowook revealed over the radio, he couldn’t bring himself to say that he was still going through that one sided crush, his crush was also a he, and that his crush was Kim Jongwoon.

                   Ryeowook could never tell anyone really why he liked the other male, not even he himself knew why. Maybe it started when he first met the other, but refused to accept it. Or maybe it was one of the many times he and Jongwoon shared special private moments in their hectic idol lives; and he would think to himself that he could go through all the troubles of life as long as he had moments like theses with that man. Then again there were those moments on shows or concerts where he would find himself starring at the other’s thin but soft lips and have the strange urge to kiss those lips, but unfortunately he had to remember who he was and where he was at, therefore stopping himself from doing such things.

                At first Ryeowook would simply ignore and push those thoughts out of his mind; because he was raised as a proud heteroual Korean male in a very homophobic country and he was able to do so with ease. However, that couldn’t last forever, as soon as Ryeowook realized and took note of those moments, large and small, his senses were more aware of all the moments he and his turtle loving hyung shared. And even still, he could feel his heart beat just a little bit faster and his skin raise just a tad bit higher around Yesung, as he felt himself slowly fall just a little bit more for the older man. At first it scared him, but after sometime Ryeowook learned to accept his feelings true feeling towards Jongwoon.

                Though Ryeowook knew that Yesung could never accept his feelings and that what really scared him afterwards…

“I’m sorry…”

                That’s what Ryeowook said softly, not to Sungmin, not to thousands of namless people over the radio, but to Kim Jongwoon as soon as he lightly brushed their lips together in a light but meaningful kiss. However, it really didn’t matter much, as the one he was talking too was currently asleep, tired from their actives, and just wanted to get some sleep before the Christmas Celebrations. Sighing to himself, the small singer decided to scoot away from the sleeping male and just forget this moment like all the other moments with this frustrating and strange man.

                It was only after he tried to stand up, did he notice that his arm was being held down. Furrowing his eyes he looked over to see what held his hand. Instantly regretting that he had, as he was set face to face with a Jongwoon that was not sleeping, and who was instead holding him down. Gulping, the smaller could feel heat rise to his face, as he prayed to God for a Christmas miracle that the other did not know that he just kissed him, and was not mad at him.

                “Hey Ryeowookie,” the elder said huskily with a knowing twinkle in his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

                “N-nothing!” the said male blurted out all too quickly and loudly.

                “Now why are you lying to your hyung? Huh?” Jongwoon asked with a chuckle sitting up, still holding onto the younger male.

                “I’m not..” he defended himself looking away from the other, afraid that the truth would spill from his face.

                Ryeowook could sense the other’s smile, as he felt small fingers that did not fit the strong manly body of the other on his cheek. Once again the spark he felt every time their skin cells touched occurred, creating warmth in his body. Jongwoon turned the other’s head to face him, so their eyes could meet, while his thumb brushed against the soft pink lips of Ryeowook.

                For several moments, their eyes kept contact with each other, and while one face grew beat red, the other stayed calmed and soften while he watched the other.

                “I have the truth Ryeowookie,” the older said teasingly smiling.

                “You do?” the smaller singer asked not sure where this conversation with the other was going. “And what’s that?”

                Instead of answering with words, Jongwoon chose to answer with actions. Actions speak louder than words right? Keeping a hold of Ryeowook’s face, the older leaned forward and kissed the younger. Soft, simple, and barely putting any pressure into it, much less letting their lips stay connected.

                “You love me,” Yesung finally said smiling as the younger sat there frozen in shock unsure what happened, “and I love you too Ryeowookie.”

                “H-how did you…?” the smaller trailed off unsure what just happened.

                “I put a spell on you, from the first time we met seven years ago,” Yesung joked with a obvious chuckle in his voice. However, over on Ryeowook’s end, he thought that maybe the weird strange member of Super Junior was right, maybe he did cast a spell from the moment when they first met. It would make things much easier to explain, and give him someone to blame for all these emotions for the other man.

“I love you Jongwoon.”                

                Those were the words Ryeowook whispered into his new boyfriend ear as he moved his mouth to search for the other’s mouth right before they shared another kiss that Chirstmas night. 


I got the first quote from this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=EfkQ-ZIVJrk

Credit for translation goes to: ainaka24


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Chapter 1: This is too cute. Thank you ^^
Soooooo Cute!!!!!!! I loved it!!!!
aww that was sweet and kyute!! <33
seizetheday1001 #4
That was so sweet ^_____^ So kuwaii;;
CandyBlingBerry #5
omg. this is so sweet
OMG...it was soooooooooooo cute<br />
love yewook forever :D