
Time Machine

"Jaehwan-ah, since you're done with your stuff can you please go and clean the attic? I don't want random things scattered on the new dorm."

"But Hakyeon-hyung, I just--"

"No buts, just do what I said. Go, we need to hurry."

We're moving to a new dorm now, it's been five years since we started living here as trainees. But now I can say we're successful enough, having fans almost all over the globe. It was a tough ride, but this is what I wanted, to sing, to make people happy, and I don't regret a bit about it. 

Living with the other five was better than I expected, maybe because we're friends since grade school? I sure am going to miss this place. I shared a lot of memories here with the members, good or not, it's still a memory. I protested at first, but it was the boss who made the decision so I can't do anything about it. I know the members doesn't want to move too, but it's for our own good.

I went to the attic and started sorting things out. Gathered all the stuff that can't be used anymore and threw it in the trash bag Hakyeon-hyung gave me earlier.

I smiled when I saw the toys. I didn't know they still kept all of these, I thought Hakyeon-hyung threw them away. I glanced at my watch, 6:20 it said. We still have a lot of time, why do we need to hurry?

I sat on the floor comfortably and opened the box full of toys. Happy memories flooded me, I smiled, but I can't help but to feel sad too. It's all in the past now, no matter how I wanted to experience being a kid again, I know I can't.

"How I wish time machines really existed," I chuckled.

I continued to take the toys out of the box when I saw something, it was a small and old radio. But I don't remember any of the members having this.

I tried clicking the buttons, "Does it still work?"

I was startled when a music suddenly started playing, a small voice can be heard clearly. 

"Who's that?" I wondered. It was a very good melody it made me close my eyes, letting the music take over me.

The music was familiar, as if memories are playing.

I can see the six of us on our school uniforms, playing happily at the playground. Building sand castles, playing hopscotch, like the soil was never dirty. I miss those days, the innocence back then. I smiled at the sight, like it was just yesterday.

I remember telling myself how much I wanted to be a grown up, but now I wanted to be a kid again. I want to go back. But no matter how much I turn the dial, I can't go back to those times. Mornings when my heart raced, nights I always spent dreaming. It was like a fun rollercoaster.

"Jaehwan-hyung, catch!"

Sanghyuk passed the ball to me, he was laughing while Taekwoon-hyung was chasing him.

"Huh?" I looked at my surroundings, at my clothes, at the members.

"Jaehwan-hyung, what's the matter? Are you tired already? We just started playing." I can feel Wonshik's arm on my shoulder. Why? What's happening?

"Yah, Lee Jaehwan, are you even listening to me?"

"W-why am I here? The attic... I was cleaning..." I don't know what to feel, I don't have any idea!

"Cleaning? What attic? What are you talking about? We just came here from school. Do you have a fever? Hakyeon-hyung! Jaehwan-hyung's acting weird."

The four of them stopped running around and went to where we were standing.

"What's happening?" Hongbin asked.

"I don't know, I was resting at the swing while watching him play with Sanghyuk and Taekwoon-hyung, but when Sanghyuk threw the ball to him, he suddenly stopped and stared at you guys." Wonshik explained.

"We should head home now, maybe Jaehwan's really tired," Taekwoon-hyung said and proceeded to gather the bags.

"Taekwoon's right, and our parents will be worried, they have no idea we went here, so I guess I'll see you guys again at school tomorrow?"

If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up yet. Please.

"Jaehwan-ah, is there a problem?"


I hugged them, I feel like crying any moment now. I missed this. I missed all of these.

"No hyung, I'm just really happy to have you all. You guys are the best!"

"Aww, our Jaehwan is being cheesy!" Hakyeon-hyung teased while the others laughed. I smiled.


"Jaehwan-ah?" It started fading, everything was turning into pitch black. No, what's going on? I don't want to go yet..

"Jaehwan-ah, are you okay? The van's already outside."

I opened my eyes and saw Hakyeon-hyung standing at the door.

Have I been sleeping? I looked at my watch, 6:21.

"Hurry up and get those boxes outside. Everyone's waiting at the car.

I looked at the box, and shifted to the radio I was holding. I smiled.


In an old box, my childhood sleeps. Like an old tale, the times that I miss, I took it out.

In an old box, exciting and scary things, everything was interesting, it's my time machine.

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ataingan #1
Chapter 1: Aww.. Good story... They're together since childhood up until now... and time machine is one of my most fav vixx song... Thanks author-nim for this <3 <3
vixxcha #2
Chapter 1: its really nice story .. i also wish can back to my childhood time..T.T..tq for the story authornim ^^